Senior lecturer Kuznetsova Y.A.

Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan

Associate professor Yassinskiy V.B.

Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan


Network technology of remote training at teaching the course of physics in technical universities


In 1999 in Law of Kazakhstan's Republic “About education” [1] remote education in Kazakhstan has been defined as a new, special mode of study. In this document remote educational technologies have been defined as the technologies of training, which are carried out with application of information and telecommunication means existing on distance. Certainly, new mode of study has interested leading high schools of Kazakhstan, and gradually began to take root first as experiment, including at the Karaganda State Technical University since 2002.

Realization of remote educational technologies [2] is carried out by following kinds: TV-technology, network technology and a case-technology. The network technology provides support with study-methodical materials; interactive interaction trained with the teacher and with each other, and also administration of educational process on the basis of use the Internet.

On physics department at our university [3], the system for remote education MOODLE — “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment” [4] has been introduced.

The environment gives a modular principle of training. The teacher all training course realizes in the MOODLE environment — its sections, themes, etc., including and the supervising block. All lecture, practical material and supervising tasks settle down in MOODLE system to which the teacher has possibility to address in the course in all teaching of a course. Apparently from Figure 1, in the created courses the student has possibility to receive all material necessary for training, and also performance of control and laboratory works [3]. In this system courses on disciplines “Physics 1” and “Physics 2” and "Physics" for students of all specialities under the confirmed working curriculums according to typical curriculums are created.

The structure of electronic study-methodical complex is presented in the form of following modules:


Figure 1. The “Physic 2” structure

1. The informational module.

The informational module includes:

The academic calendar, in which the purposes and subject matter problems are described, by all kinds of works, the list of the basic and additional literature, and also acquaintance with point-rating system of marks and admission conditions for examination


2. The communication module.

The basic component at realisation of remote education by network technology is interactive dialogue between teacher and student. For this purpose provided: the chats-consultations which are passing with a necessary regularity, dialogue by means of various forums, message exchange etc.


3. The Study-methodical module.

This module includes:

Theoretical materials. These materials are presented in various forms:

The unique electronic textbooks presented in HTML (CHM) formats. Textbooks have: theoretical section, virtual laboratory, section for performance practical tasks, help files, other information (fig. 2).

Figure 2. The electronic book “Physic 1”

The theoretical section in the textbook is stated as much as possible in detail and supplied by a considerable quantity of author's illustrations and animations. Such volume of the information allows studying basic and additional course volumes.

The textbook also has convenient system of the navigation, allowing to move to any section of the textbook and to come back.

Shown textbooks possess huge popularity as among students of internal and correspondence branches, and among teachers

Besides, there is also more short, so-called an Internet the version with which students can familiarise in online a mode (fig. 3).

Figure 3. Online lectures

As it is known, as information mastering happen:

People perceiving the most parts of the information by visually.

People who basically receives the information through the acoustical channel.

People perceiving the most part of the information through other senses (sense of smell, touch, etc.) and by means of movements.

People at which the perception of the information happens basically through logic, by means of figures, signs, logic arguments. This category, perhaps, not most numerous in general among people. To schoolboys younger and middle classes such way of perception of the information usually not famous.

by sight — 35%;

by acoustical channel — 5%;

by senses — 35%;

by logic — 25%.

For two last categories of pupils in the given module began to join a new kind video lectures (fig. 4), executed by teachers of our department. This kind of teaching allows acquiring the information in more convenient form.


Figure 4. Video lectures

Materials for performance a practical training (fig. 5) include: examination variants, examples of its performance, a file with the physical constants, necessary formulas, an inquiry file.

Figure 5. Materials for practical trainings

The virtual physical laboratory includes many laboratory works. Each of works has: the virtual laboratory stand, theoretical section, an order of performance of work.

The block from test tasks for self-examination of student's knowledge. Here the student can estimate the knowledge and quantitatively (quantity of the typed points) and qualitative (what sections the student knows worse and what is better). Similar the test training apparatus allows to generalise the knowledge received at studing course and to be prepared to as for the total testing going already in offset, and to the further control actions.

Student supposed to intermediate certification for discipline after performance and delivery of all control actions established by the curriculum.

In the offered system following principles are most brightly expressed:

— A principle of training's presentation. Students can see all studied material at once. To make teaching material more evident do things that easily compatible with given environment: electronic textbooks, presentations, audio- and videofiles etc.

— The system and sequence principle realized in representation of a training course by a set of modules. In the beginning of any employment, and also during nonlearning time, there is a possibility to repeat the passed material, having come on the corresponding module of a course in system MOODLE. The given system also assumes possibility of generalization and material ordering.

Advantages of this educational environment:

The friendly interface, work with system does not demand special knowledge;

Flexibility in creation of courses in system (ample opportunities of the teacher at course creation, a choice of methods, modes of study and the control);

Automation of the course's content;

— High degree of presentation;

Possibility of student's self-checking. The student can pass the test, which will not be estimated, and student will see the committed errors; besides, it is possible to organize the fixed number of passage the test and number of attempts the answer on question;

Possibility to be trained during any time convenient for the student;

Possibility of repeated passage (studying) of a material; always it is possible to return to the passed module.

Introduction of training courses in system MOODLE has allowed to lift level of remote training essentially. The created courses successfully work many years, but also in this direction “there are no limits to perfection”. So, for example, in 2012 in Republic Kazakhstan governmental order from 2012/01/19 publishes new “Rules of the educational process’s organization on remote educational technologies” [2] where is supplemented and changes principles of realization remote training. Therefore courses are regularly supplemented with electronic training means; the training technique is improved also.


The literature:


1.     Republic Kazakhstan’s law “About education” ¹319-III —

2.     The governmental order of Republic Kazakhstan from January 19th, 2012 ¹ 112 “About the statement of Rules of the educational process organization on remote educational technologies”—

3.     Organization’s rules of educational process with application of remote educational technologies in KSTU. Karaganda — 2010.
