Psychology and sociology/13.
PhD in Sociology,
assistant professor A. I. P'yanov
The North-Caucasian federal
university, Russia
of changes of modern family proceeds in conditions and under influence of a
transitive status of the Russian society. The family the traditionally high
adaptive properties owing to which in history of mankind she has affirmed as an
irreplaceable generality of its life, saves in all social layers of our
society. However under influence of objective public transformations they at
times give failures and the family quite often loses the social appeal. Having
accepted the given thesis as a hypothesis, we shall examine separate aspects of
change of functional essence of family that is the important parameter of an
interlinking of the steady and changeable person in family life.
to start consideration of the subject declared by us reflecting families
happening in sphere processes, we shall concern specifications of such
conceptual categories as «a modernization», «transformation» and «a transitive
society». These categories to some extent reflect a status of change and
development of family as social institute and the family attitudes developing
in family as small social group.
the Russian sociological literature of concept «a modernization» and «transformation»
concerning family are treated any way and are used as synonyms. Meanwhile, on
the essence and the contents these concepts far are not identical. In the encyclopedic
dictionary the concept «a modernization» is determined as «change, the
improvement meeting modern requirements» [1, p. 817]. According to the Ozhegov's
dictionary of Russian language, concept «to transform» means «to transform from
one into another, to transform» [2].
family as fundamental social generality use of concept «transformation» not
legally as this process, apparently from definition, assumes transformation of
object, its transformation into new quality. Transformation is characteristic
for a society of a transition period, more likely. In a status of transition in
other quality transforming processes have
objective character, are accompanied by formation new societal systems. Social institutes and attitudes developing
between them are built anew, according to needs of radical changes for economy
and the politics.
concept «a modernization» reflects an essence of the family processes happening
in a society more precisely. The family concerns to number of the most
conservative subjects of a society and consequently possesses quality of
relative stability and autonomy. System changes in her happen both as a result
of its internal development, and under influence of public processes. But as
she remains essential the characteristic
of forms of life of the person be transformed to other quality she cannot.
of modernization (upgrade) of family us is understood as process of change of
all spectrum of its structure and system of functions which, however, does not
conduct to its denying as the form of life of the person.
concept «a transitive society» determines a specific status of society as open
system which is characterized by a status of unstable dynamic balance, social anomie,
growth of social conflicts. Objectively the transition period in historical
development of a society comprises both constructive, and the destructive
potential, that is a society in the development approaches to a point bifurcation.
It is a point of a choice of variants of the further development of a society.
This process find reflection in social institutes of a society and, first of
all, in family, influencing on its change.
family of a transitive society possesses approximately the same properties, as
a society. She is characterized by structural and functional instability,
mixture of old and new valuable systems and sociocultural samples of behaviour. In other words, the modern
family is a society in a miniature, with the formula of dichotomizing type: «traditionalism – «modernism», with inevitable contradictions and
family is the independent subject of society, but its isolation from it is
relative. As the part of the whole family through system of functions is in integrative connections with other elements of social system,
first of all with the state and other social institutes. Integration these connections in a democratic society it is
dictated by change of a paradigm of ability to live of the person in which an
imperative becomes development of subject and
achievement of an ego of identity.
family acts as the form of life of the person, as the fundamental structural
unit of society having the dual nature of institute and group. The elements
making structure of family create set of variants of cumulative activity. As
the link between the individual and a society family represents itself as the
subject of activity and is the spokesman of collective consciousness of the
members. In this connection a prominent aspect of consideration of the put
problem are structural changes which in many respects throw light on character
of modernization of family.
of researchers to family structure steadily high as the structure predetermines
many phenomenological aspects of social institute as integrity. In particular,
there is a direct communication between a valuable choice of the individual and
structure of a family generality, which element he is. Materials of our
researches speak that the more difficultly structure of a family generality on
number of generations, the above orientation on all-family values. Dynamics of family including a few generations
and numerical structure, in turn, as a mirror reflects demographic foundations
of a society (for example, types of marriage behaviour, sociocultural norms of quantity of children), strategy of
socialization, a degree of an individual autonomy of subjects in family group.
is necessary to recognize, that character of family structure is determined by
social and economic conditions of ability to live of family dominating over a
society. Hierarchy of social attitudes generates and determines patriarchal
type of family. Democratization of social attitudes conducts to becoming and
development of family equal in rights where spouses (the husband and the wife)
have the equal rights.
family in the Western Europe developed in two directions:
achievement of equality of genders;
rationalization and industrialization of house work.
of a duality of the Russian family differs certain originality:
the aspiration to an establishment of democratic principles in sphere of family
attitudes and to equal in rights division of house work is accompanied by a low
level of its industrialization;
the desire to live in conditions of free leisure and a high level of material
security proceeds in conditions of absence of profamily ideology and falling of
a level of the general culture.
features of the Russian family are reflected in all shape of family life of the
person. So, the family ideology with its values of a duty and the family
responsibility, domination of authority of parents gives up the place of
ideology «egocentrism» with its values of individualism, independence, personal
achievements. Centralized family-related the family is replaced decentralized nuclear family, in which determining the tendency becomes ego
changes mark an epoch of transition from child centrically models (which on
time coincides with classical monogamies and
adequate division of family role functions) to egocentrically (for which
equality of intersubject attitudes in vertically-horizontal a direction is
characteristic). In such family character of interpersonal attitudes of social
connections are done more complex, inconsistent and a stable. On the foreground
it is put forward, as that is demanded with a democratic social system,
realization of personal interests of subjects of family life. It conducts to
strengthening contradictions with former order of an estimation of a place of a
member of family under their real contributions in all-family a coin box. Transferring to the center of attention of
individual interests and needs leads to infringement as material welfare, and
emotional stability of family.
Egalitarism as new institutive, not dominating, but gradually
legalized the family right the type of social attitudes in
family sphere has marked itself stage-by-stage transition to formation of new
type of the family functioning already on other principles. This process in the
Russian society has regional specificity. For example, in social space of
people of Russia operate, are crossed and two hierarchical principles contact:
one is based on tradition, another on a nonconventional way of an establishment
of attitudes. The given dualism accordingly forms new shape nuclear families, and he finds reflection in all variety of
interaction of people in conditions of family life, making symbiosis of
traditions and innovations. But in Russia characteristic feature egalitarian families is a display and reproduction paternal
attitude at various levels of a social reality. First of all, it is long, down
to education of affiliated family, material dependence of children on parents.
processes happening in family sphere are evidently visible on an example of modernization
of system of functions. The society always had own expectations in relation to
family that finds reflection in investment with its whole set of social
functions. They are deeply historical and vary together with a society. However
here again there is a contradiction between social and family needs which
follows from the main contradiction of a modern epoch – contradictions between
the person and a society. This contradiction is the radical reason infringement
of balance of the modern world and conceals in itself opportunities
of increasing social explosions and accidents.
system of functions of family comprehensively covers all forms of ability to
live of its subjects. Therefore studying of functional essence of family means
research of all spheres of ability to live of the person.
to consider the active party of individual life of the person it is necessary
to correlate it with satisfaction needs of the person. These needs can be
realized both in family, and outside of family. In a science have already
received a wide circulation of concept «the world of family» and «the world
outside family». Family and out of a family parties of human life reflect space
of human life and are in dialectic interrelation: indissolubly, and the same
time without merging with each other. The degree of domination any of them is
determined by a place of the individual in system of social attitudes and that
role which thus the individual carries out in family as the basic, and also its
valuable installations. The dialectics family and out of a family life’s of the person is expressed in their addition
each other, creating complete system of its social life. Proceeding from it,
the most correct methodological approach is the approach at which in studying
family to the differentiated analysis needs and are exposed to function,
important for the individual and family, and on what counts concerning family a
society. In aggregate they express socially-active essence
of family.
system of functions indissoluble connection of family and a society is
distinctly shown. Function as a set of historically caused forms of activity,
reflects connection of family group with a society, and also an orientation of
its activity. The contents and hierarchy of these functions varies during each
historical epoch. At the same time, historical variability of the contents and
hierarchy of family functions testifies to «limiting stability» families as the
organizations of a life of people and its adaptive properties. Therefore quite
natural is elimination, destruction, partial loss by modern family of many
functions, replacements by their other social institutes, no less than purchase
by it is qualitative other, new functions responding realities of modern social
in family represent the form of activity of its subjects, system of their
mutual relations, and functions of family are the certain actions on
satisfaction of needs of the person in conditions family and social being of
the person. Carrying out the functions, the family enters the certain
interaction with other social institutes of a society. Results of the given
interaction are usually adequate to the contents of family ideology dominating
over a society and valuable samples of the profamily cultural environment whom
the majority of members of a society adheres. As the phenomenon two-uniform,
representing inconsistent unity natural and social, the family always tries to
commensurate the internal needs with needs of each of subjects of family life,
that proving the collectivist essence.
diverse needs, the person reproduces conditions of the existence, develops
itself as the person, and promotes satisfaction of needs of other subjects of
family life. Therefore it is possible to consider personal and public needs the
basic sources of historical variability of functions of family. Concurrence of
activity of the person and its results to objects in view gives rise to the law
of increase of needs according to which the satisfaction of one needs
stimulates occurrence new. These new needs are stimulus for the further
creative activity of the person. Depending on changes of needs of the person
and a society the family differentiates the functions: appear new, others
change, the third leave in nonexistence.
conditions of a transitive status of a society the family gets the increasing
value in a social system. The new, information phase in historical development
of a postindustrial society puts forward a priority of knowledge and its
carrier – the person, as its basic value. Value of family as main investor in
development of education (training and education) the members considerably
increase. That, the basic functional loading of family in these conditions is
based in sphere of socialization and an increment of knowledge – formation of a
mental potential of a society. The significant share of expenses for all kinds
of education falls on family. The knowledge becomes the major factor of
valuable life of family and a society. The function of socialization sold by
family concerning rising generation in sphere of its education and education,
become priority in movement to new type of a society. In an ideal this movement
should be materialized on a way of achievement by family of a level of economic
self-sufficiency and expanded (in interests of a society) reproduction of human
of family to the changed conditions immediately has affected and realization of
its unique social function – reproductive. The family is connected by this
party of the activity with such conditions of a life of people as development
of production of goods and reproduction of society.
Sociologists and social demographers connect reduction
of level of birth rate (reduction of quantity of children in a family) to
change of valuable orientations of individuals and social samples of home life.
Transition to from traditional to an industrial society involves change of
requirements in a considerable quantity of children in a family. On change to
social norms of high level of birth rate social norms of low level of birth
rate come.
of norms of quantity of children was characteristic
in XX century for all developed countries of the world in which the new type of
reproduction of the population and democratic principles of family attitudes
have affirmed. By estimations of the majority of experts, in all developed
countries birth rate considerably below a level of simple replacement of
generations. It is accompanied by growing ethnocultural pluralism which we
shall compare to social transformation of a world scale that causes opposite
estimations. One see in them development by the western civilization of new
type of reproduction of the population, others – decline of this civilization,
loss of unity and national identity because of intensive injection of elements
of other culture.
social necessity for reproduction of the population is in the best way
satisfied with family as such form of the organization of a birth and education
of children at which public needs are realized through personal motivation of
individuals. The future of family as social institute is provided only until a
society in a status to reproduce this personal motivation.
reason of increase of a social role of family is caused by its value as factor
of democratic transformations in a society and achievements of a significant
level of an individualization of behavioural stereotypes of people in
conditions of family community. The given function of family was included into
a scientific turn under the name «particular function». Development of modern
family in many respects is connected with increase of a role and value of
personal potential in family and social attitudes. In our opinion, it means
formation of such type of family where the maximum value becomes development of
the person of the individual, its rights and freedom. It will cause gradual
change of substantial potential of function of the primary social control.
Concurrence of the social and family control, and also increase of a role of
self-checking in sphere of social and family behaviour of the individual will
lead to that the accent from the social and family control will be transferred
on internal regulators. Hence, from our point of view, supervising function
from external regulators (and families) will pass the states to internal
self-checking the behaviour from the legislative and moral person.
summary it is necessary to emphasize especially, that the family is the system,
the most adapted to influence as the individual, providing its needs, and on a
society as a whole, increasing its riches. The human civilization cannot be
presented without family and a family way of life. On the contrary, only in
conditions of the given civilization can and necessary preconditions for
development of family which will be the effective and long-term factor of
social progress of a society should be created all. The inclusiveness of system
of functions of family in process of social transformation in many respects
will depend on the chosen paradigm of social development of Russia.
The Soviet encyclopedic dictionary [Text] / edited by A. M. Prokhorov. – Moscow: Publishing house “Soviet encyclopaedia”,
1982. – 1600 pp.
Ozhegov S. I. The Explanatory dictionary of Russian language [Electronic
resource]. – URL: