Технические науки / 12. Автоматизированные системы управления на производстве


Candidate of Technical Sciences Bisterfeld O.A.1,

Ionov D.O.2, Ionova O.O.2

1 Ryazan State University named for S.A. Esenin, Ryazan, Russia

2 Ryazan State Instrument-making Enterprise, Ryazan, Russia

Efficiency estimation in case of software implementation into enterprise management system


Implementation of information technologies in an enterprise management system is a complex challenge. The manager of the enterprise where any information systems already work, has a dilemma: or to spend the considerable amount for the "integrated solution" which effect far isn't obvious, and thus to throw out out-of-date programs which, don't correspond to the modern level of implementation, but are checked by time and "work"; or to leave everything as is, and to forget about the modern concepts of ERP, e-business and other achievements in the field of management and, respectively, to lose certain competitive advantages [1]. In these conditions it is necessary to automate:

-       comparing of efficiency of different software  in case of its designing,

-       tracing of software efficiency in the course of its maintenance.

There are six characteristics which with the minimum duplicating describe quality of the software: Functionality, Reliability, Usability, Efficiency, Maintainability, Portability. There are only few standard metrics for above-mentioned characteristics. The organizations and standardization departments can set own process models of estimation and methods of formation and check of metrics for different scopes and stages of life cycle.

Estimation process of software quality consists of three stages. The purpose of initial stage is establishment of requirements in terms of characteristics of quality and possible complex indexes. At the second stage it is necessary to select metrics, to define levels of ranging and criterions of an assessment. The appraiser shall prepare procedures for summation of estimation. We suggest to use the program [2] for calculation of the generalized index.

The last stage includes measurement, ranging and an assessment. Result is the inference about program quality. Taking into account other factors, such as time and cost, the head makes decisions on accepting or rejection, or on release or not release of program production (in case of design and certification); about measures for restoration of integrity (in case of maintenance).

The set of criteria for synthesis of optimum building block systems of the data handling [3] based on minimization of different characteristics (indexes of characteristics (Pmni ), for example, summary load time of system and service of requests) is known. The accounting of additional characteristics which shall be maximized is necessary for systematic integral assessment of quality of software products (indexes of such characteristics Pmxj). In the program [3] the generalized index of K considering both minimized (Pmni), and maximized (Pmxj) indexes of characteristics with weight factors of kpi and kpj is used:

    .                                                                     (1)

Constant CΣ in expression (1) can be used for scaling of measure values for convenience of graphic representation of results. Weight factors are, as a rule, selected by experts, the specific goal of estimation is considered also. 

The criterion possesses the linear sensitivity to measure values of characteristics in case of which the relative changes of any index lead to the same changes of K (taking into account weight factors):


The program for measure calculation of software efficiency contains a database, database requests, screen forms for access to a database and reports with the processed data of a database. The database provides data storage: on system as a whole, on system components, and also measure values of its characteristics.

After input of indexes, values of criterion will be calculated and reports with comparative estimates of programs will be output. Report forms can be various: the tabular report, the tabular report with the chart, the chart.

The collection of data permanently replenished on the project progress provides software estimation and can be used in case of quality management of operations and monitoring of compliance of created system to specification requirements, and also when monitoring integrity of system (components) in use.



1.    Fedorov B., Makarenko V. Menedzhment vnedrenija informacionnyh tehnologij v sistemu upravlenija predprijatiem. [Management of implementation of information technologies in an enterprise management system]. – URL: http://www.manage.ru/itm/manit.shtml (1.07.12).

2.    Bisterfeld O.A. Programma rascheta kriterija jeffektivnosti programm i programmnyh kompleksov. [Program of calculation of criterion of efficiency of programs and program complexes]. / Bisterfeld O.A.,  Hlebnikov N.Ju./ R.F.  Program certificate № 50200700938, 2007.

3.    Mamikonov A.G., Kulba V.V. Sintez optimal'nyh modul'nyh sistem obrabotki dannyh. [Synthesis of optimum building block systems of data handling]. – Moscow: Nauka, 1986. 276 p.*