Kerimbayev N.
Kazakh state feminine pedagogical
university, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The concept of fundamentalisation the nature of educational process, the broad
development of the perspective system of the education are orientated to
forming the informative society. The process of informatization of society
requires from the system of the higher education the specialists, possesses the
new information technology.
The modern
innovative technologies of teaching can provide the high level of education
quality and can guarantee to achieve the educational aims.
The perspective direction of computer education is the usage of computer
science and the new informative technologies for forming the informative
competence as the component of professional- methodological system for the
future teacher’s preparation.
The principle of professional-methodological is one of the leading and
fundamental principles in theory and practice of educational process in a
pedagogical institute. The process
of students’ informative competence cultivation occurs in the process of learning the computer
Informative competence of future
teacher consists of informative knowledge, informative skills and abilities,
expressing in the total valuable orientation, professional activity and
reflexive communicative competency. All
of the enumerated above components of information competence of a teacher are
interconnected and interdependent.
Professional methodological system is the pedagogical structure, which
components are: aims, content, methods, forms and facility of education. Informative competence as one of the most important
components of professional methodological system expects the decision of the
problems of preparing physicists-teachers, who have the modern informative
communicative technologies, who can use the computer facilities in process of
teaching. The structure of informative competence of a teacher
can be revealed through the pedagogical skills, reflecting the theoretical
preparation: skills; the practical preparation: external skills -
organizational, reflexively, communicative creative abilities of the students,
the development of their cognitive skills.
The Modern teacher must not only to have the knowledge of new
informative technology, but he must be a specialist upon their using in own
professional activity, also.
The permanent progress in the field of creation and
adoption to the system of education the facilities of ICT is the main impulse
to development and to intensification of education process, whose ideas and
specifics continue to act on the development of the modern education concepts.
Due to adoption the modern facilities of electronic communication at the
educational institutes it made the distance education possible, which is the
most important form of educational process. Adoption of new informative and
communicative technologies increases the access to education, but the expansion
of educational usage the facilities IKT makes easy the interaction between
different types of the educational institutions, different sources of
educational materials, it also provides the high effective support of the
distant location a teacher and students.
Together with development of
telecommunicate technologies the most important pedagogical facilities for
personal oriented teaching are the educational resources of Internet and the
electronic textbooks.
The educational electronic publications must contain the systematized
material of the corresponding scientific sphere of knowledge, providing the
creative and active mastering by students’ and learners’ knowledge, abilities
and skills; must possesses the high level of the fulfillment and artistic design,
the fullness of information, the quality of methodological toolbox, the quality
of technical fulfillment, clearness, logicality and the sequence of statement.
The correct and skilful usage of the modern informative facilities
allows talk about the forming of readiness of future teacher to use the
informative and telecommunicate technologies in their professional activity,
about the cultivation of informative communicative culture of the future
The informative communicative culture is necessary to consider in the
context not only of educational technical culture of the future teachers, which
presents collection of the knowledge, abilities and skills, gained in
educational cognitive and practical activity, but as the professional
pedagogical knowledge and skills on the rational usage of computer innovations,
that forming the basis of new informative technology in pedagogical process,
Efficient mastering of the potential of the facilities of ICT, forming
and development of informative communicative culture of the future teachers
promote the realization of the pedagogical possibilities and advantage of
computer technology usage in the educational process. This position is
expressed in the following scheme:
Free contact with the computer in the dialogue mode,
compile pedagogical training and controlling programs, knowledge of the role
and place of ICT in teaching of the definite school discipline and skills
methodical literate use of them are, by our opinion, the factors of functional
informative of future teacher literacy. The content and the structure of
informative literacy presents interconnection invariant component of content,
different and carrying applied character and concrete individual, realizing by
means of differentiation and individualization of the process of forming
informative communicative culture.
By means of different facilities of ICT
students have a possibility to get the information from different fields of
knowledge, to realize the creative potential, to form the strategy of
education. The use of ICT facilities allows the students to be trained in
accordance with their individual differences (with due regard for physiological
peculiarities of perception, memory and etc), by styles of perception of
learning material, rate of education. The telecommunicative access to the world
informative resources effectively influences on personal development. In this
sense students must know necessary using technological skills of the work in
the Internet, a skill to use software
programs (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and others), to work with
information. The use of the system multimedia promotes the intensification of
teaching, as they allow to create, keep, process and reproduce information in
the form of three-dimensional graphs, sound accompaniment, video, animation.
To new educational programs, using of ICT
facilities, refers "Method project". Using given integral technology
in process of teaching, future teacher can organize the different forms of
educational activity: reception of information on telecommunicative channel,
interaction with the network partners, the development of communicative written
speech of learners. The aim of the project method of teaching consists in
creation of educational informative telecommunicative resource, containing
interactive tasks. As a result of integration of the informative material,
presented in telecommunicative nets with educational, collective search
activity occurs the increasing efficiency of educational activity.
Under the condition of high pedagogical
school forming the integrated knowledge and generalized skills on the usage of
ICT elements leads to:
forming the general
information culture of future specialists, beliefs about informative world,
informative processes and phenomena;
realization of
innovative models for organization of the educational process;
increasing of efficiency
the educational programs mastering;
integration of the
theoretical teaching with the practical professional activity;
increasing of the
professional-pedagogical level of preparing the future teachers.
Forming of the given readiness as the process and the result of the
interaction its structural elements executes the certain functions:
methodological system forming, polytechnic, professional-pedagogical,
Informative and telecommunicate technologies play the enormous role in
the system of open and remote education. The improvement of the system of the open education is realized by the ways
of humanization and personal orientation of the education. Forming and operating
the system of the open education by means of modern facilities of telecommunication
are distributed in time and space.
Owning the arsenal of ICT facilities the
future teacher can differently build the process of education, choosing
different types of organizations of learner’s activity. So, for instance,
working with multimedia appendixes, learner can find in definite training
environment with inherent to it characteristic of interactivity, flexibility.
The ICT facilities are designed pedagogical communication, which result occurs
the development of learner’s motivation, forming learner’s personality, it is
created the favorable emotional climate of teaching.
The period of the graduation from high school of the
student’s knowledge about the computer science as the science as a whole and
its components, skills to use modern informative technologies in educational
process turn out to be united in integrated system. I.e. it is occurred the
integration of the knowledge and skills on the use of the elements of
informative technologies. The problem,
appearing in this stage – the integration of ICT with the infrastructure of the
education with due regard for the theoretical concept of the educational
process. The organization of the process of education with the use of ICT must
rest upon the following positions, which is necessary to take into account for
the future teacher:
- the field
of knowledge about informative and telecommunicate technologies, about ICT
facilities is the part of content of education;
- the facilities of ICT are the method, instrument of
teaching, directed to the decision of the educational objectives;
- a process of toolbox mastering of ICT brings to the
development of thinking, cognitive processes, creative activity.
The Future
teacher must know that the use of informative and telecommunicate technologies
puts its problem the creation such training environment, which promotes forming
of thinking, provides the processes of creation, the support of intellectual
activity of learners. Under informative-educational environment it can be
understood the collection of the computer facilities and the ways of their
operation, used for realization training activity (on determination of
L.N.KECHIEVA, S.R.TUMKOVSKY) it must be provided technological facilities, to
have informative support of the educational process. That’s why the future
teacher must, be able to realize the aims and objectives of the pedagogical
education and development of the pedagogical science in modern conditions i.e.
to have organizing-methodological, technical and software programs.
The readiness of the future teachers to
the professional usage of informative and telecommunicate technologies it is
necessary to consider in the context of informative competence of the future
teachers of physics forming. This development must be realized at all of the
stages and levels of professional-methodological system of the future teachers
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