Mitrofanova I. V.
of Science (Economics), Leading Scientific Researcher of the Institution of the
Russian Academy of Science “Institute of the Social, Economic and Humanitarian
Researches of the South Scientific Center of RAS’’, Russia
Today the coordination, consolidation and inclusion of
the sectoral, regional and macroregional targeted programs into the priority
megaprojectos of the territorial development of Russia are prospective as a new
type of strategic projecting in macroeconomic and global dimension. Territorial
megaproject is an integral selective and targeted program of the interregional
scale, of macroeconomic significance and global character, including a set of
interrelated projects united by a common goal, resources and period of time.
The state has the right to
consider as a successful a reform that leads to long term capital intensive
projects. Megaprojects are the investments projects of a large amount (more
than 1 billion $) and psessing a global character
(independently from the territorial level of realization). In contrast to
financial investments, megaprojects are focused on the specific material
result, exerting a considerable and a prolonged influence on the transformation
of the economic space.
Russia has accumulated a
considerable historic experience of megaprojecting both positive (Transibirian main)
and negative (Baikal and Amur main). Nowdays the Russian government has exactly
formulated its strategic goals and has developed an integrated system of the
institutions for its realization. This fact became an powerful stimulus for the
creation of the whole set of megaprojects in Russia. The created by 2008 the
project base for megaprojecting is the result of both private initiative and of
the new state economic policy [1].
The problem of Russian megaprojects is their strong
accent on the industries that repeat the contemporary industrial and raw
material model of the country’s development. According to the amounts of
investments among the planned magaprojects prevail fuel – energy complex,
metallurgy, infrastructural industries. However for the most part of regions,
where these projects are to be realized, the development of the infrastructure
and industry is just the first step for the implementation of the projects of a
higher materials processing and higher added value.
In the whole world megaprojects generate the
development of the adjacent sectors, economy of high raw materials processing,
services and knowledge, become the kernel of the modern clusters, consumers and
suppliers of the giant number of goods and services, centers for interregional
economic development.
Significant part of Russian megaprojects is connected
with industries of the new economy. They are big developing projects in the
real estate sector, chemical industry, timber industry, tourism, innovative
activity organization. In general the planned megaprojects ensure a
considerable shift in the economic development of the country into the Asian
part of Russia. The Ural, the Siberia and the Far East are macroregions where
during the following 15–20 years the capital intensive growth will dominate
that will be based on the coordinated actions of the state and business on the
realization of the big specific investment projects.
The realization of megaprojects is connected with
organizational and legal, administrative and managerial, macroeconomic,
financial, engineering, political and other risks. Thus, organizational and
legal risks are due to the fact that Russian megaprojects are realized in the
constantly changing legal environment. The normative and legal base of the
Russian Investment Fund, “Law on Concessions”, “Law on Special Economic Areas”,
legal base of the state companies and corporation work are being endlessly
Or else, for instance,
let’s take administrative and managerial risks. Unfortunately the megaprojects,
and especially complicated among them integrated territorial megaprojects, that
are being realized in Russia in the present time suffer from nonoptimal
management, multiplicity of the responsible executives. The “one window”
principle is necessary as the investors need that there would be one executive
representing both business originators and the state.
International experience confirm that the risks of the
routine and low quality engineering decisions are the most influential for any
megaprojects. Megaprojects are realized under conditions of the quite visible
problems in the Russian engineering industry. In spite of the appearance in the
Russian market of a wide range of large engineering and construction giants of
the international level, the quality of the engineering and construction
services market after a continuous break in the realization of the large
projects leaves much to be desired [1].
There were no new enterprises and infrastructures during last 20 years
and this fact has led to a serious degradation of the engineering. The only way
out is to restore the engineering industry again by means of private and state
efforts. However this process must take place in a close interaction of the
world leaders in engineering and to create a set of sectoral construction
organizations. For this it is necessary to liberalize a lot in technical
regulation and town planning policy as the technical town planning norms
approved in Russia are confused and conservative in many ways, are being
constantly complicated and there is no their unification and simplification but
only complication. More and more different agreements and expertises are
needed. It is necessary to follow the line of the convergence of homeland
engineering standards with international ones for achieving progress in this
important industry.
Clear instruments of state support are needed for the
creation of the housing infrastructure, special order of the land disposal,
special regime of the subsoil disposal within the realization of the integrated
megaproject of the territorial development.
Little experience of the existence of the development
institutes in Russia showed the deficit of culture and expertise in both risk
analysis and management of the territorial megaprojecting. An important feature
of a megaprogect is its publicity and large public reaction [2].
peculiarities typical of the projects of such level, status and scale are the
– they
ensure the improvement of the existing territorial proportions and the creation
of the new ones and the efficient integrative interregional relations for a
long term prospect which can determine the unanimity of the regional systems
interests. This fact intensifies the opportunities of the rational usage of
advantages of each of them for the common goal achievement and growth of the
aggregate efficiency functioning of social and economic complex of the district
in the whole;
– they
provoke the considerable distraction of the capital investments, material,
technical and labour resources at the continuing time lag for the obtaining the
expected outcomes and this can lead to the arising of the long term inertial
tendencies in the distribution of the capital investments and the usage of the
production potential of the district subjects;
– they
become the source of the origin of the centrifugal forces adjusting the
interests of industries and territorial formations that can lead to a chain
reaction that will affect numerous adjacent enterprises, taking part in the
megaproject realization;
– they
contribute to the creation of the powerful infrastructural objects of the
strategic (district and federal) significance which later become the condition
of the involvement into the economic turnover of the new resources and the
creation of the large centers of the economic and social development;
– they
need the accumulation of the resources by one common fund holder;
– they
make absolutely new demands to the assessment of the multipurpose disposal
opportunities of the territorial combinations of the resources and conditions
in the interests of the macroregional community;
– they
presuppose the participation of the organizations of different department
– they
are based on the combination of the sectoral, territorial and program planning;
– they
must reflect all the stages of the tirade “economy (production) – nature –
population” beginning with the theoretical and methodological premises of the
preplan research and investigations and finishing with real production
– they
encourage the development of the mechanism of the integrated non-departamental
expertise of large scale correlated projects, being part of a megaproject;
– they
have the uniqueness of the temporal and special frontiers within which the
problems of the territorial development having “program nature” can be solved
most consequently [3].
in Russia administrative experience on the basis of the program and goal
approach to the development of territories of different level allows to reveal
a number of conditions requiring the application of such an instrument as
megaprojects for territorial problem solving.
the impartial necessity in the territorial megaprojecting arises in presence of
problems which by nature are multipurpose and integrated and the traditional
methods of sectoral and territorial administration and planning turn out to be
insufficient for the grounded decision taking with an allowance for the situation
complicity engendered by varied tangle interests and relations inside a
territorial community.
the time interval needed for the problem revelation and problem removal does
not fit as a rule into the middle term (3–5 years) period. Meanwhile it is
exceptionally important to analyze in time the whole history of the origin of a
particular problem together with the revelation of its important stages of its intensification.
Every problem of the territorial character has it own temporal logic of
megaprojects are necessary when the area of the dissemination of the
territorial problems does not coincide with the nets of the economic and
administrative division into districts. Territorial borders of the decision of
these or those social and economic problems depend both on the potential
resources capacity and the scale of the factors of production involved into the
economic turnover taking into consideration the radius of influence of the
program measures.
As the
historic and contemporary homeland experience shows there are at least two
prevailing limits of the territorial problem solving. In the first case
problems of such linkage at their practical realization unite several
administrative units bound by the common idea of the problem solving. In the
second case the territory within which a problem is being realized, occupies
only a part of an oblast, region, district. A rare exception is the situation
when the territory having a specific problem completely coincides with the
boundaries of this or that administrative territory.
territorial megaprojects are reasonable in case of occurrence of the necessity
of the complex disposal of the natural resources of intersectoral and
multipurpose usage. Intensification of the intersectoral significance of the
natural resources makes contemporary demands for the assessment of the
opportunities on the multipurpose usage of every resource in interest of
numerous interested territorial subjects and different organizations. This fact
leads to the change of the traditional approaches according to which every
interested department approached the prospecting and resource disposal from
subjective point of view (for their own problem solving) and corresponding
requirements to their qualitative and quantitative features. As a result one
and the same resource was examined by numerous organizations autonomously and
this led to the duplication of works and consequently to their value increase.
In addition at the resource assessment from the point of view of the
development of different spheres of the national economy on the strength of
their limitedness the contradictoriness of their interests was inevitable. The
integrated usage of natural and intellectual resources requires a intersectoral
approach. Its usage will allow to create a highly efficient economic structure
of a territory, to ensure the formation of a common production and social
infrastructure, contributing to a more reasonable disposal of its natural resources.
megaprojecting becomes indispensable when existing forms and methods of
management prove to be incapable to ensure the reciprocal coordination of a
number of projects of sectoral and intersectoral character, united by common
goals and objectives. Meanwhile such linkage is absolutely indispensible
already on the strength of the fact that coordination of sectoral interests
inevitably engenders a chain of inner contradictions. Thus, every industry
project must ensure the realization of quite specific production and economic
objectives for that terms and the sequence of its stages of realization are
determined in compliance with the resource opportunities.
criterion for the determination of temporal parameters of a project is a
purpose orientation of an industry. However optimal sectoral terms of the
project realization can not coincide with the terms of the whole problems
realization or even can lead to the violation of its temporal logic. It is
evident that the creation of a net schedule obligatory for all ministries and
departments even within a prospective strategic industrial planning is quite
complicated. And only in the process of the development of a territorial and
purposeful and targeted program it becomes possible to solve problems connected
with the formation of the most reasonable proportions between production and
non manufacturing capital investments, various infrastructural sectors,
construction industry and investment rates.
megaprojecting is efficient in case of the necessity of an integrated economic
development of new territories especially complicated and hardly accessible
ones. It is possible to develop the resources of such territories only at the
integrated solving of social and economical and scientific, technical problems
an their development, among which the main are: 1) carrying out of multilateral
scientific and research works on the study of the components behaviour of the
natural environment at various regimen usage of natural resources; 2) analysis
of the opportunities usage of technological systems and means of production,
ensuring the labour saving and reduction of the influence of the complicated
social and weather conditions on the production activity, the way of life of
people and contributing to the efficient economic development of natural
resources of a territory.
departing methodological statements which must be put into the basis of the
territorial megaprojecting to the study and programmable problems removal of
the territorial linkage that have a “program nature” are: 1) pronounced
interdisciplinary and systematic character of the preprogrammable research
within which the integration of problems of theoretical and applied character
is especially clearly revealed. As a result it becomes possible to elaborate a
common system of notions, quantitative assessments, permitting to use the
obtained partial results for integrated conclusions and generalizations; 2) the
importance of the role or preplan research and project study at the direct
participation of scientific and project organizations which is conserved and at
the elaboration of specific practical decisions taken at the stage of the
program realization; 3) multiple choice character of the different aspects
elaboration of the territorial goal program for different environmental
conditions when the most heterogenous, planned for realization measures must be
correlated and agreed upon, ensuring the program integrity. The presence of
different variants of a territorial program enlarges the opportunities of the
usage of the engendered in it flexible properties; 4) the necessity of the integral solving of the
problem connected with the provision of the harmonious interaction of the
elements of the production forces of a territory with its natural environment.
This requires the application of such technological schemes and means of
production which would not lead to the violation of the acceptable “intrusion
norms” of people and managed by them manufactures into the natural environment [4].
reality is such that the state regional policy in Russia has a propensity for
the objects, processes and proportions of the mezolevel of the national
economic space. Urgent necessity of the active adoption of the efficient
federalism principles requires the transformation of the existing today ideas
about federals districts of Russia into the comprehensive whole of the
formation of the strategic management system of their development capable to
ensure a high level of the special and temporal coordination and
interrelatedness between the systems of territorial management, marketing and
different functional properties, measurements of important spheres of
macroregional community life. Today regions and federal districts are supposed
to play an important role as organizers of the processes of the change of the
“economy of resource development” into the “economy of their systematic
reproduction (restoration and multiplication)” being the space of the
interaction of resource subsystems.
for the present moment federal districts of Russia are rather mechanical
consolidation of regional economies of a conglomerate type in presence of real
premises and opportunities for the improvement of common conditions of the reproduction.
The integration of the parts of these conglomerates into harmonious territorial
social natural and economic systems is possible only on the base of the
strategic management and innovative tools of the territorial adminstration i.e.
strategic megaprogramming.
territorial strategic plans that are being realized today in Russia in the
format of a megaproject (“Complex development of the Southern Yakutia”, “The Ural
industrial – The Ural polar” etc) are mainly directed on the transformation of
the economic space of the eastern part of the country. This activity even in
presence of all predictable effects for the subjects of these macroregions
cannot but strengthen the asynchronous character, asymmetry and differentiation
of the space development. The necessity of the creation of the Russian South
macroregion strategy in the format of a megaproject has arisen. This project
must become a new way of strategic programming in the macroeconomic and global
goal of a megaproject is the development of the South of Russia as megaregion
in the global economic space. Strategic vectors, substantially developing the
idea of a megaproject include: the creation in the South of Russia new and
development of existing international transport corridors and road nets,
modernization of sea and river ports, airdromes, railroad terminals,
rationalization of the energy supply structure, widening of the recreational
complexes infrastructure, investment support of unique natural reserves of the
Northern Caucasus.
the successful realization of these projects requires the involvement into the
strategic programming all the subjects of the South of Russia in a systematic
format and is impossible without the support of the federal center. Only the
combination of the state directed development with the initiative of subjects
of different levels of the spatial hierarchy will allow to realize competitive
advantages of southern regions of the country, to raise their importance in
global and national economic space.
given territorial megaproject should be considered as an integral selective
targeted program of the interregional scale, macroregional importance and
global character, including a number of interrelated projects united by the
common goal, dedicated resources and determined for this execution time [5].
coordination, consolidation, inclusion, complete or partial inclusion of
sectoral, regional, district federal targeted problems into the into the
priority megaprojectos of the territorial development of Russia are prospective
as a new type of strategic projecting in macroeconomic and global dimension [6].
mechanism of formation and realization of a district megaprojects wants the
enforcement of the middle administrative level. The collaborators of the
Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science and the scientists
of the Volgograd State University made proposals on the organizational
structure inprovement of a territorial megaproject administration “Development
of the South of Russia”.
following measures were supposed to be taken in the South of Russia:
1) The
creation of the directorate of the federal targeted programs at the
Presidential Missions in the South and North Caucasus federal districts. This
direction would be responsible for the strategic program and targeted research
and the explanation of practical measures in the given direction working full
design of territorial megaprojects of federal district development is a
relatively new, a complicated and a prospective task. Its successful solving is
possible only on the basis of the creative cooperation and within of an
integrated, well staffed, and qualified group of specialists. The mentioned
group was supposed to be created under the scientific and methodological
leadership of the Council for the Examination of the Production Forces at the
Ministry of the Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of
the Regional Development of Russia, of the Southern Scientific Center of the
Russian Academy of Sciences with the involvement of the scientists from the
leading higher education institutions of the South of Russia. The support for
such a team must be the Megaproject direction [6].
2) The
establishment of the Strategic Council of the South of Russia. It is planned to
be a constant body for the creation of a set of first priority program projects
and its expertise, to carry out a constructive assessment of the taken measures
and the achieved results with the aim of their phased yearly adjustment on the
basis of the coordination of the interests of the representatives of all level
administration, business and public.
Strategic Council and the apparat of the South and North Caucasus federal
districts administration, being based upon the legal resource, given by the
President of the Russian Federation to the federal districts and using regional
scientific and educational complex must develop basic conceptual directions of
the development of the South of Russia as a document and then to inform about
its content to regional authorities as a frame for future studies and projects within
the megaproject “Development of the South of Russia”. And only the receiving of
reply strategies of every subject of the South macroregion will allow to adjust
the basic target and then to approve the agreed variant of the modernized
megaproject, ensuring ipso facto the ordered democratic procedure of the
decision making, respecting the balance of the interests of the federal center,
of the district, of the regions and economic units.
3) The
establishment of the strategic financial fund. The federal targeted program
“South of Russia” (2001–2007, 2008–2012) that has been being realized for these
years there is no clear mechanism of the targeted concentration and the
efficient distribution of the financial resources for the realization of
program steps that leads in many cases to the impossibility of the control for
their usage and leads to the dissemination of the financial resources and their
misuse. That’s why the creation at the macroregional level at the Presidential
Mission of the Southern and North Caucus federal districts of Russia of a centralized
strategic financial fund would allow to accumulate financial resources, whose
formation and usage must be realized on corporate basis, reflecting horizontal
and vertical integration of the social and economic complex of the South of
As an
indispensable measure it is advisable to raise the level of the interaction of
federal and regional executive authorities including the involvement of territorial
departments of the federal ministries and agencies. A substantial aid could
come from the Association of the economic interaction of regions (“Northern
Caucasus”, “Big Volga” and others), and from regional board of the executive
authorities [7].
an important vector of the modernization of the strategic programming of the
regional development of Russian macroregions is the institutional legalization
and functional strengthening of the integrated middle (district) administrative
unit of the large interregional targeted programs (megaprojects) at the expense
of creation of specialized organizational and administrative structures at the
Mission of the Russian President in the district (strategic district council,
district directorate, coordination public council, strategic district financial
fund) and their allotment with the corresponding powers.
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