Технические науки / 1. Металлургия


c.e.s. Shchepetov A.V., d.e.s. Senkus V.V.


Novokuznetsk branch-institute of FEI HPE "Kemerovo State University",

Russia, Novokuznetsk


The calculation algorithm of the approachability

of administrative influences

in organizational-technological systems


Enterprises with a continuous, cyclical technological process, likelihood character in the description of output and intermediate results of production, multiple performances of technological operations, are classified as organization of traditionally-technological systems. Such systems include, in the main, metallurgical factories with the full technological cycle, coal mines, chemical of the undertaking.

Organizational-technological systems, as well as all of the managed systems, have structural-parametric description, the characteristics of the functioning, the external and internal information descriptions, the target function, the system of criteria, defined by the laws of the control.

Based on the work [1,5], organizational-technological system are characterized by:

property of survivability - the ability of a system to perform at least the minimum volume of predefined functions, including at external influences, those are not provided by the conditions of its normal functioning

property of controllability  - the possibility of bring by management effects-of from the current state to the desired setting status for a fixed amount of time or for a specified finite number of steps of the control (impacts);

property of observability - possibility of obtaining reliable information about the managed system for any interval of time before the requested or current;

property of adaptation - changing of the structure and parameters, including the change of the structure of control itself for the global and local goals, and the property of topological adaptation consists in a space-time change (setting up) the structure of production, that is, technological units, transport communications, direction, intensity and other parameters of the resource, information and energy-economic nature.

Quality measure of the adaptation of the organizational-technological system is performance of the values of the objective function with an accuracy of up to specified criteria. Considering and analyzing the procedures of adaptation, it should specify the type and composition of the components included in the objective function of the system. Traditional presentation of the objective function, for example, in the economic literature, is associated with the maximization of the profits to a specified limited or unlimited period of time. Such an attitude to the systemic issues can be explained, in our opinion, the lack of attention to systemic issues and insufficient qualification of researchers.

Based on the concepts put forward and developed, for example, in works [2,4], it can be argued that the objective function of the production system has a fundamentally different type - maximization of the time of the life cycle of the system for compulsory execution during its existence, the set of values of the criteria. In some works of this type of the target function is called its global type. Such a view of the target function in many respects explains and substantiates the expediency of the functions of adaptation, and the need to develop and implement adaptation procedures is caused by necessity of requirements to ensure the survivability of the system.

It should be taken into consideration the fact that in the development of information model, for example, for the conditions of a metallurgical complex, you need to allocate enough of a large data set (in the shops of the complex "steel-hire" is registered up to 1500 parameters only for one technological route) minimal set of data, on the basis of which it is possible to analyze the state of production.

It is established, that for the problems of the structural-parametric adaptation is necessary for operational analysis of the dynamics of the four parameters: the grade of steel, the weight of steel on the operations and divisions, the temperature prior to and after the beginning of the technological operation, start and end time of the technological operation.

Chemical analysis, on the basis of which is determined by the affiliation of steel to one or another brand, can be successfully replaced by the id of steel grades. Similarly, the size of rent can be classified by groups of accessories (rails, lightweight profile, heavy profile, billets). Further, the formation of analytical information on the state of production, it is necessary the development and implementation of correct mathematical model, for example, presented in the work [3].

Each operational management impact on organizational and technological parameters of metal-stream in the complex of workshops "steel-hire" metallurgical combine is directed at bringing managed process of perturbed state in a given state. Exposure of metal-stream to controlled and uncontrolled disturbances (e.g., for hot transit metal in the normal state of production is, on average, 4-7 managerial impacts on technological route), defines as the requirements of their minimization, as well as the requirements of achievability of the final result of the impact. System requirements for the achievement of management solutions for operational management of the complex "steel-hire", implemented in the form of the block-specific algorithms include:

Phase 1. Formation of such information image of the controlled process, during which there is no or it would be minimal the error control, caused by doubtful information.

Phase 2. Generating of such management solution, which would be in the minimum number of steps management has led a managed process of perturbed state in a given state.

Phase 3. Forecasting of the impact results of the specific to the managed process and the determination of the prohibited actions, which generate new resent-owned by the state of production.

Phase 4. Correction of the forecast for the previous implementation, made in the previous step, and a comparison of the predicted values of the parameters with the required values.

Phase 5. Calculation  temporary and technological parameters for allocated follower of operations within the technological route, the correction of which is the management influence.

Phase 6. Calculation of possible changes of parameters of operations for the conjugate reagent strategic routes and formation of the list of "forbidden states", if it exists, return to step 3.

Phase 7. Calculation and generation of the obtained values of achievement, presented in the form of temporary recruitment of values of parameters of operations.

The inclusion of the software implementation of the proposed algorithm in the act of an automated system operative-dispatching management of the "steel-hire" OAO  "Novokuznetsk metallurgical combine" (Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region) has resulted in the online mode count the attainability of the technological route provided in the form of temporary recruitment of values of parameters of the operations, and the time of work program for the normal standing production of does not exceed 3-5 seconds.



1. Voronov A. A. Fundamentals of the theory of management [Text] / A.A. Voronov. - M.: Nauka, 1997. – 370p.

2. Glushkov V.M.  Models of dynamic systems [Text] / V.M. Glushkov, etc. - Kiev: Техніка, 1990. – 200p.

3. Kudrin B.I. Metallurgical plant and its system analysis for the design  [Text] / V.A. Avdeev, B.I. Kudrin. - M.: Gipromez, 1992. – 104p.

4. Kudrin B.I. Models and algorithms of the operational management [Text] / B.I. Kudrin, V.K. Butorin, V.A. Avdeev. - M.: "Electrica", 1999. - -140p.

5. Moiseev N.N. Mathematical problems of system analysis [Text] / N.N. Moiseev. - M.: Nauka, the Main editorial office of physical-mathematical literature, 1981. – 488p.*