Технические науки / 12. Автоматизированные системы управления на производстве


Kulyk A.Y., Kulyk Y.A.

Vinnitsia national technical university

Using median filter systems for transmitting information


 In systems of information transfer one of the main problems is clear informative signals from noise. It is fundamental and stems from the main purpose of these systems, transmission of information.

In communications systems information is often transmitted by electrical signals and them form can be significantly distorted by noise during transmission, which is determined by the nature of environment and transmission parameters of the channel. To clear a signal from noise are used different filters. Information transmission system which does not perform filtering of a signal from noise is ineffective, especially if the signals carry information in digital rather than analog form. In devices for transmitting information on the receiver side are frequently used digital filters that clean the received signal from noise.

Devices and algorithms for removing impulse noise can be divided into several groups. The first group includes methods based on the use of limited signals and key circuits. But they can be used only for certain types of signals, to a certain extent change the shape and substantially reduce the signal/noise ratio [1]. The second group includes adaptive compensation algorithms. They are difficult, work for small levels of noise and are considered only in theory [2]. The third group contains algorithms based on nonparametric statistical methods [3] and is quite resistant to the effects of interferences. However, they require training samples of the ensemble noise whose elements should be independent. Use of these algorithms in transmission of broadband signals causes difficulties, primarily due to the large number of calculations.
         First group used primarily in information transmission systems, second group in image processing.

Purpose of this article is building device with algorithm of quick filtering method.

Last time for removing impulse noise are often used median filters [4], which are considered very promising and can be one-dimensional and two-dimensional. Median filter is a sliding window that usually covers an odd number of N counts of analog signal. Initial value of filter   is a count for which in the window there are  counts less than or equal to him for the value and the same amount greater than or equal to him for the value


 .                                  (1)


The idea of the classical median filter is that, because the signal can only have determined amplitude, it is possible, with sufficient probability to estimate the level of noise in the received signal. Considering that that the expected value of noise is approached to 0, and for an informative signal is determined by some rationed defined value, and that noise exposed mathematical models describing it as random process it is possible to estimate the level of noise. Considering this, level of noise can be reduced by replacing the signal value averaged value from a several neighboring points. Amount of this points are determined by width (aperture) of the window.

The order of the filter N is determined by the size of aperture (window), which is used for filtering. The easiest, by definition, is one-dimensional median filter with three-count window [5]. For this filter are formulated the basic principles of hardware implementation, but for higher order filters it is very difficult. Program implementation to be substantially easier, since the bipolar digital signals output value equals to the arithmetic sum


 .                                   (2)


As to diminishing of hindrance it is necessary to know the not level of signal, but level of amplitude overfalls between nearby points, then the algorithm of rapid processing is based on the construction of difference matrices by the threshold function of satiation Fij = f (x i x j ), in which


.                                                 (3)


For filter with the aperture N = 5 for the first five values the matrix F0 will look like (4).

,           (4)


or in the generalized kind


     .                                      (5)


This matrix characterizes overfalls between nearby counts. The significance of these overfalls can say whether this point contains a random component, i.e. the hindrance. Shift one position along the row gives a matrix of values F1, in which need to count only nine values, which are located in the selected region


 ,                                 (6)


Thus, for realization algorithm of rapid processing of values by median filter it is necessary to carry out the row of actions:

·          to form the matrix F0 for first N registered values according to chosen aperture of filter;

·          to calculate the value F0.j for each columns of matrix F0;

·          to choose a necessary value from first N registered;

·          for the matrix Fn to define the value F(n + j)(n  + N – 1) and F(n  + N – 1)(n + j) at 0 < j < N;

·          from the preliminary calculated values Fn.j+1 to withdraw the value F(n – 1)( n + j) and F(n + j)( n – 1);

·          to the column F(n + j) of matrix Fn add the value F(n + j)( n  + N – 1).

Actions proceed until all values will not be processed.


 .                                 (7)

where TADC is duration of cycle of transformation of ADC;

TWR is duration of programmatic cycle start of ADC by an interface circuit by the moment of presentation of signal “Starting”;

TRD is duration of program cycle of read data from ADC from a moment determination of signal “End of transformation” to the moment of writing down data to the memory.


For information transmission can use the device, structure which corresponds to classical microprocessor.

At the transmitting side perform routine operations: read the array of discrete information, which should be transferred, in block of standard size from carrier of information, convert it in serial format, submit the readout information to the channel via a modem and transmit it via information channels  in additional can make coding and encryption.

On receiving side information receive from the communication channel via a modem and a signal demodulated in the modem; demodulated signal goes to the analog-digital converter, which is controlled by parallel port, filtering of a signal is performed by the central processor: difference matrix is formed after each received from the analog-digital converter via parallel port signal "end of transformation”, process it, and data stored on media.

For transmitter and receiver are used the same structural units. The difference between the transmitter and receiver that the transmitter does not use the ADC (and sends data directly to the modem) and have other structure of software.


Fig. 1 – Circuit of the device for transmitting information;


The device works like this: when you switch on the power of receiver the CPU 9 outputs to monitor 12 request of the initial block size information and forward the message entered from the keyboard 6. Then, CPU 9 performs read data from storage medium 5 in a standard size block of data in RAM 10. The CPU 9 sends bytes of information in parallel port 8, which transmits it to the modem 2. Next carried out program poll of register flags until will not set flag “the end of the transmission of the byte” which indicate that the byte of data is transferred to the channel 1. Then the next byte can be transmitted. The process is repeated for as long as all information contained on the media 5, will not be processed and transferred to channel 1.

In receiving mode the signal coming from channel 1 to modem 2, demodulated and comes to the analog-digital converter 3. After receiving the signal "start" from the CPU 9 through the parallel port 8 and take a first bit of data ADC 3 begins its work. After converting the first bit of information CPU 9 through the parallel port 8 reads and places them in RAM 10. The CPU 9 of the first N values obtained from the ADC, form difference matrix, processing its median filter implemented in program. Then, CPU 9 after receiving a signal the "end of conversion from ADC 3 reads the following value and for its further processing forms the following matrix difference.

The process continues until all processed values. After processing the information is written to the data carrier 5. At the same time it can be displayed on the monitor 12.

Using the median filter increases the reliability of received information by smoothing form of a signal. Fast median filter has a higher performance compared to other digital filters, and in most cases show better results. The best result  median filter gives at impulse character of the noise.

         Increasing aperture able to greatly increase performance, but require additional hardware and software costs.

This article presents an algorithm of fast median filtering systems used in information exchange, determined for different basic parameters of its components and the evaluation of its effectiveness.



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