Anetta Zielińska

Akademia Ekonomiczna we Wrocławiu, Polska


An application of multidimensional comparative analyses for the estimation of environment condition



1. Introductory problems


            Humans are strongly affiliated with natural environment and it is not possible to overcome those bonds. The influence of man on the nature (antropo – pressure) has disturbed the equality between different forms of economical and social activities of man and the quality of life.

            Development of human civilization, connected among other things with producing different sorts of goods, leads  on one side into improvement of quality of life but on the other side into creating all sorts of wastes, depredating natural surroundings.

            The environment plays a lot of different functions, beginning from biological, constituting life sustaining settings, through resources – creating function and producing one, ending at cultural and civilization function.

            Environmental protection in the side of the environmental law means undertaking or giving up those actions which are helpful in protecting or restoring natural equality. Those efforts depend on a rational action towards environment modeling according to the principles of sustainable development and they counteract pollution and can help to restore those natural elements to their original state[1]. Environmental protection includes water, soil, and air.

            All people are responsible for environmental protection which comes out straight from Polish Constitution and other legal sources. There are some series of laws regulating the way of executing designated treatments to protect the environment. The accomplishment of those tasks should assure ecological safeness and sustain natural equality. So the environmental questions should be taken into consideration with different realms of life such us society, economy and they should play important role in different strategies and programs of development at local, national, regional development.

            Trying to diagnose the condition of environmental protection for different enquiring objects (eg. household, company, local units of administration and government) we face some problems with establishing collective measurement for quality of environment. It is expected to consider what kind of methods  should be taken to estimate the quality of environment; for what enquiring objects the investigation should be undertaken and what describing environment feature should be appointed.

            To answer those questions the multidimensional comparative analyses (VAP) should be taken under the consideration. The method is helpful in estimating the level of environmental quality for investigating objects. The knowledge should be applied in the process of making proper economical – social – environmental decisions.

            The aim of the article is to illustrate possibilities for the application of multidimensional comparative analyses in the estimation of environment condition for different objects according to meaningful amounts of features, which play rational role on natural environment.


2. Environmental data


            Estimating environmental condition does not belong to an easy task and it requires familiarity of some details concerning environment: water, biota, quality of air and some environmental determiners such as: waste, business, agriculture, forestry, tourism and so on. Vast range of information concerning environment exclude possibilities of getting knowledge about all components. That is why recognition and estimation of values describing environment should be limited to some chosen elements which could be presented in a figure of environmental data.

            Information of environmental data include, among others, the following things:

·        Natural conditions (geographic, hydrographic);

·        Condition and changes in exploiting resources of the earth, threats and protection of the soil;

·         Protection of nature, landscape and biodiversity;

·        Waste products created by industry and community;

·        Jon radiation and noise;

·        Economical aspects of environmental protection[2].

To overhaul many-sided environment analyzes it should be taken variables in three aspects:

·        Environmental,

·        Social,

·        Economical.

Therefore those three areas are taking into consideration on measuring the natural environment and they are presented by table 1.

 Taken into consideration mentioned above areas have strong impact on environment, or  in other words environmental antropopression which takes place in all possible objects ( eg. industry, units of territorial administration government). They do not cover all aspects connected with economy society and natural environment.


Table 1. Fields having meaningful impact on a natural environment








Material supply



Resource absorbency of economical growth


Health and its protection

Development of economical activities

Water resources, its consumption

Quality of life

Sustainability of economical growth

Water quality

Economical activity of people

Economy openness



Air quality


Structure of soil usage

Usage of pesticides

Nature protection and forestry resources

Biodiversity protection


The source: own elaboration.


3. Multidimensional comparative analyses


            Differentiation of available data in comparative analyzes describing natural environment determines necessity of using some various measurements with different extends. It makes impossible to compare situations on different levels, and sometimes on this same level when single types events happen changeable.  Advisable in this case it would be to find such a method which enables natural environment estimating process objective [3]. It is possible to choose multidimensional comparative analyses method, which aims at multidimensional comparative research (WAP). It is a tool that helps in establishing  statistical regularity around investigated aggregation where single units are described by relatively representative set of environmental data.

            Advantage of aggregative measures makes available surveying multidimensional occurrences as well as settling objects and qualification their position according to established criteria. Essential domain of aggregative measures is composed qualification by means of one value of number – it makes possible comparative analyzes and it systemizes partial figures, which might not be enough readable in univocal estimations. Those measures are also limited: they lead into simplified establishments and sometimes it is not possible to settle down their direct interpretation[4].

            The analytical problem, which refers to the condition of natural environment, is a complex phenomena. Classified objects are characterized by many features, which makes difficulties of those objects qualifications by formal procedures, which are very helpful for objective research of the problem  in complex phenomena.

            First step for multidimensional comparative analyses consist in standardization of variables (quality of elements having impact on the environment). Drawing up of standardization of variables must not limit to the situation where all possible variables takes form of stimulants, that means they have got positive influence on investigated natural environment. In case of variables, happening in the setout, which remind destymulants or noninants, there is a necessity to fix them up as stimulants[5].

            Next operation in VAP depends on eliminating names (values of elements having impact on environment) within investigated variables and standardizing the orders of magnitude for making them comparable (nominalization). The following, most often, forms of nominalization are[6]:



where x   - arithmetical mean j environmental data (feature),

S j standard deviation   j environmental data (feature),

xoj – the base of normalization j environmental data (feature), which might be represented by Sj, Rj, Xj, max (xij), min (xij).

            After using one of the normalized forms for all environmental variabilities we receive standardized matrix of data (Z), which is valuable for next estimations.

            In case non-standard formula, as pi takes form of normalized mean of environmental values (features) for particular objects. For “the best” object it is chosen that one which demonstrates max value pi, on the other hand “the worst” one is that with – min pi:

            Subsequent to those operations we can count chosen measure of VAP. There are two types of classification in multidimensional comparative analyses:

·        hierarchical classification,

·        nonhierarchical classification.

Hierarchical classification uses linear ordering methods of objects setting. The aim of those methods depends on arranging (pointing sequences) of objects or their settings. Those methods can be used only in situations, when a certain superior criteria is possible to established for sequencing objects from “the best” to “the worst”. The tool for the method of linear ordering is synthetic measure of development (SMR), which plays certain function of aggregating particular information contracted in each variables and appointed for all objects. Aggregating formula of variables might be divided on standard and non – standard once[7] .

Standard formula depends on inquiring of particular objects distances from standard object, which in general is lower or upper pole of development[8]:

·        upper pole of development which includes the most advantageous values of particular environmental data (features); “the best” object occurs that one which assume minimal value pi, but “the worst” that one with max pi;

·        lower polar of development (including less advantageous values of particular environmental data (features); “the best” object occurs that one which assume maximal  value pi, but “the worst” that one with min pi



pi – synthetic measure of development for i object;

m – number of data describing environment (feature);

zijstandardized value of j environment data (feature) in i object;

z0j – coordinate j environmental data (feature) of object pattern.

In case non-standard formula, as pi takes form of normalized mean of environmental values (features) for particular objects. For “the best” object it is chosen that one which demonstrates max value pi, on the other hand “the worst” one is that with – min pi:



            Non – hierarchical classification depends on partitioning of heterogeneous set of the objects among certain number of classes, where similar objects are located, but in different classes the objects are not similar to each other because of established environmental data values.

            The object similarity extend is described by the measure of similarity, among which the measure of distance is used the most often. The measure of distance is regulated in <0;1> interval. The measure of distance values closer to 1 point  that objects are not much similar to each other because of established environmental data values, but numbers closer to 0 show high level of similarity among objects.

            The most frequent measure of distance (dij) is used Hamminga “municipal” measure[9]:




 zrj, zsj – normalized values of environmental data for objects “r” and “s”; j = 1,2,…,m.

            The measure suppose equal scales for all enquiring environmental data, that means they are attributed to equal importance to investigated environmental objects. In practice such a procedure is often questioned and it is suggested to use “scaled” measures of distance.

            Among them, the most known measures are:

·        Wroclaw taxonomy method (dendrite method);

·        Bowl method (cluster method).

Wroclaw taxonomy method depends on using dendrite. Dendrite, it is a polyline usually much arborescent but having not close ones.  Dendrite indulgiates divisions what makes sets ordered into groups of the objects in form of concentration, subset, elements similar to each other. Because of that there are classes consisting of group o objects which similarity inside the class is high but among classes is low.

Bowl method supposes that classified objects represent set of points in the pole of m – dimentional. For each of them it should be created a bowl with a radius “R” and assigned number of objects located inside each of them. Those objects are treated as “similar” to the objects composing center of the bowl.  Procedure of objects set division depends on establishing radius of the bowl assigning numbers of points inside of each bowl according do the matrix. The bowl consist the biggest number of points constituted in the bowl. Each enquired object has to be qualified into certain class. There are different procedures of establishing radius of the bowl - R[10]:




1)      The interval should limit radius and it might bi the number established arbitrary:



2) The radius appointed according to statistic formula:




4. Resumption


            Methods of multidimensional comparative analyses constitute valuable source of information, because using meaningful set of data describing objects it is possible to make classification, appointing the best object or choose sets of objects which are equal to each other compatible with the condition of environment.

            Applied characteristic of WAP leads to following conclusions:

·        There is increasing interest with environmental problems, so the application for comprehensive information becomes necessary. There is a big need of measuring and enquiring  the state of environment;

·        The important objective depends on selection features in proper way, what is connected with the access to the environmental information. It is important to consider either positive and negative information. Insightful and essential analyzes require comprehensive acquaintance of problem.

·        It is necessary to establish proper ranges for particular features because there are not all enquired elements which could be considered as having impact on environment.

·        Considered measures might be helpful in case of making decision concerning environment.




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4.      Mazurski K. R., Nasilenie zanieczyszczenie środowiska Polski w ocenie ilościowej, [w:] Problemy terenów zanieczyszczonych w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej, Race News Special Issue, Katowice 1999.

5.      Ochrona środowiska 2005, Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Warszawa 2006.

6.      Pluta W., Wielowymiarowa analiza porównawcza w modelowaniu ekonometrycznym, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1986.

7.      Strahl D. (red.), Metody oceny rozwoju regionalnego, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej, Wrocław 2006.

8.      Ustawa Prawo ochrony środowiska z dnia 27 kwietnia 2001, Dz.U. Nr 62, poz. 627.

9.      Zielińska A., Sej-Kolasa M., Excel w statystyce, materiały do ćwiczeń, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2004.


[1] Polish Environmental Law from 27 apriel 2001, Dz.U.Nr 62, poz. 627, art. 3 pkt. 13.

[2] Ochrona środowiska 2005, Główny Urząd statystyczny 2006, s. 40.

[3] More – K. R. Mazurski, Nasilenie zanieczyszczenia środowiska Polski w ocenie ilościowej, [in:] Problemy terenów zanieczyszczonych w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej, Race News Special Issue, Katowice 1999, p. 29.

[4] D. Strahl (red.) Metody oceny rozwoju regionalnego, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej, Wrocław 2006, s. 160.

[5] In the setting of variables concerning environment protection might occure: stimulants, destymulants, nominants. Stimulants are those variables which higher number values implicate expected changes of certain phenomena. Destymulants are those variables which higher values  show unexpected changes of certain phenomena.  Features of nominant are characterized by certain  level of saturation from which all deviations  implicates negative changes of phenomena [Pluta].

[6] A. Zielińska, M. Sej – Kolasa, Excel w statystyce, materiały do ćwiczeń, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego, Wrocław 2004, s. 92 – 93.

[7] More: E. Gatner, M. Walesiak, Metody statystycznej analizy w badaniach marketingowych, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej, Wrocław 2004, s. 351 – 355; T. Grabiński, Wielowymiarowa analiza porównawcza w badaniach dynamiki zjawisk ekonomicznych, Zeszyty Naukowe AE w Krakowie, Seria specjalna monografie nr 61, Kraków 1984, s. 38.

[8] A. Zielińska, M. Sej – Kolasa, Excel w statystyce, materiały do ćwiczeń, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego, Wrocław 2004, s. 97.


[9] A. Zielinska, M. Sej – Kolasa, Exel w statystyce …., p. 102.

[10] Op. cit., p. 103,