Renata stasiak – betlejewska[1]

Stanisław borkowski[2]


The computerization as one of main directions
of the retail banking development


Abstract: Changes happening in competitive surrounding of the financial services sector as well as tendencies in behaviours of market customers forced retail banks into fixing their attention on seeking new possibilities of
the activity development possibilities and new ways of bank organization management.
Potential possibilities, which are created by dynamic progress in the scope of computer technologies development, caused that
the computerization had become one of main directions of the retail banking development in
The motives as well as
connections of the retail banking computerization with bank strategies and effects
of introducing new computer technologies at chosen banks developing the retail banking in
Poland were discussed in the article.

Key words: retail banking, computerization, computer projects, strategy


1. Introduction

The entry of Poland to the European Union, which means also opening of the Polish bank services market for banks coming from West-European countries hence the increased degree of the competition on the bank services market forced retail banking into taking new quality, directed mainly for adapting the offer action to needs of the customer, standards of
the innovative service and the competitive offer.

A high profitability of assets was a positive side of polish retail banks for a lot of years, what than resulted from the low financial lever and low scale of assets. Bank assets return indicator, measured with gross profit, amounted to the 1.3%, while the average interest profit margin amounted to the 3.6% in Poland in 2001 [Stasiak – Betlejewska R., Borkowski S., 2007]. The profitability of banks is to a considerable degree sensitive to the interest rates decrease. Nowadays, when profit margins more and more approach to the level in
the European Union countries, worsening the banks effectiveness follows. Analysing
the structure of banks profits in
Poland it should pay attention that the profits participation on the commission is developing on level 20 - 22% [Stasiak – Betlejewska R., Borkowski S., 2007]. A level of costs is the next area, where considerable differences between retail banks are being made a note from Poland and with banks from the EU. It is an effect of differences in the level of applied technologies and work efficiency.

In a view of differences, which are noticeable among native retail banks and
West - European banks, the retail banking in
Poland stood up in the front of the need to seek new areas of activity, which can constitute the rise for creating of the competitive offer. Banks, wanting to compete with one's counterparts from the EU countries, they must reduce profit margins to the EU banks level, to raise the productivity, to improve the quality
of assets, to differentiate sources of revenue, to develop services providing with profits on payments and the commission.

Taking the specificity of rival financial institutions into consideration, retail banks concentrated their action in period 2004 – 2006 on [Stasiak – Betlejewska R., 2006]:

-  on the side of the market on: fitting the strategy to anticipated changes in behaviours and expectations of customers, concentrating on services with the highest value added, cross selling (package deal consisting in the connected sale a few, related financial services), improvement of the service standard, the course of loyal programs,

-  on the operation side on: the diversification of financing sources with using the capital market instruments, the increase of the financial lever, the development of the active allocation of capital tools in the banks framework, streamlining risk management systems, standardization of procedures, the technology development.

Every bank, carrying operational activity out, enlarges and modifies own action area through: implementing new services, creating essential procedures and rules,
the implementation of next distribution channels. Diversified needs of customers forces banks to implementing the offer orientated to individual market segments in the form of: cheap and uncomplicated services, simplified bank credit procedures (scoring), the investment consultancy or even a tax consultancy for individual high profits customers. A growth of an interest in credit, accounting and protecting services is being forecast (mortgage credits, credit cards, in debt instruments) (recommending the payment) in the area of traditional bank services.


2. The meaning of computer technologies in the bank strategies

A need of seeking new solutions in the scope of new computer technologies, besides natural seeking new product and organizational solutions, is an element being characteristic
of contemporary strategies of banks developing in the retail area. Making aware of the need of new computer solutions implementing induces banks for tying computer investments together with strategy purposes. Banks, planning introducing computer technologies are asking themselves: what investments in computer technologies should one make in order to enhance the bank strategy? [Earl M., 18, 2000]. 

Computer projects are one of more important elements of the contemporary bank strategy, mainly because of them complicated character. These projects cause changes both in the bank work organization as well as the structure, changing entire bank management philosophy. New computer technologies are treated often, in bank operational plans, as the tool supporting the bank’s development. These technologies constitute the condition of the effective realization of the individual customer service strategy. Investments expenses connected with computer technologies’ introducing are concentrated on areas giving the chance of achieving the long-lasting advantage over the competition. These areas have a strategic importance, bringing perceived and felt by the customer benefits. These are mainly undertakings connected with inserting new distribution channels and enabling an analysis of needs and customers behaviours [Stasiak - Betlejewska R., Borkowski S., 2007].

 Majority of retail banks in Poland carried out strategic projects connected with modern computer technologies’ introducing, which included mainly: the bank activity’s computerization back – office and front - office, making available new contact possibilities with the bank and the realization of chosen operations on – line, in years 2000 - 2005.
A sphere of bank service distribution, an area of computer technologies applying, is the most visible for customers and having essential operating and strategic meaning for the bank. In own strategies, banks demonstrate an intense interest in service distribution channels’ diversifying. Fixing one's attention on searching of new forms of bank services distribution  results above all from the need to solve a problem of unprofitable units network and possibilities, which are given by new computer solutions, becoming profitable a year by
a year. At the moment, developing of widely comprehended home – banking’ services is
a main point of the retail banking development’s strategy, what is also connected with
a change of the bank activity model. A traditional bank services model including the service sale in the Internet is the most popular model at present.


Moreover, banks adapt computer technologies, which are imposing the duty of operational plans’ integration with implemented computer solutions straight out how it happens in
the case of CRM system’ implementing. An appropriate the CRM technology’ implementing depends on earlier implementing of customer relationship management’ strategy.
The computer way of customer contact management is known as the crucial element
of contemporary enterprises strategies, in it among others and of banks strategy. In the case of the mBank, technology e-CRM lets realize earlier created communication strategy and promotional campaigns strategy, as well as effective offer creating.

Saying about connections of computer technologies with bank strategies one should emphasize that computer solutions’ implementing should earlier appropriately be planned and be reflected in operational plans of the bank. Previous integrating the process of
the computerization with the bank strategy is required. Only such an attempt will allow appropriately to determine computer needs of the bank and to design the system, which is supposed to support operational activity of the bank. A principal aim of the bank modernization strategy should be an integration on new computer solutions with existed solutions. Moreover, it is consequence of accepted  computer solutions. It allows not only for correct functioning of introduced technologies, but above all for enabling the access to all information gathered in each of adapted systems.


3. Inspection of computer projects realized in the retail banking in Poland in years:
    2001 – 2005

In order to showing character of action connected with the retail banking’ computerization,  more important initiatives of computer projects will be below discussed. There are some banks were included in the research group like: PKO BP S.A., ING Bank Śląski S.A., Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. and mBank, which is a part of company called BRE Bank Group, constitutes the research object presenting the virtual banks group (leading retail activity in the Internet). The selection of research subjects wasn't accidental, because each of these banks is representing the different source of the origin of foreign capital (initiating and financing new computer and organizational solutions), different technological solutions and the diversified scale of taken market action. A motif of the computer technologies adaptation in order of supporting activites was detailed both in the PKO BP S.A. strategy and in different bank strategies analysed in this article.

Bank PKO BP S.A., in 2001 – 2004, in frames of adopted strategy, realized preparing activity for Integrated Computer Systems implementing, what in consequence supplied for making concrete tasks, in frames signed contract with the Accenture Consortium Co., Alnova Technologies Corporation SL.and Softbank S.A. in 2003 year [Strategy of PKO BP S.A...., 2004]. Widening of the Integrated Computer System’ functionality, what was necessary in
the result of the laws update, especially update of the Accountancy Act’s regulations (which obliged issuers of securities let get to the public turnover and banks for making out consolidated financial report according with International Standards of the Accountancy - MSR). It caused the need of adapting to new principles of computer systems accountancy as well as widening the functionality of new Integrated Computer Cystem (ZSI). Widening
the functionality of the system was connected with PKO BP aspirations to the achievement
of computer solutions level, typical of adopted standards in leading European banks. Moreover, a number of benefits resulting from the operating processes’ standardization, simplifications of the infrastructure and services management well as increasing the operating safety, are an effect of this process.

The ZSI implementation provided simpler and much safer access to offered services as well as shortening the time of the customer service in bank units. With reference to prices of offered bank services, the mode of planning them, implementing and the alteration, ZSI lets for the better control over the agreement of future initiatives in the mentioned above scope with assumptions of the PKO BP strategy and pricing policy. The ZSI Implementation also enabled full replacement of bills, in spite of the fact, that current conception of main unit was supported. The realization of the project of ZSI implementing was connected with: with
the change of procedures and unit processes, the unique scale of the project, the need of bank workers training, complex character of organizational changes at the bank.

In 2002 – 2005 bank PKO BP S.A. was realizing strategy of the modernization [Strategy
of PKO BP S.A....,
2006]. A planned and carried out of the unit’s equipment modernization and procedures raising process stayed in frames of mentioned strategy, what was combined with the new computer devices’ appearance at PKO BP institutions to the much wider scale than so far and with changes in the organization of the bank work. It next caused standardizing of organizational structure’s of distribution bank network.

Exploiting abilities created by the realized strategy of the modernization and judging changes of outside conditioning, in 2006 PKO BP S.A. set about to the new accomplishment of strategy for 2006 - 2008 determined with name of the strategy of the innovation [Strategy of PKO BP S.A...., 2006]. The realization of this strategy has to provide to the bank updating and boosting activity on new markets as well as creating the new quality of the service offer based on modern solutions in the scope of management, in particular in the scope of
the corporate culture of the organization [Strategy of Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Banku Polskiego S.A. for 2006 - 2008]. This strategy are pointing at areas of the innovation, so as: the computer development, the modern organization of the sale, the product innovation, modern shaping internal processes.

The ING Bank strategy is also demonstrating the intense pressure on computer solutions’ exploiting in the development of retail services. The area of the Operation and IT (computer technologies) in the ING BSK S.A. is an important element of the strategy purposes realization. This bank, beside supporting business sectors in the scope of implementing new services, concentrates on the realization of projects in the scope of controlling systems improvement and the CRM system, together with other members of the ING Group. Bank concentrates attention on raising of the work and financial sources’ effectiveness. In the order of streamlining of costs operating, increasing the level of the activity of operating area automation, the simplification and the standardization of bank procedures, the outsourcing of chosen kinds of services, the cooperation with other the ING Group’s units in Poland (in the scope of distribution channels development, computer science and others).

In 2001, the bank started the BSKOnLine system - the Internet banking, which enables: starting the access to the system for every holder of the account in ING Bank Śląski, reserving bank cards by the Internet, the professional support for customers on the part of the HelpLine Adviser, standing orders free of charge and relatively cheap transfers. The bank is also heading in direction of improving contacts with customers. Acting in this destination, at
the beginning of the March of 2001, as part of the service HaloŚląski, started Call Centres which is available twenty-four hours a day, through seven days during the week. Using services of the operator, customers can use majorities of services, being in the offer of
the bank, i.e. to open an account, the savings bill and fixed-term deposit accounts and to fold recommending the transfer, the standing order, the conclusion for granting the limit of
the debt, the order of a credit card and the service HaloŚląski. A functionality of the telephone automatic banking was also widened in the same year also (a new system of the handling of transfers was implemented, a system of collecting charges was automated, news bulletins were started the WAP and the SMS).

As a result of new computer solutions’ implementing, 259.4 thousand of customers used services HaloŚląski  in the end of 2001, while year earlier 102.6 thousand. In 2001,
the number of users of the MultiCash system amounted
6 885 in the end 2001 of year (while in the end of 2000 developed to 4 655), and essentially 31 691, both individual and corporate customers used the HomeCash service (in the end of 2000 - 22 214) [Report of the capital ING BSK group’s activity in 2004 and 2005].

In the realization of strategy aims accepted for years 2003 - 2005, the bank used effects of sell action carried out in 2003 so as: implementation sell conception of sell network in STAREO and Centres of the Corporate Banking, or pricing restructuring [Report of
the capital ING BSK group’s activity in 2004 and 2005
]. Shaping long-lasting and valuable relations with present customers became the base of the realization of adopted strategic purposes. A cross - selling is an important element here, that is offering services of different members of the the ING Group (of individuals of the investment funds participation, pension funds, insurance products, the broking, mortgage credits, the leasing). The ING BSK continued the strategy in the scope of the bank network’ development, mainly in the Mazovian, Great Poland province, Pomeranian and
Lower Silesia. This development was made conditional from the appropriate location of institutions, which was supposed to guarantee getting returns from investment in the established time. The bank also put emphasis for moving of routine transactions to electronic channels of distribution, and at bank institutions aspired to offering services above all with the high worth, the services requiring
a direct contact with the bank worker, in it based on the consultancy. In the fishing for 2004, the ING BSK began the sequence of projects, which concerned ordering more further improvement of the bank management system, in it of organization of Regional Operating Centres and the market expansion of the retail banking. A development of an operation, services and technology has an essential meaning in the ING BSK strategic assumptions.
The ING Bank Śląski invested into human resources, qualifications and solutions in order to build place for the more further development of the bank in 2004. For achievement of this purpose the bank appointed the Department of Administrative Services, what enabled creating of dedicated organization, constituting the support for business individuals units divided in sections of Sectors of the Corporate and Retail Banking. In 2004 the bank also began
the accomplishment of the program being aimed at active transforming the infrastructure
of electronic channels of distribution, being in having it, into the multichannel platform of sell, distribution and services. The bank formulated the also new strategy for Call Centre, which predicts the development and the Call Centre transformation into the active channel of the sale (i.e. in contact centre). Thanks to the completion of operational plans in 2004 indeed
a number of customers using electronic channels of distribution expanded (the number of the BankOnline system users rose by the 21.2%, number of the telephone banking HaloŚląski’ customers rose by the 22.6% [Report of the capital ING BSK group’s activity in 2004 and 2005, Katowice, February 2005]. In the sequence of 2005 indeed a number of ING BSK customers using electronic channels of distribution expanded (the number of users of
the ING BankOnLine system rose by the 136.8%, whereas of service of the telephone banking HaloŚląski by the 26.4%).

In the case of Bank Zachodni WBK, the adaptation of computer solutions gained
the strategic significance already in the moment of the coming into existence of the bank, that is of a connection the Bank Zachodni and Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy. Both banks took joint works for projects enabling their integration and effective using of synergy resulting from it. It was before finalizing the bank merger in 2001. The Project B1 was the most important project, in frames of which the Information Central Bank System (ICBS) [Report of the Bank Zachodni WBK’ Board for activity in 2003].





New processes and procedures were worked out as well as a scope and a division of tasks in units were charged as a result of project B1 implementing. The system implemented and strengthened the culture informed the customer and the bank service sale as well as it streamlined operational activity of units. At the same time, together with the realization of
the B1 program, works on standardizing the offer, procedures connected with services and activity of individuals bank units at both banks last. The Centre of Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy’ Cards and The Centre of Bank Zachodni’ Cards cooperated in the scope of
the shared offer, as a result of this network of cash machines were connected.

In years 2002 - 2005 Bank Zachodni WBK carried out corporate strategy “For first: Customer”. According to strategy’s assumptions, the bank concentrated on the development of areas regarded most perspective, that are sections of the class of the Premium service in
the sector of individual customers and the SME's (small and middle size enterprises).
The other direction of bank action had complementary character and consisted on
the structure and the main service sale improvement (mortgage credits, credit cards,
the leasing, investment funds). Computer technologies performed the role of resources, which had the task streamlining processes and credit procedures as well as contributing to increasing the cost effectiveness, the course of distribution channels and staff improvement. Thanks to implementing of new computer solutions, clearly sales level of the bank rose compared with 2001 year. The most spectacular increase takes place in the area of investment funds
- 1,646%. Value of given mortgage credits and concluded leasing agreements rose appropriately by the 82% and the 79%. About 76 % also an amount of credit cards increased in the instruction of bank customers [Report of the Bank Zachodni WBK’ Board for activity in 2003].


In 2002 a sequence of operations supporting the realization of the strategy was carried out, among others: leaning the Support Centre Business and starting the Program of the Work Effectiveness Management, which bank structures and bank staff oriented to strategic destinations. As a result of proceeding works on the realization of the credit process development’ program, computer tools supporting credit decisions in the sector of individual customers were effectively implemented. Thanks to forming the Credit Centre (from integrating the Mortgage Banking Centre and the Credit for the Population Centre)
a bank productivity increased in the scope of credit application processing, what let keep
the high standard services, at growing dynamics of the mortgage credits sale. The BZ WBK mortgage credit became leading proposal on the market, what was confirmed by the monthly “Money” (on the head of the most price competitive mortage credits’ ranking on the Polish market May of 2002). Credit and housing loans given to individual customers in 2002 achieved value 790.7 mln zloty, i.e. about 82 % more than in 2001.

In 2004 BZ WBK concentrated on increasing the amount of electronic operations by electronic services improvement by the offer improvement as well as extending the offer of credit cards. To this purpose a functionality of the home banking service was extended (BZWBK24 application), adding next services successively. Moreover, in the February of 2004 the BZ WBK, as first in Poland, implemented smsKod service for BZWBK24 users using mobile phones, what enables making remote operation for customers in the scope available earlier only for token owners. Service, which are realized with the help of the smsKod, were recognised by the monthly “Chip” as a safety in the 100%. At the same time, electronic services of the BZ WBK were on the highest place in the country in the ranking of protections practiced by Polish online banks, [report of the monthly “Chip", December, 2004].

The bank development strategy in 2005 was connected with a dynamic sale growth in
the scope of telephone and Internet channel. The telephone banking was supplemented for
the possibility of making standard transactions through the phone with the advicer/teleworker help. The 2005 year was also connected with carrying the mass migration of credit cards out to the microprocessor technology, what was supposed to guarantee adapting the offer of
the bank for refined standards and to minimize losses connected with frauds.

A special evidence for the fact that the computer technology is an indispensable element of the development activities in the scope of the retail banking, there is mBank strategy, because it constitutes the innovative element on the market of financial services. This strategy seems to be straight in content, what the mission of the bank is certifying: “The maximum of the benefit and comfort”. Modern technologies, used at the mBank, let make any transactions via the Internet, the stationary telecommunications, mobile communications, and via the mKiosk network and Financial Centres. The mBank created an innovative, comfortable and just enough safe model of the remote service for customers using the most modern technology. The Internet technology constitutes the basic medium of the communication and the platform, on which all operations are taking place here. Thanks to applying this technology, a bank operation are possible according to the format: 24/7/365, what means that the customer can use financial services not only 24 hours, 7 days during the week, 365 days in the year, but these services are also available to it in the any place in world. The availability of financial services is provided not only through the Internet, but also with the help of mobile devices and different possibilities of widening the functionality of offered service model, what constitutes the value added for customers. In the sequence of five years of activity, the mBank raised 1 million of customers and the over 4 bn zloty of deposits, what is making it one of
the the around 20 biggest online banks on the world and one of the
10 in Europe.

Data of mBank (state for the end of 2005):

-                    1 015 thousand of customers,

-                    1 325 thousand of bank account,

-                    4.04 bn zloty of accumulated deposits and 0.57 bn of assets of the Supermarket of Investment Funds -  SFI,

-                    1.6 bn of credit given to the zloty,

-                    48.7 thousand of credit cards,

-                    529 thousand credit cards,

-                    131,7 thousand of  the Supermarket of Investment Funds -  SFI consumers,

-                    12,4 thousand of consumers using eMAKLER service,

-                    18 thousand of selled insurance policies,

-                    80 m. of the turnover on the mSZOP platform,

-                    870 years and 4 days and 2.5 hour spent on sides of the mBank by mConsumers,

-                    7 969 366 phones get back by mLinia,

-                    95 459 053 of visit at,

-                    over the 100% increase of the number of credit cards

            (with granted limits in the amount of the 90 m. zloty),

-                    35% eKARTY sale growth,

-                    over 1000 shop windows in the Polish Internet of accepting mTRANSFER payments.









4. Summary

Analysis of the strategy of those banks (the PKO BP, the BZ WBK, the ING BSK and the mBank) confirms the legitimacy of the statement that computer technologies are an integral part of the strategy of banks developing activity in area of retail banking, because of their meaning in the development of services. In the process it is possible also to state that services of the home banking became the base of the perspective development of the banking, because thanks to them banks see not only a considerable rise in the profit, but above all activities are reducing costs. The realization of computer projects, which are reorganizing banks activity, behind itself is also resulting in the necessity of incurring huge costs. However in a way
a prospect of recruiting the considerable number is equalizing these costs via customers of electronic channels.










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7.      Report of the capital ING BSK group’s activity in 2004 and 2005, Katowice, February 2005.

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10. z dnia 20.02.2006.

[1] mgr inż., The Częstochowa University of Technology, Department of Management, Division of Production Engineering,  42 - 200Częstochowa ul. Armii Krajowej 19 B, POLAND,

[2] Prof. dr hab. inż., The Częstochowa University of Technology, Department of Management, Division
of Production Engineering,  42 - 200Częstochowa ul. Armii Krajowej 19 B,