Innovation technologies application
of forming school-children's healthy mode of life in process of interaction of
the social institutes of upbringing.
Institute of International Kazakh-Turkish University after H.A.Yassavi, Shymkent
city, Kazakhstan
Introduction. The health is a necessary premise of full
value activity of man's life and society development on the whole. The most
important direction of ways search of the problem solution in turned out
conditions is a change of the common paradigm: the transition from the narrow
orientation only for preservation and strengthening of the health to more wide
application of the innovation technologies foreseen a formation of skills and
attitudes which necessary for realization and appraisal of the own health
motivating for healthy mode of life, adoption of its values and promoting
output of the healthy person's adequate behavior. The realization of the given
problem demands first of all use of systematic-integrated approach to process of
forming school-children's healthy mode of life and organization necessity of
interaction of the social institutes of upbringing. Thus each of them possesses
own specific potential to make children and school youth unite to norms and
values of the healthy mode of life by resources of schoolchildren's taking part
in different activities according to aspects of the healthy mode of life.
Organization of
the task. Turned out contradictions,
insufficient elaboration of the problem defined a conduction of the research,
the aim of it consists of the theoretical basis and elaboration of the
methodological bases of innovation technologies application of forming
school-children's healthy mode of life in process of interaction of the social
institutes of upbringing taking contemporary conditions into consideration.
Methodological basis of the research is theoretical theses uncovering
conceptions: "healthy mode of life", "innovation
technologies", "application"; doctrine about person's all-round
and harmonious development, humanistic conception of upbringing, synergetic,
environment approaches to organization of school-children's upbringing, the
theory of the personal-active approach; the theory of the systematic-integrated
approach; the theory of the integrated pedagogical process.
The results. Thus in practice turned out traditional approaches to solving urgent problem do not answer
contemporary requirements and demands of the society, presenting to person's integrated development, his culture level and they
need in additional aim direction of the educational-upbringing process on
innovation technologies application of forming school-children's healthy mode
of life.
Literature analyze
on innovation technologies problem of forming school-children's healthy mode of
life allowed us to base their essence and contents, and also to present their
technologies of forming school-children's healthy mode of life in our
understanding are a system of the stages ensuring person’s inclusion into
activity directing on adoption of the social experience and formation of the
developed requirements according to aspects of the healthy mode of life.
Taking into
consideration turned out approaches
to school-children's health problem in pedagogical
theory and practice we distinguish two varieties of innovation technologies of
forming school-children's healthy mode of life – health-saving ensuring preservation and saving of the available
condition of school-children's health and health-forming
supposing activity and aim direction of the pedagogical activity with the
purpose of strengthening, increasing and developing school-children's health.
technologies are divided into organizational and pedagogical. To the first
group belong technologies creating conditions of safe education for health. In
particular sanitary-hygienic demands for lesson organization, using setting-up
exercises in classes, demands for organizing timetables. To the second group of
given classification include technologies directing on solving didactical
problems which ensuring health saving, for example: M.Zhanpeisova’
technologies, T.Galiev’, Zh.Karaev’, BiS, level differentiation and others.
technologies include all aspects of teacher’s influence on school-children's health
– on informational, psychological and bioenergetic levels, and they are divided
into educational, developing and upbringing technologies of forming
school-children's healthy mode of life. To the first group of given
classification include technologies teaching strengthening, increasing and
developing own possible health, to the second group – healthy technologies
which foresee development of skills of healthy mode of life, to the third group
– technologies ensuring solution of upbringing problems on joining
school-children to healthy mode of life.
Study and analyze
of the literature on problem of innovation technologies application of forming
school-children's healthy mode of life, and also on organization questions of
interaction of the social institutes of upbringing allowed us to characterize
an essence of application process, particularities of innovation technologies
application, and also to base an essence and contents of pedagogical phenomena
“interaction of the social institutes of upbringing on innovation technologies
application of forming healthy mode of life”, to present its theoretical model.
So interaction of
the social institutes of upbringing on innovation technologies application of
forming school-children's healthy mode of life we understand as purposeful and
mutual conditioned influence of school, family and society each other which
further mutual enrichment, increasing and more enough realization of the
pedagogical possibility on innovation technologies application with the purpose
of achieving general problem – a formation of the all-round developed
personality of schoolchild keeping healthy mode of life.
We revealed
particularities and determined points of departure of its organization. So an
efficiency of interaction of the social institutes like general pedagogical and
specific principles demands for following such principles as a principle of
orientation on integrated improvement of the educational-upbringing process, a
principle of unity of close, medium and far perspectives, a principle of
consideration of person’s specific activity of interaction.
As a pedagogical
phenomenon it is characterized a correlation of the following components:
integrated, contented, process-communicative3, technological and
diagnostic-resulted. We can discuss about an efficiency of interaction of
school, family and society on innovation technologies application of forming
school-children's healthy mode of life on the basis of criteria and indexes
which reflect quality and quantity side of our studied phenomenon. In
dependence of relations character between persons of interaction, their
preparation for innovation technologies application of forming
school-children's healthy mode of life we can speak about the following levels
of its organization: low, medium and high. Successful problem solution -
innovation technologies application of forming school-children's healthy mode
of life depends on level of interaction of the social institutes of upbringing
on innovation technologies application of forming healthy mode of life. The
process of innovation technologies application of forming school-children's
healthy mode of life has a character like step by step.
Basing on
above-mentioned theoretical theses by means of certified experiment we revealed
the real picture of condition of innovation technologies application of forming
healthy mode of life in condition of interaction of the social institutes of
upbringing. As between level of schoolchildren’s joining to healthy mode of
life and level of work organization of the social institutes on innovation
technologies application of forming schoolchildren’s healthy mode of life there
is a stable dependence. Done comparative-pedagogical analyze allowed us to
conclude that traditional forms and methods of work on forming school-children's
healthy mode of life show the low level of schoolchildren’s joining to healthy
mode of life.
As causes which we
should note: not enough pedagogical and valeological training of parents and
social teachers, a lack of their training for innovation technologies
application of realizing given problem.
Thus an efficiency
of innovation technologies application of forming schoolchildren’s healthy mode
of life in process of interaction of the social institutes depends on school’s
realization of their organization and coordination problems on achievement of
successful problem solution on the whole. Consequently for realizing the
process of innovation technologies application of forming healthy mode of life
in process of interaction of school, family and society we need an organization
of special work on training of school teachers.
Conclusions: the above-mentioned gives possibility to
conclude that problem solution - innovation technologies application of forming
healthy mode of life demands for fulfilling the following pedagogical
conditions: training of persons of interaction for innovation technologies
application; creating the conditions for persons of interaction for successful
realization of model of innovation technologies application of forming
schoolchildren’s healthy mode of life: scientific-pedagogical education,
organization of co-activity connecting with innovation technologies realization
of forming children’s healthy mode of life; working out the monitoring watching
process management of application in condition of interaction of the social
institutes of upbringing.
The results of the
research can find usage in activity of pedagogical educational establishments in purpose of perfecting professional training of
future teachers for upbringing work at school, and also they can be used in
process of course training of the class teachers and school directors in system
of raising the level of pedagogical specialists’ skills. The worked out
programs of the special courses: “Methodic of innovation
technologies application of forming schoolchildren’s healthy mode of life in
process of interaction of the social institutes of upbringing”,
“Technology of organization and realization of the joint work of school, family
and society on schoolchildren’s upbringing”,
special seminar “Methodic of managing innovation
technologies application of forming schoolchildren’s healthy mode of life”,
given in the research the results and formulated on their base the
recommendations can be used in courses of institutes
of stuff training, during working out special courses for high school students
– future teachers, master-students, in pedagogical colleges, in
general-educational schools.
Done research do
not pretend on exhausting problem solution of innovation technologies
application of forming schoolchildren’s healthy mode of life in process of
interaction of school with family and
society. Given circumstance efforts the actuality of the researched problem and
determines the following directions of the further work. So it demands for
researching questions of forming valeological culture of the future teacher,
questions of teacher’s professional training for managing quality of innovation technologies application, organization and
realization of joint work of the social institutes on forming schoolchildren’s
healthy mode of life by means of ethnic pedagogy; future teachers’ training for
studying and spreading advanced pedagogical experience of innovation
technologies application of forming schoolchildren’s healthy mode of life;
organizing consult methodical service on perfecting experience of application
and others.
In this article
there are given questions of innovation technologies application of forming
school-children's healthy mode of life in process of interaction of the social
institutes of upbringing
Done research was
dedicated to the theoretical basis and elaboration of the methodological bases
of innovation technologies application of forming school-children's healthy
mode of life in process of interaction of the social institutes of upbringing
taking contemporary conditions into consideration.
Study and analyze
of the literature on problem of innovation technologies application of forming
school-children's healthy mode of life, and also on organization questions of
interaction of the social institutes of upbringing allowed us to characterize
an essence of application process, particularities of innovation technologies
application, and also to base an essence and contents of pedagogical phenomena
“interaction of the social institutes of upbringing on innovation technologies
application of forming healthy mode of life”, to present its theoretical model.
conclusions and scientific-methodological recommendations allow to mobile
resources of the social institutes of upbringing, to manage their interaction,
assist efficient problem solution on innovation technologies application of
forming school-children's healthy mode of life. The results of the research can
be used in activity of pedagogical educational institutions on perfecting
professional training of specialists for upbringing activity at school, and
also they can be used in process of course training of the class leaders and
school leaders in system of pedagogical staffs training.
Zh.Z.Torybaeva’s article
technologies application of forming school-children’s healthy mode of life in
process of interaction of the social institutes of upbringing”.
Zh.Z.Torybaeva’s presented article is actual and timely, as it
reflects today’s requirements of the pedagogical science and real practice of
the upbringing, the problem of joining children and schoolchildren to healthy
mode of life in process of interaction of the social institutes of upbringing.
Given in this
research questions and methodological recommendations in our opinion will
assist in solving urgent problem, saving and strengthening schoolchildren’s
health in context of uniting factors efforts of the micro environments of
schoolchild’s personality.
In whole the
article material is formed logically, stylistically grammatical; presented
conclusions correspond to the article content meaning above-mentioned. The
reviewed article can be published.