Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


To a Question on Understanding of Essence of a Principle of Unity and Differentiation of Legal Regulation of Labour Relations: Problem Aspects


Results spent by the author of the present publication of scientific researches [1-5] give the basis for following conclusions, including is constructive-critical character, and theoretical generalisations. Giving due to the majority of theoretical conclusions S.V. Popova, stated in the monography, we see certain illogicalness in its some judgements. So, the author writes, that «the principle of unity and differentiation of working conditions (in our opinion, in this case application some other name of the specified principle, namely «a principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations» is expedient – O.L.)… reflects the major lines of a method of this branch, personifying the important properties centralised (the general and branch) and local ways of regulation labour… relations» [6, p. 202]. However, in our opinion, if to take into consideration, that it is a question about «a unity and differentiation principle…» and to «embody» it owe «the important properties», except «centralised (the general and branch) and local ways», not less important in this case the «property» of special legal regulation personifying differentiated component of this branch principle. Besides, we will notice, that the «special» (differentiated) legal regulation of labour relations is not covered completely and not settled, specified S.V. Popovym, «on-line-branch» and «local» in the ways (in our opinion, specified by it and others [7, p. 114-115, 118-119] authors, represents not «ways», and, more likely, «spheres» or «levels» – O.L.) legal regulation. We will refer in this case, in particular, to P.D. Pylypenko’s defining three «directions» maxims, and, hence, and three spheres of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations which depend from: «…1) character and features of manufacture (branch, interbranch and local differentiation); 2) sexual, age and other features of workers (subject differentiation); 3) sites of the enterprises, establishments, the organisations (territorial differentiation)» [8, p. 66-67]. S.P. Mavrin and E.B. Hohlov, characterising the mechanism of legal regulation of labour relations, write about existence of three levels of legal regulation: individually-contractual, socially-partner and public state-legal [9, p. 47]. Not casually and O.A. Grishnova underlines, that «analyzing methods of regulation of sociolabor relations and choosing those from them which is better assist acceleration of transformation of economy and a society, it is necessary to allocate levels of regulation of these relations… there are such levels of sociolabor relations: megaeconomic (global, international), macroeconomic (national), mesoeconomic (level of separate administrative territories and areas), microeconomic (enterprise level), individual. For each level of sociolabor relations the specific purposes and problems, and, accordingly, both different functions and regulators are characteristic» [10, p. 281].

 And still, it appears, that the «centralised» and «local» properties logically correlate not with specified S.V. Popovym a principle, its components – phenomena of unity and differentiation of legal regulation, and with other branch labour-legal principle – a principle of an optimum combination of the centralised and local legal regulation of labour relations. Not unreasonably underlines in N.I. Inshin’s this aspect: «Questions of a parity of the general, special and local legal regulation… labour activity… concerns old, debatable problems of unity and differentiation of the labour law, and also the centralised and contractual legal regulation of labour relations. Despite similarity of character of problems, they have qualitative differences as the unity and differentiation should be considered as a parity of three types of norms behind their hierarchical structure: the general, special, local. And the centralised and contractual regulation is necessary to understand as more the general parity of two groups of instructions. On the one hand, the general and special, and from another – local » [11, p. 171-172]. We will notice, that in the reflexions resulted above S.V. Popov is guided by the last – stated N.I.Inshinym methodological postulate as it is predicative writes, that «…a principle of unity and differentiation of working conditions as the branch principle of the labour law… reflects the major lines of a method of this branch, personifying the important properties centralised (the general and branch) and local ways of regulation labour… relations [6, p. 202]. Rather doubtful here it is represented as well validity of a conclusion of F.B. Shtivelberga that differentiation of the labour law it is exclusive «legislative division» rules of law on the general and special [12, p. 29]. The differentiation is carried out in practice often at level not legislative, and, first of all, under the lawful, including departmental, certificates. At the same time, sphere of action of the last – departmental certificates in the course of the further codification of the labour legislation of Ukraine [13, p. 137-143; 14, p. 29-31; 15, p. 324-328] it is necessary to limit essentially [16, p. 9].




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