Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence,
Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of
Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko
Law Principles as «Ideas-Kumatoidy»: Filosofsko-Legal
Results spent by the author of
the given publication of researches [1-3] became the basis for following
conclusions and generalisations. Today in the world there is a comprehension of
the special importance of universal values and necessity of their fixing for
the law that predetermines universalization legal concepts, occurrence of new
legal categories. Practical value of research of universal principles of the law
consists and that in many countries of the former USSR including in Ukraine,
there is a construction of a lawful state and reforming of legal system
according to the best world legal achievements. It is necessary to ascertain,
that unification of legal ideals which become universal, has led to
registration at world level of certain system of principles of the law which it
is possible to name conditionally «universal», or, considering their
conditionality over national level of development – «general
civilisational». It is represented, that universal (general civilisational) law
principles are certain «ideas-kumatoidy» (kumatoid (from Greek – the wave)
means a certain sort floating object which is characterised by that can appear,
be formed, and can disappear, break up. It not represents all elements
simultaneously, and as though represents in their original «is
sensual-supersensual» image. Feature kumatoid that it is indifferent not only
to existential localisation, but also it is not rigidly adhered to the
substratum – to a material, its making. Its qualities system and
consequently, depend on elements entering into it, from their presence or
absence and, in particular, from a trajectory of their development or
behaviour. Kumatoid it is impossible to identify unequivocally with one certain
quality or with a set of similar qualities, material image fixed), turned out
by mankind as global civilisational system, objectively caused by needs and a
level of development of a human civilisation and the best achievements
embodying it in legal sphere, and partially fixed in the positive law as its
universal standard bases and such which define essence and an orientation of
legal regulation in any system of the national law. As original «clots of a
legal matter», «clots of laws» or display of «the social capital», «the total
social integrator», «the central link of the legal organisation of a legal material,
some kind of «a core» legal designs», «bases which penetrate different steps
and layers of a legal reality», «theoretical models of high level of
generalisation», «an ideological spring», «concept which reflects an essence of
historical type of the law», «reference points of formation of the law» and
enriched general civilisational experience, such principles not only display
available level (condition) of the law, and express the ideal made according to
its needs, fix an image of to what it is necessary to aspire. And consequently
universal principles determine certain tendencies, directions of conceptual
development of system of the law of the certain country in a context of
universal values. By the nature «the law principle», as well as other socially
significant principles, is one of defining components of human ability to live.
It, as the physics law, always operated, operates and will operate irrespective
of will of the separate person or a society as a whole. It follows from human
essence to have valuable behavioural installation, organically being
intertwined for subconsciousness in system of the spiritual and physiological
factors, inducing to behave definitely. It acts as a natural reference point in
activity of people. The problematics of principles of the law partly is covered
in its nature. As the social phenomenon a principle has the deep maintenance
accumulating historical, moral, ideological, political, economic and other
preconditions of its action. Without all components of essence of principles it
is law it is impossible to understand and understand its especial mission.
Principles display «logic of movement» various forms of human activity, law
principles find «sense and a life» only in human activity.
The special attention in this context
involves the thesis about influence («convergence») of principles of higher
level getting into regulations located below system. The nature of norms of the
labour law the numerous principles concerning various steps (express to «legal
hierarchy» interbranch, branch principles of the law and principles of separate
institutes of the labour law). If to speak with reference to branch of the
labour law, that, in our opinion, the given most reason is today the concept
which is based on the theory of delimitation (gradation, differentiation) the law
principles which quintessence consists that except «law principles» it is
necessary to distinguish and such category as «legal principles». Principles it
is law it is necessary to deduce from the most legal matter, instead of from
ideological categories. They cover all legal matter – both ideas, and
norms, and relations – and give to it to logicality, sequence, equation.
In law principles as if available world experience of development of the law,
civilisation experience is synthesised. Law principles is some kind of «the dry
rest» richest legal matter, it «an essence released from a reality». Legal
principles, unlike law principles, are displayed in statutory acts in the form
of «norms-principles» or in the «latent» kind when their maintenance follows
from the analysis of several corresponding norms. Thus «law principles» should
to be considered as primary is rather law legal and represent its essence and
the maintenance, and «legal principles», – in turn, – are defined
directly legal (positive, hand-written) by the law, and therefore are
secondary, derivative on sense. Law principles play a role of reference points
in law formation. Therefore the legal law cannot essentially recede from the
settled and approved postulates general social law. The majority of them fixes
the state in rules of law and they continue the regulating function already as
the legal law. At the same time in it is state the organised society there are
norms general social law which for various reasons «were not transplanted» to
norms of the legal law, i.e. general social law does not disappear with the
advent of the state and the legal law. It acts as soil, a substratum of
structure and the maintenance of the legal law that is why there are bases to
believe, that general social law in itself and is those principles (bases) on
which the legal law as system of norms is based. Owing to resulted above
circumstances, it is not divided the position of those researchers which it is
direct is not divided or mediated in full or in part identify such categories
as «law principles» and «legal principles».
1. Лавріненко О.В. Роль і значення основних засад загальносоціального права в системі
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конф., (м. Донецьк, 26 жовтня 2007 р.). – Донецьк: ДЮІ, 2007. – С. 45–52.
2. Лавріненко О.В. Місце, роль і значення принципів загальносоціального та юридичного
права в структурі сучасного механізму правового регулювання // Проблеми правознавства та
правоохоронної діяльності. – 2007. – №3. – С. 29–44.
Лавріненко О.В. Внутрігалузеві принципи трудового права: дискусійні
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съвременната наука – 2010: мат-ли за VI Межд. науч. практ. конф., (София,
07–15 юли 2010 г.). – София: «Бял ГРАД–БГ» ООД, 2010. – Т. 5. – С. 16–21.