UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev national research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (KNDI the name of T. Shevchenko, Kyiv city)



       National consciousness is this sufficiently the difficult in a civilized manner-intellectual phenomenon,  in itself not only traditions, consuetudes, experiencing, but also elements of irresponsible, different  and stereotypes, which represent the features of national life national dormitory. The certain moments of ideological and  character that brings in the specific of especially this national phenomenon are included in maintenance of national consciousness. The proper aspects of ideology underline national exceptional nature, differentiate, separate the representatives of this nationality from all other. The moments of  orient people on the awareness of this nation in intercommunication, in unity with external surroundings. National consciousness proves in all fundamental sides of public life, represents the essences sides of life of this nationality, reminds to every representative nations about his belonging to unique whole, about his quality as the transmitter of national cultural values. Socialization of man as representative of certain nationality, its  plugged in the varied public connections national and  relations, eventually,  by all potential of consciousness of nation.  Subject to the condition modern development of Ukrainian  society national consciousness purchased  the actual value exceptionally, began to appear in new forms and measurings,  finding the substantial reflection, in particular, in that practically all nations, national communities got up on the way of receipt of the state system, autonomy and self-determination. However much practice testifies that national consciousness not always provides unity, social integrity; on its basis not at all situations it is possible to decide nascent conflicts and contradictions. It is related to that in maintenance of consciousness of nation can profess different national interests, in particular such, that is mutual exclude each other, that is predefined  by the proper political and ideological moments. It is said in an equal degree touches the reflection by national consciousness of legal reality,  activity, becoming, forming and development of sense of justice.  Between national consciousness and legal consciousness in an aggregate with its national features there is direct, direct connection. The exposure of mechanism of this intercommunication is  of indisputable scientific interest. A social and political situation that changed in Ukraine after Orange revolution (in 2004) is objectively instrumental in growth of national consciousness different its displays. For long years, that natural Ukrainian sense of justice was under a hard press, national necessities and  formed a necessity to preparation to every family to the changes in the mechanism of management by nations and national relations, as a result experience large difficulties today. Subject to the condition unstable development of the state there is the great number of situations for which the different displays of national acquire contradictory lines. For example, dominant influence of moslem right on legal consciousness of the Crimean-Tatar people is a fact obvious. It is the certificate of it and legal situation that was folded in Crimea, when on the basis of moslem right attempts are carried out to forming of illegal practice of application of normative acts by the organs of local self-government, for example, in relation to illegal fascination of earths and other

Influence of moslem right on national legal life left off to be a problem intranational. At the Crimean-Tatar people national legal interests appear, for majorities of , disfigured, that, to our opinion, fraught by the  consequences of their transference in the  relations [1]. Yes, sense of justice of the Crimean-Tatar people, at the head with sense of justice of representatives of spiritual guidance, in , appeals to out-of-date maintenance of Crimean-Tatar national sense of justice. They do the special accent on the revival of moslem right. This circumstance is one of destabilizing factors in the ì³æíàö³îíàëüíèõ relations, in the legal state in this region  of Ukraine [1].



1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. GOING IS NEAR STUDY OF LINESOF NEW FUNDAMENTAL BASIS OF UNIVERSAL  LEGAL EVOLUTION THEORY OF MANAGEMEN // Materialy V mezinarodni vedeckopraktica conference «VEDA A TECHNOLOGIE: KROK DO BUDOUCNOSTI – 2009» (27.02.2009 – 05.03.2009) Dil 6. Pravni vedy. Praha: Publishing HouseEducation and Sciences.r.o., 2009. – S. 15-16