Pedagogical science




Kazakhstan, The Karaganda regional children's psychoneurological association


About necessity to keep conditions to preserve children’s psychological wellbeing in preschool institutions.


Modern body space environment organization of preschool institutes must be penetrating with concern about children’s health and psychological wellbeing. At the same time the organization must be pointed at child’s personality and peculiarity of his individual development as much as possible.


Child, education, body space environment, training, quality


The problem of education’s quality is very actual one in the present conditions of education system revision. The interest to this question reflects the society’s attempts to rebuild the system of transmission huge experience of humans’ knowledge without any omissions of essential items, also, without any informational, physical, and mental stress. By reason of it much attention is devoted to an intensional part (knowledge, skills, qualification, and experience). However, any methodological conception of education’s quality also has such component as “training and education subject’s state” (his physical and mental health). It was proved by science and practice that this state influences appreciably on preschooler’s learning of education’s content. Thus, it is impossible to ensure quality of education with no account taken of this factor in educational work. This implies that it is necessary to keep appointed conditions for children’s psychological wellbeing and health. In the same time these conditions will provide education’s quality, too.

As the first condition it makes sense to define using of health-keeping’s educational methodologies which make it possible to organize educational process in such way that child should adopt humanity’s culture without any physical or mental superfluous effort. In the present days there are many innovative pedagogical methodologies for any educational level that help to solve this problem successfully.

The second condition is high quality level of educational programs and its methodical support content of which allow teachers to make educational process in compliance with the contemporary requirements, society’s level of development, and in the same time without any children’s superfluous effort. Nowadays this problem is solving from the position of rational usage of children’s studying time, increase of staff’s responsibility for a discipline’s maintenance, streamlining of work in choice and adaptation of educational programs, etc. The third condition is enrichment of body space environment, qualitative filling of which gives to child opportunity for his individuality and self-development demonstration.

The accent should be done on that the problem of body space environment organization applies to preschool institutions in the most degree because preschool childhood is the most perceptive to adults’ influence development period. Also, body space environment is neither more nor less than child’s environment synthetically created by adults, where they materialize their system of what is useful and well for kid. Psychological analysis of psychotherapeutic playing and group rooms’ equipment, choice, nature, and mode of placing items situated there always shows adults’ expectations and requirements in relation to children’s behavior in these places, purposes of their study and upbringing.

Organization of body space environment in school is the striking corroboration of this idea. Thus, for example, students’ tables were screwed tightly to the floor in educational institutions of the last century: they stood in lines of three columns, and there were teacher’s table on the opposite side. There was imprinting of social positions contrast in such furniture placing: dominant teacher and subordinate students. Tightly screwed tables tell that all this space is unshakeable, and there are no choices to change the alignment of forces by one’s own will or to please the situation. And vice versa, modern study rooms are equipped by easy moving furniture: tables and chairs can be put facing each other, in circle or semicircle – everything depends on the social-psychological atmosphere that will be creating by teacher and on the tasks which will be solving by people meeting there. There are special cases that do not need any furniture and teacher and students take sits or lay down exactly on the carpet or special pillows. The other pedagogical ideology is imprinted in such room: democratic principles of education and taking into account the social-psychological factors’ that influence on organization of study place.

Modern body space environment organization of preschool institutes must be penetrating with concern about children’s health and psychological wellbeing. At the same time the organization must be pointed at child’s personality and peculiarity of his individual development as much as possible.

Children who have the same chronological age may be on the different development level that is distinct biological age and different degree of psychical functions development. There are essential individual differences in children’s psychical development. First of all, these distinctions apply to pace of psychical development. Some children pass ahead of it, other children lag behind.

Thus, purpose of body space environment organization is not only to create comfortable atmosphere for child, to choose toys, playing manual, and etc. adequately to kid’s age, but to give him opportunity for self-development. In case of taking into account child’s pace of development body space environment organization must not only consider personality features (interests, propensity, and etc.) but also solve the problems of correcting type.