

Indices of the kallikrein-kinin system of workers of common professions of titanium-magnesium plant.



Dakiyeva K.Hz., Dzhangozina D.M., East-Kazakhstan branch of “National center of occupational hygiene and professional illnesses”, Ust-Kamenogorsk city, Kazakhstan.



The combination of titanium assets, its lightness, high durability and high noncorrodibility makes it irreplaceable structural material and provide it more wider appliance in the leading branches of industry.

The principle of magnesium-thermal method of titanium receiving is that the receiving raw materials (titanium slag or concentrate) is chlorinated with formation of the titanium tetrachloride with it further restoration by metallic magnesium.

The process of titanium and magnesium receiving is accompanied by the release of tetrachloride titanium, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, magnesium chloride that are exceed the maximum permissible concentration to the environment of working places.

         The aerosol of titanium dioxide enters into the air of working places advantageously on the areas of wagons unloading and on crushing and molar department and in 100% of tests the exceeding of maximum permissible concentration in ten times was marked.

The changes of indices of kallikrein-kinin system were detected at workers’ organisms of main professions of Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium plant.

 The kallikrein-kinin system is one of the important regulatory systems and its role is not totally discovered.

Key words: titanium-magnesium plant, kallikrein-kinin system of blood.



I Introduction.

The kallikrein-kinin system is the key proteolytic system, one of the important regulatory systems, but its role in healthy and sick organisms is not totally discovered. In last time the structure functional peculiarities and molecular biology of particular components of the kallikrein-kinin system, the molecular mechanisms of interaction and bonds with other regulation systems have been decoded [1, 2]. The bradykinin receptors have been discovered and studded [3], the domain structure of kininogen, plasmic kallikrein and some kininases, mechanisms of contact system of proteolytic system of blood plasma activation have been decoded.

The hypothesis about activation of the kallikrein-kinin system that allows to suppose that the system takes part in the regulation of biological function of vessel wall was advanced. The wide action spectrum of kinines appears by the mean of various effects, the important ones are: regulation of peripheral microcirculation, increasing of membrane permeability, hematoencephalic barrier, regional blood circulation; influence on momentum transfer in synapses of a central and peripheral nervous system [6].

Kinines are the normal products of the vital activity that form in liquid medium of all organs and tissues (blood plasma, lymph, interhistic liquid). They act as the chemical regulators of local and general blood flow speed, take part in the mechanism of origin of functional hyperaemia of myocardium, brain, some of the endocrine gland (pancreatic gland, sialaden, perspiratory gland) [1, 3, 7].

Free kinines form in blood race and provoke the change (dilatation) of peripheral vessel lumen that is accompanied by increase of pressure of local blood flow and decrease of arterial pressure. Besides this they increase the capillary permeability, control the smooth musculature tonus of some organs (provoke the spasm of bronchus, increase the action of bowels musculature, participate in morphogenesis and cell transformation, stimulate the diapedesis of leukocytes and provoke a painful feeling when contact with  the sensitive nerve endings) [8-10].

Activation of the kallikrein-kinin system depends on two factors regulating the metabolism: the activity of the similar-tripsin serine protease-kallikreines forming the free (active) kinines by hydrolysis of two peptide bonds in high-molecular kinines and by the activity of kininase-enzymes splitting the free kinines to inactive junctions [11].

When homeostatic balance abnormality the epactal formation of active kinines which often gets cascade character provokes the formation of limit stability of organism to extreme influence [14] or definite pathologic syndrome [1, 13, 5]. So, the pathogenetic role of kinines when vascular disease and lead intoxication was established.



II Problems definition

On the basis of premises we indicated the indices of the kallikrein-kinin system of healthy workers of common professions of titanium-magnesium plant. Chlorinators, remelters and other workers were jointed into group I (on the level of influence of disturbing factors) and machinery operators in the titanium manufacture, operators of mill, machinery operators of chlorine distillation were jointed into group II. The control were workers who were not influenced by job hazards.

The indices of the kallikrein-kinin system of blood were defined according to T.S. Paskhina and T.P. Yegorova (15): level of the kininogen (precursor of free kinines), activity of kininase-enzymes that split free kinines. Chromatographic method of kallikrein identification (enzyme activating the free kinines) and its precursor – kallikreinogen.



III Results.

The analysis of the reached information shown that in the group I there are changes in enzymatic section of the kallikrein-kinin system: the activity of kallikreines forming the free kinines from bradykininogen increased on 16% that provoked the activity of increase of kininase-enzymes destroying the active free kinines on 28% (p < 0,001).

In the second group of workers witch went through more intensive influence of dust and gases was observe more pronounced increase of the kallikrein activity on 44%  that was not compensate  by the activity of kininases (decreased on 20%) against the background of decrease of the prekallikrein the precursor on 20%.








Of kininogen




Brodykinin 10-3 g/l

Milikallikrein units /ml

Milikallikrein units /ml x min


Control group







Group I







Group II










Notation conventions: *** – in comparison with control group

                                  ooo – in comparison with group I



Workers of groups I and II were distinguished by level of prekallikrein, kininases and kallikrein activity.



IV Resume.

Appears that the changes of enzyme form of the kallikrein-kinin system in group I can be judged as physiological, but group II can be referred to the group with elements of presickness that characterize the functioning of the kallikrein-kinin system with a part of tension not only from the enzymatic section but from their substrates that allows to suppose the changes of vascular system with dust and gases influence.

That is why it is necessary while annual medical examination to define the indices of the kallikrein-kinin system (kininogen, prekallikrein, kininase, kallikrein) in blood of worker working in harmful conditions. If the changes of indices will be detected it will be necessary to make some preventive control before developing of somatic and professional diseases.




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