Influence of chemical of toxic agents for a health status of workers and in the experiment.

(literature review)

Dakiyeva K.Hz., Dzhangozina D.M., Sultanbekov Z.K., East-Kazakhstan branch of “National center of occupational hygiene and professional illnesses”, Ust-Kamenogorsk city, Kazakhstan.




The combination of assets of titanium (high mechanical strength and corrosion resistance with low relative density) makes it irreplaceable structural material.

         The principle of method is that incoming to the plant raw materials of the titanic slag or the concentrate is chlorinated with foundation of titanium tetrachloride. The received technological tetrachloride is cleaned from admixtures by method of rectification and distillation. The cleaned titanium tetrachloride is restored by metallic magnesium with the foundation of titanium. The received titanium sponge is undergone by processing, cutting and sorting after that is sent to the customer.

         The whole technological process is accompanied by release of aerosol of titanium dioxide, tetrachloride titanium vapor, chlorine, phosgene, carbon monoxide and magnesium chloride to the air of workrooms.

         The main reason of dust and gas release is a breaking of leaktightness of technological equipment and transportation links. The extreme aggression of titanium tetrachloride is a cause of breaking of leaktightness of technological equipment and transportation links.

         Key words: Technological process, toxic agents, experimental and full-scale data.

I Introduction

The health protection of working population is the important factor of stable social-economical development that gives the opportunity to working population to live healthy and productive life during the active labor activity and after it.

With a help of effective programs over health protection of working population and safety on working places and also of many structural changes it became possible to achieve an improvement of labor conditions in several sectors of production. But some factors that are harmful for health such as physical, chemical, biological besides occupational injuries still threaten to a health of workers in all countries, becoming a result of occupational diseases and injuries.

The implementation of new technologies new in work processes, in labor organization, new chemical materials and agents and also increasing level of mechanization and industrialization in the developing countries can be a result of new epidemics of professional and related to work sicknesses and injuries. Besides this the demographic changes composed of working population require new strategies and programs for a health protection of working population in whole world.

  The basic priorities providing a protection of health of workers of industrial enterprises are established in Kazakhstan Republic by Law “About labor protection” and Law “About sanitary-and-epidemiologic welfare of people”. The main point is the providing the favorable conditions of labor on the manufacture, the preventing of the occupational traumatism, safeguarding of life and health of a person in working process.

In the Research Institute of labor medicine [Izmerov N. F. and co-auth. 1993, 1994. N.B. Lebedev and co-auth., 1992. Suvorov G.A. and co-auth., 1993] the methodology and principal approach of dose degree of noise and vibration and the prognostication of probability of developing of professional sickness from the influence of these factors were developed.

The basic physical-biological regularities of influence of human vibroacoustic expositions with a glance of physical characteristics and physiological peculiarities of analyze system reaction were revealed.  The conception “protection by time” was developed and reserves of all its forms were analyzed, the generalized hygienic recommendations on “protection by time” applying the system of measures of prevention were given. The terms of “safe period of probation” for different levels of noise and vibration influence were calculated.

Estimating a risk of sickness of pneumoconiosis some authors [Izmerov N. F. and co-auth. 1993, 1994. N.B. Lebedev and co-auth., 1992. Suvorov G.A. and co-auth., 1993] shown that for every specific working conditions (dust concentration, its composition and other indicators) the “safe period of probation” in conditions of specific dustiness in which the risk of sickness is excluded with 95% of reliability can be calculated. On the basis of made researches the direct relation of severity of pneumoconiosical changes in lungs from the value of dust burden and length of dust being in lungs was established, i.e. it was shown ones more that time factor has a great meaning in manifestation of fibrogene effect of dust.

The harmful chemical substances without any doubt may be a reason of change of organism reactivity, homeostasis indicators, and adaptive possibilities therefore may define a heightened morbidity of so-called industrial-provided sicknesses. This problem is very difficult, insufficiently known and requires its decision.

In spite of preventive measures under contact of workers with different chemical agents using in agriculture and industry still there is a deleterious effect of these agents when getting in organism.



II Major part

The analysis of work conditions of Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium manufacture allows marking out the dominating harmful factors of manufacture. To them we should refer the aerosols of condensation and integration of compound chemical composition as derivative of starting material of receipt of magnesium and titanium (carnallite, olivine, ilmenite) and hazards arising in the process of their processing.

So, the chronic lungs diseases are the result of combined action of hydrolysis of titanium tetrachloride. The workers of common professions of titanium-magnesium manufacture was examined and the bond of clinical and roentgen functional changes of breathing system of organism with influence of toxicochemical agents of this manufacture (aerosol of titanium dioxide and metallic titanium, titanium tetrachloride, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, phosgene) was shown [2].

Workers of shops of titanium tetrachloride manufacture have frequent involvement of upper air passages, bronchopulmonary apparatus and nervous system (R.F. Afanacyeva and co-auth., 1997).

 When hydrolysis of titanium tetrachloride in the air of working places the hydrogen chloride is discovered that influence more seriously to the organisms of workers than end products. It is explained that either by behavior of the reaction of hydrolysis in breathing organs of workers, or by combined action not only of terminal but and intermediate products of hydrolysis, part of that probably have more higher toxicity (Feygin B.G., 1986) [3].

Workers of a shop with substantial record of service have the infiltrated fibrous changes.  The course of chronic dust bronchitis is accompanied by phenomenon of marked respiratory compromise (Kazhikenov A.N., 2000). The workers of titanium manufacturing during the influence of titanium tetrachloride and of products of hydrolysis the hypertrophic rhinitises and preatrophic pharyngitises (Yecenaliyeva R.N., 1972).

The influence of toxic gases of the titanium tetrachloride, its hydrolysis products, chlorine, dusts of titanium dioxide and metallic titanium were detected during studding of technological production process of titanium and hygiene and sanitary conditions [4].

When primer of white mice by the titanium tetrachloride the effect is made not only by titanium tetrachloride, but and its hydrolysis products, the hydrogen chloride and aerosols of titanium compounds [15]. The high temperature during the action of titanium tetrachloride products on the test animals was marked. Such toxicological action of products of hydrolysis of titanium tetrachloride is connected with that the vapors of hydrochloric acid enter into the deep sections of lungs.

The experiments on animals detected the presence of selectively sensitive to magnesium receptors in the liver, the information about that is spread to the hypothalamic area through the vagus, stimulating the secretion of neurohypophyseal hormones that change the magnesium secretion with urine. It means that the uniformity of types of reactions appearing when stimulation of similar paratopes without changes of ionic composition in general blood circulation points to the similarity in the organization of reflex mechanism of regulation of people’s and animals’ magnesium’s edge [Pantyukhin I.V., 1989].

It is known that mono and titanium disulfide have a low-grade of fibrogene and general-toxic action. The test animals after the intrathoracic introduction of sulfides were examined and the growth of aminotraspherase activity in the blood serum and liver, of choline esterase of blood activity, the change of content of nucleic acids in liver and of urine in kidneys and in blood serum were observed. Also was detected a mild inflammatory-proliferative reaction in alveolar septums in the places of localization of dust particles.  The postmortem changes in the viscuses were characterized by appearing of sings of parenchymatous degeneration in liver and kidneys [Brakhnova I.T. and co-auth., 1989].

It was detected in the experiments on animals that the dust of the titanium dioxide may bring on the changes as in the lung tissue as in the bronchial lymph nodes. When intratracheal introduction of dust TiO2, metallic titanium and titanium carbide to albino rats, in 6-8 months the proliferative cellular reaction around the amassed dust and the hyperplasia of lymphatic follicles around bronchus were observed [5].



III Resume

The influence of harmful factors of titanium-magnesium production and their role in the origin of health disorder is necessary in some researches that may become the basis of developing of a complex of health-improving arrangements, directed at improving of level of health and capacity for work improving.

In the scientific literature works on studding of influence of harmful factors of industrial environment on workers’ organisms are met very rarely and they concern certain organs and systems and do not give a conception about mechanism and their operation. That is why it is necessary to make a complex of clinico functional researches of workers’ level of health.



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