Педагогические науки / 2.Проблемы
подготовки специалистов
Galkin O.Yu.
Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
bioethics as an academic discipline in
higher education for biologists and biotechnologists
What could be more harmful than person
who has knowledge of the most difficult
science, but has a good heart?
Gregory Skovoroda
general sense under social progress we understand such direction of development
of society, which stipulates the improvement of socio-economic, socio-political
and socio-cultural terms of people life. From this point of view it’s possible
to formulate next direction of development of society which is stipulated
of bioethics unavoidable results in progressive development of many areas of
life of society, in particular scientific and technical and socio-political
spheres. Bioethics produce all more severe requirements to the terms of
scientific and technical developments, that, in same queue, induces research
workers and industrialists to develop new, more safe and progressive
technologies. Investigation of such swift development of biological and family
technologies is an obvious necessity of not only management but also their
legal adjusting. Last, in same queue, not possible without serious development
of bioethics [1-3].
of requirements of bioethics is carried out specialists who conduct scientific
and technical developments – create new technologies on molecular and cellular
levels, develop technologies of industrial issue of biotechnological products.
For this reason the inalienable constituent of elucidative preparation of
future biotechnologists is a study and research of biosafety and package of
questions of bioethics [4-5].
of the proper world view of future specialists-biotechnologists on Faculty of
biotechnology and bioengineering of National technical
university of Ukraine “Kiev polytechnic institute” is carried out within the
framework of educational course “Biosafety and bioethics”.
an indissoluble triad is a biotechnology, biosafety and bioethics – is the
noticeable factor of progress of society influencing of which in a ХХІ century
will grow unavoidable. That is why will grow and influencing and responsibility
of elucidative industry in forming of bioethical world view of
specialists-biotechnologists [2].
presents more stringent requirements for scientific and technical developments.
The consequence of the rapid development of biological and medical technologies
is a clear need not only management but also their regulation. The latter, in
turn, is not possible without serious developing of bioethical issues. The
purpose of work is determined by necessity to collate data on the legal
regulation of bioethical issues in biomedicine, biotechnology and pharmacy, and
study the content of bioethics as a discipline. Legislation of Ukraine based on
the fundamental international documents. There is a constant need to improve
regulatory policy in bioethics through more and more scientific and technological
progress and rejection of the part of society of bioethical norms as a base of
philosophy biotech, medical and pharmaceutical activities. Evidently, there is
need for implementation of bioethics in educational programs for training
specialists in biology, biotechnology, medicine and pharmacy as mandatory
ideological components.
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