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Master in paedagogics and psychology N.A. Korostelyeva,

master in paedagogics and psychology Bulakhtina O.Yu.


International Business Academy, Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan



Problems of formation of the tolerant relation

 to disabled students


Nowadays the concept "tolerance" is considered quite often. It is caused by the dramatic increase of a number of cases when intolerance, extremism and violence all over the world are observed. The American political scientist N.Eshford has formulated twelve principals of a free society, including tolerance (Ashford, 2001, 96). He explains this phenomenon as non-interference of one’s behavior and actions if they aren't approved by the other person. Thus tolerance possesses two essential characteristics: not approved behavior and the refusal of imposing of the point of view of one person to other people (Ashford, 2001, 87). We will result some definitions based on this paradigm. For example, S.K.Bondyreva considers tolerance and intolerance to be special relations formed (as well as any other relation) on the basis of estimation of a certain object (more often – other individual) due to the continuous interaction with the object … hence the following formula could be true here: interaction → estimation → relation → behavior (intention) (Kolesov, 2003, 4).

D.A.Leontev understood tolerance as a position of acceptance of other values, attitudes, customs which possess equal rights with «own» habitual values, attitudes, customs not depending on the degree of the consent with them (Leontyev, 2009, 13).

G.U.Soldatov interprets tolerance as an integrated characteristic of an individual which defines his ability to cooperate actively with the environment in the problematic situations for the purpose of restoration of the psychological balance, successful adaptation, nonadmission of the confrontation and the development of positive mutual relations with oneself and with the surrounding world (Soldatov, 2001, 14).

We consider that the most complete psychological meaning of the concept “tolerance” as the personality phenomenon is represented in the definition offered by M.S.Matskovsky. He considers tolerance to be a certain way of interaction between the subject and the object of the tolerance which is characterized by the readiness of the subject to accept sociocultural differences of the object including the external signs, statements, features of behavior etc. (Matskovsky, 2004, 140).

Considering the fact that tolerance is shown in the interaction (interpersonal, personal and group, intergroup) and also in various social spheres, it is necessary to deal with various kinds of the tolerance which classification is presented in M.S.Matskovsky's works (Matskovsky, 2004, 140). He has distinguished the following tolerance kinds: political, international, racial, religious, gender, physiological, educational, geographical, intergroup, sexual-orientational, marginal tolerance. From the above listed kinds of tolerance the physiological tolerance was chosen as the one we are interested in. Physiological tolerance is the relation to patients, invalids, physically defective people with external defects etc. According to the Declaration of the rights of invalids, the disabled person is a person who can not provide without assistance in full or in part the needs of both personal and social life due to the defect whether it is congenital or its physical or intellectual impossibilities.

In our society disabled people are taken differently: some are absolutely indifferent to them, the others are compassionate and as a rule are passive, the third, and they are in minority, are actively sympathizing. Beside the existing stereotype about the intellectual and physical inferiority dooms these people to full isolation: they can be rarely met in the street, in the cultural and educational institutions and once in a blue moon in high schools. The results of the long-term researches have shown that the relation of normal students to the invalids as a whole, including teachers of high schools, is frankly adverse: they are often imputed to such characteristics as envy, mistrust to healthy students, the lack of initiative, heightened compassion on themselves. When teachers interact socially with invalids, as a rule they are aspired to stop it as soon as possible.

They use a scantier lexicon than usually, express not their own opinion but the one they think should be pleasant to the disabled student. According to the observations of many researchers the similar negative attitudes are traced back in all spheres of higher education (Martynova, 1999, 15). At the present days the recognition of uniqueness and self-importance of the person has led to the necessity of working out of new pedagogical strategies developing the ideas of humanism, searching of pedagogical ways of development of the personality with the physical inferiority. The aksiological concept, from humanistic essence of formation, is undoubtedly considered as a theoretical basis of getting higher education by people with the physical inferiority (Martynova, 2002, 19).

However the implementation of the rights of invalids on higher education is connected with a number of problems caused by the lack of psychologically-pedagogical readiness of teachers to train invalids. Any system can function and develop successfully within certain conditions. Hence, the process of formation of the tolerant relation to students with physical defects would be more effective at a creation complex of pedagogical conditions.

In the philosophical dictionary the concept "condition" is treated as: 1) the environment in which one stays and without which he can't exist; 2) the conditions in which something occurs (Gubsky, 2000, 98). 

In pedagogics the conditions are considered as factors, circumstances, the totality of measures and the efficient functioning of pedagogical system depends on them. In the process of specification of the interpretation of the concept «pedagogical conditions», we have drawn a conclusion that the pedagogical conditions are understood by the majority of researchers as one of the regular parts of the pedagogical process (Kupriyanov, 2001, 102). Concerning our research pedagogical conditions would considered as a set of necessary measures favoring the success of formation of tolerance to disabled students.

We have suggested the following hypothesis of the research: the process of formation of the tolerant relation to the invalids trained in higher educational institutions and having physical defects would be successful in a case of realization of the following complex of pedagogical conditions:

■ implementation of the integrated training technology assuming a joint educational and extracurricular activities of students, without excluding people with the physical inferiority;

■ psychologically-pedagogical readiness of the faculty of higher educational institutions to train the invalids with physical defects;

■ socially-psychological readiness of students to coeducation and extracurricular activities together with the students having physical defects;

■ psychologically-pedagogical preparation of school-leavers with the physical inferiority to the conditions of studying process in the higher educational institutions which include psychological adaptation to its peculiar features and subjects.

In our research we would draw attention to the psychologically-pedagogical readiness of the faculty of higher educational institutions to teach students with physical defects as one of the cores pedagogical conditions of formation of the tolerant relation to the disabled students. In the foreign literature and the literature of our country the problem of professional tolerance formation of the teachers in higher school to students with physical defects is developed insufficiently. Also there are no special recommendations of the psychologically-pedagogical aspect in order to realize the teaching activity in the conditions of the integrated training.

The inclusion of people with special educational needs in mass educational institutions is a worldwide process with many countries involved in. The problem of inclusive (integrated) training is to construct the system which satisfies the requirements of everyone including the disabled students. The relation of students and teachers to the social integration of invalids in the conditions of higher education depends on how the physical inability is defined, whether the necessary services are available, individual qualities and experience of students, a policy of a separate high school, skills and ideology of the concrete teacher.

According to the primary poll of teachers of the higher schools (KSTU, ÌÁÀ), 98% from 100 teachers had no experience in interacting with the invalids and it resulted to a low level of tolerance to students with the physical and educational inferiority. The majority of teachers aren't ready to see invalids among the students, they consider that it is necessary to teach them "in another way", and after "trial" lessons with participation of disabled students most of them (about 55 %) felt confusion, constraint, uneasiness, self-condemnation, and only some of them (7 % of interrogated) – pity, aggression and disgust. All these data make possible to draw a conclusion of the necessity of the organization of special psychologically-pedagogical preparation of teachers to train disabled students in the conditions of the integrated training. And what is more important the formation of the tolerance to the disabled students trained in high schools demands the attention and committed actions of the whole faculty and not its single members as the huge role is played by a positive example of the tolerance of all teachers.

Thus the specially organized psychologically-pedagogical preparation of the faculty of high schools to train invalids will result in the highly developed level of tolerance. The tolerance is considered to be a pledge of the efficient training, education, development, socialization and realization of the rights of invalids to get a higher education.




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