Филологические науки / 9.
Этно-, социо- и психолингвистика
Morel Morel D.A., candidate of philology
Belgorod State University, Russia
peculiarities of national language world mapping
The terms “picture of the world” and “world image” are largely used not
only in linguistics but also in many other humanities. Both Russian and western
linguists (especially cognitive) distinguish two main kinds of such a picture:
conceptual (mental) and language (verbal) [6; 7]. We use terms “categorization”
and “conceptualization” in reference to the formation of the first one [14; 3; 11;
2: 42-47, 93; 16; 10] and “mapping” as concerns the segmentation of the second one.
It should be noted that such an application of the term “mapping” is not
really opposed to its mathematical interpretation (as an operation that
associates each element of a given set with one or more elements of a second
set [15]) common for foreign scholars (e.g.: [19]). As we have proved the
entitative, real world, conceptual and language pictures of world are in
successive relations of homomorphism [5]. Therefore the process of mapping in
this case may be related both to creating a virtual “map” of the real world and
to revealing correlation between two kinds of pictures of the world.
The existence of national peculiarities in world mapping (as a process
and its result) by the means of mental or public lexicon is a commonplace for
the modern linguistics (q.v.: [3; 7; 10]). The goal of the present article is
to consider such peculiarities using as the material the denominations of
alcoholic drinks.
Our choice is conditioned by the ontological and anthropological features
of this product. Firstly, on the one hand alcoholic drinks belongs to cultural
universals, on the other hand they distinctively reflect national specifics
being a part of national culture [1; 9: 94-123]. The corresponding concept is
an integral element of national self-awareness (e.g.: [8]), self-identification: “Boisson-totem, subst.
fém. Le vin est
senti par la nation française comme un bien qui lui est propre, au
même titre que ses trois cent soixante espèces de fromage et sa
culture. C'est
une boisson-totem (L'Express,
14 nov. 1977, p. 200, col. 3)” [20]. Secondly, being man-made they might be
categorized intuitively and trivially but at the same time several researchers
note the difficulty of categorizing artifacts [16; 18] (see also: [4]).
We have considered the lexical means representing alcoholic drinks in
French, English and Russian languages. Firstly we have analyzed the corpus of a
wide range of electronic lexicographic resources to separate out corresponding lexical
fields. Then we have performed semantic analysis of generic parts of
definitions [13: XXXVIII; 21] that helps us to subdivide the mentioned
fields into lexico-semantic groups. The results are grouped in the table below
where the numbers of lexical meanings (not words due to the polysemy) in each
group are indicated in decreasing order.
"Boissons alcoolisées" |
English "Alcoholic drinks" |
"Алкогольные напитки" |
vin |
207 |
wine |
102 |
вино |
60 |
eau-de-vie |
66 |
cocktail |
54 |
водка |
46 |
boissons diverses |
64 |
alcoholic beverage (misc.) |
49 |
спиртные напитки (разное) |
40 |
liqueur |
38 |
beer & brewage |
40 |
водка ∩ наливка/настойка |
20 |
bière |
25 |
liqueur |
39 |
наливка/настойка |
17 |
alcool |
18 |
liquor |
28 |
пиво |
17 |
apéritif |
13 |
whisk(e)y |
22 |
крепкие алкогольные напитки |
12 |
cocktail |
11 |
brandy |
18 |
слабые алкогольные напитки |
8 |
vin de liqueur |
7 |
ликер |
6 |
449 |
352 |
226 |
This table implies that there is an analogy
between French and Russian national mapping of alcoholic drinks segment of the
world image. This analogy becomes closer when partially clustering the Russian
lexical means. If we include the set of lexical meanings positioned at the
intersection of groups “водка” and “наливка/настойка” to the last one the first six rates
in French and Russian would match: 1) “vin” – “вино”; 2) “eau-de-vie” – “водка”; 3) “boissons diverses” – “спиртные напитки (разное)”; 4) “liqueur” – “наливка/настойка”; 5) “bière” – “пиво”; 6) “alcool” – “крепкие алкогольные напитки”.
The coincidence of “wine” and “miscellaneous”
groups rates (the first and the third, respectively) in all three national
fields should be noted.
The analysis of the revealed lexico-semantic groups
lets us merge them into four generic clusters present in all three national
language mappings of alcoholic drinks: “wine” (including aperitifs), “strong
liquors”, “brewages” (mostly beer and ale), and “uncategorized”. The last
cluster emergence (and its quantitative relevance) is related to the aforementioned
difficulty of categorizing artifacts.
There is also typically western cluster comprising
only one lexico-semantic group “cocktail”. It is not present in the Russian
lexical system and more developed in English than in French. Such features of
spread can be explained with reference to extralinguistic (sociocultural) factors.
Comparative percentage distribution by clusters
is represented in the Figure 1. Two moments are quite striking here. Firstly we
have to state considerable predominance of wine denominations in French that
follows from peculiarities of national mentality [17] (see also the TLFi’s quotation above) and national
material culture [12].
The predominance of strong liquors
denominations in Russian also comes to our notice. It should be noted that none
of groups forming this cluster in English is not in the top three (in terms of
numbers), whereas “водка”
group takes the second place in the Russian system of alcoholic drinks
denominations as well as “eau-de-vie” does in the French one. But Russian and
English “strong liquors” clusters are more minutely mapped as opposed to
The percentage ratios of other clusters
(“brewages” and “uncategorized”) do not manifest significant discrepancy.
Fig. 1. National
peculiarities of clustering alcoholic drinks denominations
In conclusion we are to emphasize that there are not crucial differences in national mapping
of the world image segment under study. This circumstance is conditioned by the
universal character of alcoholic drinks as a fact of culture.
However, the revealed mapping of the examined language material is not
free from several national peculiarities. They are resulted from historically
established features of alcoholic drinks production and consumption.
The most obvious distinction is revealed in terms of numbers: English
and Russian systems of alcoholic drinks denominations make up 78% and 50%,
respectively, of French one.
In terms of patterning national systems of alcoholic drinks
denominations also have several differences. Even if the number of national lexico-semantic
groups are purely comparable (8-9) their amount and composition rather differ. We
cannot say that essential and evident interlanguage oppositions exist in the
language material under study neither does the opposition “Russian vs. Western
European” being of more profound and comprehensive nature. But if we merged
three mentioned national systems into some kind of a virtual complex, this one
would have the supranational kernel formed with six groups of denominations
(wines, whiskeys, liquors, beers, liqueurs, uncategorized drinks) and the
country-specific periphery (seven groups).
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