Филология/ 3. Теоретические и методологические проблемы исследования языка


N. Chorney, T. Groshko

Bukovyna State Finance Academy, Ukraine

Modern language terminological processes in banking


Scientific and technical progress, restructuring the socio-economic and political systems in the country saturate our language with new means, terms. Finding our own language facility for transferring of new terms contribute emergence author neologisms, some of which displace borrowed terms, while others eventually disappeared without distribution.

Terminology nowadays – is a conscious process of controlled language, which provides congruity of any terms with the fundamental laws of language, whether borrowing, avoidance of synonymy, and multiple language terminology of borrowing terms. Nowadays, there are active revival forgotten dialects, redefining old words, folk terms, which are in the spoken language, which at that time not settled down in terminology and no longer perceived.

The main source of the formation of terminology is the common language as the basis of the Ukrainian literature language. It should be noted, that the specifics of the banking terminology formation widely use foreign language borrowing, one of the factors of which are profound changes in the economy of Ukraine and international outcome.

Learning of finance vocabulary requires the allocation of the basic language groups in the dictionary of banking terms such as:

1) economic categories (gross-profit, value);

2) banking entity (shareholder, creditor, guarantor, dealer);

3) the names of processes and operations (renewal of credit, mobilization funds, indexing);

4) financial institutions (stock exchange, the audit firm, the International Committee of Accounting and Standards, the branch of the bank);

5) types, methods, forms of banking (buying of the company, the auction exchange);

6) methods and mechanisms for banking operations (arbitrage, money transfer);

7) banking documentation (bill, endorsement, Avista, receipt debt);

8) the means of financial relations (coin, currency, budget, cash assets, notes).

Language processes caused by sharp changes in the realities of our present and the appropriate intensity of terminology development of modern Ukrainian literary language. According to this view, there are such language processes in the Ukrainian language:

Polisemy in terminology means the fact polysemantic. For example, the word "bonus" has the following meanings: 1) additional compensation, prize; 2) additional price discount provided by the seller on the contract condition or constant client; 3) commission of service for buying selling of goods.

Some terms have the meanings that are quite distant from each other, although they are not yet words homonymy. For example: agio - is: 1) the difference between the rate exchange or commission collection with levy exchange of paper money into coins or weak exchange rates for strengths; and 2) growth of market currency or securities of their face value; 3) increase the market price of gold in monetary equivalent and so on.

The analysis confirms the presence of synonymy, which is generally regarded as "alien" phenomenon in terminology, because each terms should have only one exact name. For example: «рамбусувати» – “return, repay”; extension - the renewal of deal term and others.

One of the most productive ways of replenishing the terminology of modern banking is borrowing from other languages, which explaining Ukrainian transition to the market economy. There are many new concepts, phenomena, objects with out their determination in Ukrainian language. However, there are many identical semantic foreign and Ukrainian terms, which operate in parallel. It brings to synonymy in terminology system, which is one of the characteristics of the banking formation terminology.

Ukrainian Finance and Credit terminology is enrich by borrowings from different languages: Latin (interest, dividends, subsidies, credit, deposit, emission), Italian (advice, Avista, bank, currency, Lombard, Agio, balance, cash), Germany (bill, indosat, penalty), French (advance annuity, devaluation, dekuver, quotes, finance), English (discounting, factoring, freight, swap, dumping, tariffs, clearing , investor, forfeiting), Russian (penalty, treasury, revenue, income).

The formation of modern Ukrainian language, to some extent, is closely relates with the integration and globalization processes modifying and supplementing them. Under these conditions, such processes as polisemy, homonymy, synonymy and borrowing from other languages are becoming wider spread, especially in the banking terminology. Therefore, the special task of modern philology is investigation and analysis of modern Ukrainian language modification, distribution, and using of them.

Used literature:

1. Загородній А. Г. Совник банківських термінів. Банківська справа: Термінологічний словник. – К.: Аконіт, 2000. – 605 с.

2. Симоненко Л. О. Національні та інтернаціональні компоненти в сучасних терміносистемах. – К., 1993. – С. 3.

3. Тимкова В. Мовні процеси в системі сучасної термінології банківської справи // www.lib.sau.sumy.ua.