Psychology and sociology /11. Psychophysiology
Nalyvayko N1., Yaremko Z1., Tkachenko
H2., Manenko A2.
1Ivan Franko Lviv National
University, Department of Life Safety,
2 Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University,
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Toxicology
indexes among young people and iodine level in organism
Iodine deficiency (ID) is associated with increased
prevalence of goiter, increased risk for neurodevelopmental disorders, and is
the worlds leading cause of intellectual deficits. ID is one of the most
common nutrient deficiencies in the world, estimated to affect more than 1
billion people. Iodine deficiency disorders is the term used to describe the
wide range of adverse health effects caused by low iodine intakes [Hetzel
et al., 1990].
These disorders include endemic cretinism, infant mortality, infertility,
miscarriage, mental retardation, neuromuscular defects, and dwarfism. Eradication of
poverty and economic development in countries in East Europe depend to a great
extent on the educational level of the population. Iodine deficiency disorder
(IDD) might be an obstacle for the general population to achieve a sufficient
intellectual status since iodine deficiency is the leading cause of preventable
mental retardation [Delange et al., 2001]. Iodine deficiency affects the foetus
and is linked to abortion, stillbirths, prenatal and infant mortality, and to
cretinism. Newborns, children and adolescents might develop goitre, a short
stature and undergo delayed puberty [Hetzel, 1983]. The situation in Ukraine
might serve as an example where lack of monitoring and supervision affected the
efforts made in the past. Western part of the country provides a naturally
low-iodine environment [Gutekunst et al., 1989; Delange et al., 1998]. Although
efforts were made to control endemic goitre in the western part of the country
through the introduction of iodinated salt [Delange et al., 1998], IDD was
found again even in areas where control efforts were made before.
The objective of the present study is to
compare the psichophysiological indexes of
students from an endemic goiter area (Lviv region). Therefore, in the present
study we would like to investigate the effect of iodine deficiency on cognitive and behavioral features in students from
an endemic goiter area (Lviv region). The
study is included above 600 students of Ivan Franko Lviv National University
(males and females) between 18 and 24 years of age living in endemic goiter
area (Lviv region). Determination of formal and dynamic properties of
individuality is carried out by the method of Rusalov [Ilin, 2001]. Force of
nervous processes is estimated by a tapping-test [Balin et al., 2003]. Mobility
of nervous processes is estimated by the method of plasticity investigation
[Volkov, 2002]. Urine is digested with ammonium persulfate to inactivate impurities and
interfering substances. Iodine is a catalyst in the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction,
in which the yellow-colored ceric ammonium sulfate is reduced to the colorless
cerous sulfate, in the presence of arsenious acid. The speed of the color
change is proportional to the amount of iodine present. Collect about 1-2 ml
urine, place in tube and stopper tightly.
We divided the selection of the inspected
students into three groups after the level of iodine providing. Students from
the first group (considerable iodine deficient) have iodine level within the
limits of a 20-99 g/l in urine; students from the second group (moderate iodine
deficient) have iodine level within the limits of a 100-199 g/l in urine;
students belong to the third group (optimum level of iodine) have iodine
concentration in urine within the limits of a 200-299 g/l.
Our results show, that majority of the
inspected young people (43.00 ฑ 2.45%) has the low iodine providing and belong
to the first group (considerable iodine deficient). It is noted, that 36.60 ฑ
1.27% of the inspected young people belongs to the second group (moderate
iodine deficient), and only 20.40 ฑ 1.95 % has an optimum level of iodine level
(optimum level of iodine).
The increase of iodine
levels results in some increase of
psychophysiological indexes (intellectual activity, plasticity of psychomotor
activity, intellectual and communicative activity) of young people. The
increase of iodine maintenance results in the significant increase of speed of
intellectual activity. It is noted also that unlike growth of greater part of
indexes of intellectual activity on a background the increase of iodine
providing is not noted an increase of intellect coefficient (IQ). Similar results were noted in relation to the
coefficient of cognitive rigidity testifying to plasticity and flexibility of
thought and ability easily to pass from one type of activity to other.
We compared influence of the different iodine level in three groups of
students on distributing of their psychophysiological descriptions, in
particular on the level of property of intellectual and psychomotoric activity,
plasticity of intellectual, psychomotoric and communicative activity, speed of
intellectual activity, and also on distributing of intellectual indexes and
general activity and adaptation. Noted also influence of the different iodine
level in organism on distributing of force of the nervous system among three
groups of young people. Our results are presented on fig.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
Fig. Distributing of degrees of
psychophysiological indexes among three groups of young people and iodine level in organism. 1 a group of students with the considerable deficit of iodine, 2
a group of students with the moderate deficit of iodine, 3 a group of
students with the optimum level of iodine. A. Type of central nervous
system: a strong type, b nervous system of middle force, c the middling
weak nervous system with a capacity for brief mobilization, d middling weak
nervous system, e weak type; B. Levels of property of intellectual activity: a low, b
middle, c high; C. Levels
of plasticity of psychomotoric activity: a low, b
middle, c high; D. Levels
of plasticity of intellectual activity: a low, b
middle, c high; E. Levels
of plasticity of communicative activity: a low, b
middle, c high; F. Speeds of intellectual activity: a low, b middle, c
high; G. Index of intellectual
activity: a low, b normal, c high; H. Index of general activity: a low, b normal, c high; I. Index of general
adaptation: a low, b normal, c high. |
Our results show
that greater part of young people in a group with the considerable iodine
deficiency is characterizing weak type of the nervous system (57.4 ฑ 5.5%). In
young people from the third group with the optimum level of iodine such level
of force of the nervous system is considerably less (10.5 ฑ 2.4%). Unlike, an
amount of persons with the strong type of the nervous system in the first group
is considerably less than in a group with the optimum level of iodine and makes
to 1.6 ฑ 0.5 and 32.6 ฑ 2.8% according. It is noted also that high levels of
nervous system property, plasticity and speed of different activity types below
for persons with the considerable deficit of iodine comparatively with persons
in the second group and considerably more low comparatively with persons with
the optimum iodine providing. Similar results were set in relation to plasticity
of intellectual psichomotoric and communicative activity.
It was not
expressed in students with the optimum level of iodine in an organism low-level
of plasticity of psichomotoric activity, but high level of this index (68.8 ฑ
5.1%) is considerable comparatively with inspected the first and second groups
(42.6 ฑ 2.2 and 44.2 ฑ 4.2 % according). Similar results were noted for
distributing of intellectual and general activity indexes, and general
adaptation. Thus, our results suggest, that increase of indexes of
psichophysiological properties depends on the level of iodine providing.
With the high
degree of significance of correlative coefficient and positive
cross-correlation (r=0.392) was noted connection of iodine providing and the
type of the students nervous system. It testifies that for young people with
the optimum level of iodine providing mostly inherent strong type of the
nervous system, and also nervous system of middle force. Among students with
the medium and low iodine level in urine was noted the middling weak nervous
system, and weak nervous system accordingly. The iodine providing of organism
poorly correlates with plasticity of intellectual activity (r=0.319), indexes
of intellectual (r=0.391) and general activity (r=0.387). However, such
cross-correlation link is characterized the high level of significance. It is
noted also, that other indexes of intellectual activity positively correlate
with an iodine level in urine. It testifies to substantial influence of iodine
on the forming of some cognitive psichophysiological features of young people,
in particular on development of intellectual descriptions of personality.
Our results
show that increase of force of central nervous
system, plasticity, speed and emotionality of
intellectual, psichomotoric and communicative promptness is connected with iodine maintenance in urine.
Work is executed at
support of West-Ukrainian
BioMedical Research Centre.
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