Gushin A.M., Oleynik I.N.
Donbass State Machinebuilding Academy
Aspiration to reduce the
terms of creation of works of art by mechanization and automation of the
protracted hand operations and on the whole expensive treatment of intricate
articles, including unique ones, to create new technological equipment for the
acceleration of labor intensive preliminary operations of treatment of original
articles, including those made of rare materials, resulted in the idea of
creation of machine-tools for a carving and engraving on any materials and,
above all things, jewels, eliminating the labor intensive handwork of an artist
at all stages of rough operations, taking more than 80% of carver’s time to do
his work, but at the same time giving a possibility for realization of creative
potential of a man on adjustment and interference with the process of making an
article at any stage of its production.
It must be agreed with the
well-known English researcher of Faberzhe creative work K Spowman who said that
“the most gifted modern masters waste their capabilities and talent on the
decision of the question how to make more, quicker, and cheaper ”. Sculptors
and artists have been working this way for ages.
Analizing the creative
heritage of MichelangeloIrving Stown notes what sufferings the great artist
felt creating his masterpieces, and no less tormenting his thoughts were when
he realized the impossibility of implementing his ideas even working 14 hours a
we shall dwell on the detailes of production technologies of high-quality
carved articles made of wood, bone, semiprecious and precious stones,
simultaniously estimating the necessity of mechanization of labour-intensive
hand operations, especially preliminary made by a sculptor with a great amount
of muscular energy.
Preconceived opinion, as though a sculptor or a carver
is under an obligation to execute his work with his own hands, took a root in
the minds of our contemporaries so deeply, that made them forget the following:
neither the temples of India, neither Egyptian sphinxes nor portals of gothic
cathedrals, are the fruit of hands of their creators. These are the hands of « marble masons »,
so-called the craftsmen who incarnated in material the ideas of authors of the works of arts.
One of the stained-glass windows in Shartrsky Cathedral
is devoted to the art of carvers on stone,
here the author is represented in a laurel wreath - he manages the workers,who treat
a sculpture lying on the ground.
In fact creation is an essence of art, and every
technology presupposes handicraft, routine. However transition from a unique
art, accessible to talented individuals, to mass art, reproduced by
technologies, is typical for all of kinds of human activity. Suffice it to
remember the typographical and other printing of books. Somehow nobody doubts
whether the photocopying of such kind is necessary.
the offered «three-dimensional xeroxes» are copying machine-tools, to which any
material is subjected, will enter our everyday life like the well-known photocopying
As it is generally known,
creating the model of future
work of art, sculptors and
carvers use clay, plastic, beeswax. It is clear, that any slips, errors on such
materials are easily removed and the master can easily achieve the desired
result. Further the work is necessary to be executed in material and now the
artist has to work very hard.
V. Pikul' describes the process of engraver’s work:
«Laval set to work. Engraving replaced a picture in the days of old(before
1812), because it was possible to make a great number of prints from one board.
But labour is not easy, it needs unprecedented exactness of gesture and large
physical force. A hand leads a chisel on a metal, leaving a furrow on it, one
incorrect motion — and all work (sometimes the work of all the life) flies on a
rubbish heap. A writer, having written an incorrect word, can cross it out; a
painter, having put an incorrect light on the picture can paint it out; an engraver
cannot correct anything - a chisel firmly sticks in a metal and all depends on
the ability of the engraver».
ideas of copying treatment have always
been and have been realized by different masters in one way or another. For
example, after preparatory sketches from which only a
small number was saved, Mikelandzhelo
passed to making small models from clay or beeswax.
he did not confined himself to creation
of small models, more frequently he made them as the future sculptures of a
real size.
B. Chellini in his «Treatise about a sculpture» wrote:
«In order to execute a sculpture in marble well... a good master must make a
little model, not more than two spans, and then decide in it the pose of figure, dressed or bare... Then it must be increased as
much as it will be in marble...».
These words are
convincing enough in favour of photocopying machines because acording to the
technology offered they, for example, can copy a work of art from wax or
plaster model with an accuracy of 0,02 mm with any material not depending on its
hardness or other physical-mechanical properties. And if it is indeed a
beautiful thing – copy it, give people the beauty!
innovations offered for realization by this project fall into the category of «know-what»
and cover a wide range of application. These technologies are executed at the
level of science intensive
high-tech, involving the ideas of more than twenty registered inventions which are
going to be patented. Thus, the
introduction of the newest technologies on mechanization of hand labour
intensive operations at creation of exclusive hand-made products is very problematic.
Therefore, the
appearance of completely new technologies of mechanization and automation of
hand labour intensive operations on treatment of materials with any hardness
can substantially influence the balanced market of artistic works made of
expensive materials, machine-tools and tools for their treatment.
Work in the area of creation of copying «machine-tools
marble” started
in 1970 from creation of fundamentally new designs of drives of technological
machines. This area of science was called «mechanotronics », because at that
time nobody knew about the works of Japanese researchers, who gave the world the idea of « mechanotronics ». Presently, not claiming the
priority, the authors decided to leave the name «mechanotronics », seeing in it
small, but distinctive features.
As an object of investigation the linear engine of
direct current, in which the armature does not rotate, but accomplishes the
reciprocating motion, was chosen. Positive results (patent of the USSR) were obtained
in 1972, new tendency in designing «mechanisms», imitating the actions of a
man, being discovered at once. With the
help of the complex technical innovations it became possible to weigh the
hollow mobile armature of the linear electric engine in the magnetic field and
make it move on a “magnetic pillow”.
Thus, a «contactless mechanism» was obtained. The
efforts are transmitted not by the direct contact of the interacted parts but
with the help of the magnetic field
created in the clearance between these parts.
On principle new properties of the « contactless mechanism»:
• Practical absence of forces of friction (friction on
air of a mobile element);
• High exactness and dynamic characteristics;
• Exceptionally high controllability.
The “mechanisms” of such kind by their character
(control of electric current without intermediate elements) are easily
connected with computers and allow to solve the problems which cannot be solved by traditional machines. The tracking drives of technological
machines have been produced. They increased, in one order and even more, the
spead of machine-tool reaction on the changing conditions of working that made
it possible to synthesize qualitatievely new methods of cutting metalls and
other materials, the accuracy in which is formed beyond the limits of
machine-tool kinematics and does not depend on the accuracy of the latter.
Further investigations in this area resulted in the
idea of creation of wide class of machines, the behaviour of executive parts of
which would adapt to the
external environment conditions (largely indefinite).
During the subsequent years on the base of new ideas a
number of complex technological
problems has been decided, the solution of which is connected with great expenses with application
of traditional technique or
in general with impossibility of their realization.
At the same time a considerable part of research was devoted to
modernization of the existing NC machine-tools with the purpose of giving them new
qualities, in particular shifting machines to adaptive mode of operation as
well as creation of original designs of devices to connect microcomputers with
technological machines.
As a result of long-term experiments, conducted in the
Donbas State Machine-building Academy (Kramatorsk, Ukraine), it was succeeded
to create on principle new copying-milling-grinding machine-tools, operating
automatically on any materials, including single-crystals with hardness 9–9,5
on the Moths scale (separate units of a machine-tool are protected by 12
author’s certificates of the USSR).
Simultaneously with the creation of machine-tools the
designes of original tools have been perfected, technologies of carving and
engraving on wood (picture.1), bone(picture 6), combination “wood-bone”(picture
7), marble (picture.2), optical glass (picture.3), and also on precious stones (picture.4 – made of
leucosapphire), have been developed.
At the same time the
work on modernization of vertical-milling machines with NC was going on. The
purpose was to expand their technological potentialities, that is to give them
new qualities – possibilities of treatment of materials having any physical-mechanical
properties without man’s interference with the process of treatment (picture.4,
picture.5 are computer graphics on a machine-tool with polishing).
The ideas
of modernization of any existing metal-working equipment with numerical control
with the purpose of expansion of their technological capabilities in terms of
extra-hard and hard-working materials have been realized.
The most perspective for modernization are
machine-tools of firm Roland DG (Japan) series of MDX-20/15 – MDX-500, involving
all the latest achievements in information technologies, mathematical modeling,
computer technique and science on the whole.
Together with 3D
scanners, for example, of series of PICZA, LPX-250,
LPX-1200(Japan), which can scan objects of a human hair thickness, digitizing
all of nuances of initial sample (on these devices it is possible to scan glass
and any transparent materials, and as well as plasticine figures, berries and
other soft objects with unprecedented precision), it is possible to get automatically
mathematical models and programs for NC-machine-tools, and then on the same
modernized machine-tools one can get masterpieces made of semiprecious and
precious stones.
For the aims of artistic stone
treatment the engraving-milling equipment of firm Woodpecker(THE USA),
which includes a series of machine-tools from the jewelry working to the giant
machine-tools with the area of working
1400х3020 mm is also suitable. Monumental works of art can be machined
on this equipment.
Laser engraving machine-tools, for example, of firm
Argus (China), together with above-mentioned NC-machines, will allow to create
fundamentally new technologies of stone-cutting art, that are beyond the powers
of man’s hand. (picture.4 is an example of
laser engraving on leucosapphire).
For realization of new ideas of carving and engraving
on stone and other materials the
machine-tools of firm ShopBot CNC Tools (THE USA), of Mell series after
modernization suit perfectly well.
Thus, eliminating labor intensive hand operations at
all stages of treatment of articles in material, new technologies give
wonderful possibility for realization of creative potential of Master. From now
on while creating a future work of art, a carver or a sculptor is to create his
model in readily-working material – wax, plasticine, clay, etc.
The technologies
developed in the Donbass State Machine-Building Academy open new prospects:
§ creation of unique works of art from materials with any
physical-mechanical properties;
§ the offered technologies will allow to release an artist from routine
work, leaving him the possibility of creative realization of his ideas;
§ sharp reduction of terms from the origin of an idea to realization of the
work of art;
§ diminishing of cost of unique works of art, that will make them
accessible for the various strata of society.
Small machine-tools of
completely new design can work in the conditions of home workshops and small
enterprises, that will provide appearance of additional workplaces, including
for socially unprotected levels of population, in
particular, invalids, pensioners, students, schoolchildren.
Donbas State
Machine-Building Academy is opened for a wide collaboration with the purpose of
introduction of «know-how» into the national economy of Ukraine and other countries.
Т. Исли, И. Симояма, Х. Иноуэ, М. Хиросэ, И. Наладзима Мехатроника// Москва,
Мир, 1988.
А.М. Гущин и др. Станок для копировальной обработки// Авторское свидетельство
СССР №1389992, В23, Q35118, Бюл№15, 1988.
А.М. Гущин и др. Копировальный станок// Авторское свидетельство СССР №997999,
Бюл№7, 1983.
И.В. Стешенко и др. Линейный электродвигатель//Авторское свидетельство СССР №SU1427512,
Бюл№36, 1988.