Филологические науки / 9.
Этно-, социо- и психолингвистика
Morel Morel D.A., candidate of philology
Belgorod State University, Russia
Dynamics of
“Food” and “Drinks” Concepts as Parts of “Security Perimeter”
The term “security perimeter” was introduced by
the prominent French anthropologist and archaeologist André
Leroi-Gourhan in his book “Le geste et la parole” (chapter XIII), published in
1964-65. It is interpreted as the base of moral and physical comfort [12: 139].
Olga A. Mikhailova who was the first to introduce this term to Russian linguistics placed the corresponding concept to the basic level of “naïve” picture of the world: “Фрагмент наивной картины мира выстраивается не хаотично, а в соответствии со значимостью для языкового коллектива самих обозначаемых и в полном соответствии с антропоцентрическим принципом языка. Реконструируемый участок картины мира центруется вокруг человека, а перспектива располагается по двум направлениям – личный мир и окружающий мир… В ближайшей перспективе – на первом ярусе картины мира – располагаются представления о человеке как индивиде... В направлении окружающего мира ближайшим участком оказывается дом человека и его быт. Это наиболее конкретизированная и проработанная в языке сфера, охватывающая все то, что составляет «периметр безопасности» (А.Леруа-Гуран) и обеспечивает жизнедеятельность людей: продукты питания, одежда, обувь, орудия труда, животные, преимущественно домашние, растения” [4: 20].
We initiated studies of “security perimeter”
with regard to linguistics [5; 6; 7] that helped some conclusions formulation.
“Security perimeter” concept is nominally
reflexive (for this term q.v.: [8: 100]) but by the nature of emotional states
and artifacts it represents in the conceptual picture of the world this concept
is axiological, emotionally relevant, and “linguocultural” (for these terms see,
respectively: [9; 2; 1; 3]).
“Security perimeter” has a complex structure
that can be represented as a frame and includes the following constituents:
“house”, “furnishings”, “clothes” (including undergarments, footwear, headwear,
accessories / haberdashery), “utensils” (including tableware), “food &
drinks”, “amulets”, and “weapons” (partially). The concept under study disposes
of branched external relations with other mental structures (see Figure 1.).
Due to that it accomplishes an integrative function. Its core constituent and
the center of gravity for the majority of relations is “house”.
Fig. 1. Structure
of “security perimeter” concept
The subject of the present study are two constituents of “security
perimeter” – “food” and “drinks” concepts and the systems of their lexicalizing
means. The corresponding classes of objects satisfy basic physiological need so
directly ensure personal or social security (q.v.: [10]).
The data for study are represented by lexical fields of the same names.
500 lexical units were sampled to analyze “Food” field. Taking into
consideration the phenomenon of polysemy it gives 555 denominations of
different kinds of food. The major party of chosen lexical units are loanwords.
The “drinks” field consists of 419 lexical units (the half of them are vernacular)
or 527 denominations (see Figure 2).
Fig. 2.
Top-5 languages contribution to the growth of “food” (inner circle) and
“drinks” (outer one) fields
Semantic derivation processes play an important role in the inner
(structural) and outer (relational) dynamics of these fields (see Figures 3 and
4). 61.3% of drinks denominations and 12.4% of food denominations are formed
due to metaphorical and metonymical transfers, generalization and
specialization of meaning.
Fig. 3. The
role of semantic derivation types in “food” field inner/outer dynamics
It should be noted that “drinks” field largely provides with samples of
joint effect that is rendered by different types of semantic derivation
1) Cases of joint metonymic transfers:
– «territory + raw material → product»: ‘Сoncord’, ‘Gamay’;
– «source of raw material + raw material → product»: ‘mirabelle’,
‘Riesling, Tokay’;
– «territory + source of raw material + raw material → product»:
2) Combination of metaphor and metonymy (L. Goossens’
“metaphtonymy” [11]): ‘suds’,
‘orange blossom’, ‘bishop’, ‘juice’.
3) Combination of generalization and metonymy: ‘brew’.
Fig. 4. The
role of semantic derivation types in “drinks” field inner/outer dynamics
It should be also mentioned that “drinks” field is absolute leader by
the number of metonymical transfers and their patterns in the “security
perimeter” lexicalizing system. The most productive patterns of metonymical
transfers are “ingredient / raw material → product”, “toponym → product”,
“drink name → its portion”, “man’s proper name → product”.
Metonymical transfers join the “drinks”-target to the sources like different
artifacts and facts of animate and inanimate nature. The processes of
generalization and specialization accomplish entirely within “drinks” field.
The “food” field in contrary is rather poor in metonymy (the most
frequent input transfer patterns are “territory → product” and “action
→ its object or result”, output one is “object → property (color or
taste”) but abundant in various metaphor (when functioning as a source).
The semantic analysis of processes and results of semantic derivation
helps us to reveal the dynamics of “security perimeter” inner/outer relations
at the lexico-semantic level, to specify “food” and “drinks” constituents
positioning within it, and to draw up a dynamic pattern of the concept under
study (see Figure 5).
Fig. 5.
“Security perimeter” concept’s dynamic pattern
As we can see from this scheme “food” and “drinks” constituents are
tightly coupled and form (in close association with “utensils”) within
“security perimeter” a center of gravity that shows a stronger integrative
capability even than “house”.
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