Kyslyi D. V.

Kharkiv Institute of Banking UBS NBU, Ukraine



Annotation. Considered the main problems and the need to improve the system of financial control in Ukraine. Researched the activity of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine in the field of financial control, the ways of reforming the financial control in Ukraine.

Key words. Financial control, bodies of financial control, State Financial Inspection, regulation.

Entry. State financial control is an important function of state, by means of which provide normal conditions for the functioning of the financial system. Difficult economic processes and consequences of the global financial crisis showed the need to improve fiscal policy, including financial control. Its underestimation led to abuses and violations of financial relations. Today recognized, that there is need to develop a system of state financial control in view of the objective need for an appropriate counterbalance to existing challenges in the financial system, including reduction of number of fiscal abuses and crimes, improve the level of financial discipline in the use of budget funds; ensure budget revenue taxes, fees and charges; strengthen accountability of the budget process etc.

Improving the system of financial control in Ukraine may become surety effective functioning of public finances, including receipt of such global results as: respect for economic security, balancing state and local budgets, achieve financial self-sufficiency of regions, sectors and industries, a noticeable increase in security of financial and economic interests of citizens and society as a whole, and as a result - the prosperity of the state, enhancing the prestige of the world community.

Results. Difficult economic processes which now occurring in almost all countries, significantly impeding the development of such an important component of public administration as financial control. State financial control - is an integral part of economic entities and processes is to monitor the object in order to check whether the object desired and required monitoring of the legislation, recommendations, instructions and other regulations. State financial control is carried out Parliament, Cabinet Ministers, National Bank, Ministry of Finance, State Property Fund, the Accounting Chamber, the State Tax Service and other government agencies in accordance with the law. In turn, the bodies of internal financial control includes the Financial Inspection of Ukraine (SFI) and internal institutional control - Control and audit units of ministries and other central executive bodies.

It is clear that the current system of state control isn’t without some drawbacks, which include:

¾ the most control and screening procedures is fiscal in nature. Practice shows that the most commonly used inspection and verification. These methods allow only identify financial irregularities, acknowledge the negative effects, but doesn’t allow to avoid them or learn their causes;

¾ prevalence of further (next) control measures. Existing procedures for prior and current control (which is the most effective, based on the experience of foreign countries) within the current system of financial control in Ukraine faces rather weak and has unsettled character;

¾ the missing importance of internal financial control in public finance management and heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations;

¾ low efficiency of the administrative penalties mechanism. The amount of fine for improper or illegal use of budget funds is much less than the budget funds that the state loses because of officials’ abuses, and can’t provide full compensation for such loss;

¾ unregulated activities and functions of financial control subjects’ intersection. In Ukraine, external control in part of the State Budget of Ukraine centrally perform two authorities: the Accounting Chamber on behalf of Parliament and the State Financial Inspection on behalf of the Government.

During the period of independence Ukraine adopted a number of regulations governing the exercise of financial control (Budget Code, Commercial Code, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, state financial control standards, various laws, etc.), but they haven’t resulted in significant improvement of financial discipline in use of public funds. This is evidenced by the negative trend on the growth of financial and economic crimes.

Thus, the results point to SFI growth rate amounts of identified losses and financial violations in general. The effectiveness of financial control for cost-effective and targeted spending of budget funds, as the preservation of state and municipal property depends on the complexity of its implementation, timeliness and completeness of measures’ implementation for compensation of state losses, eliminate the causes that led to financial losses. Most of these functions is placed on the SFI. However, the activity of SFI bodies faced with several problems concerning the efficient organization of financial control. This body of financial control sufficiently funded by the state, but there are some flaws into the organization of internal financial controls, exercised by that authority. Generalizing all the above facts, we can distinguish two more addition defects in the organization of state financial control:

¾ strong tendency to increasing the number of illegal and inappropriate losses, shortages of money and material values, indicating some cancellation of financial discipline at the level of budgetary institutions and organizations, also indicating that the economic management mechanism is imperfect and contains many weak position that facilitates the commission of such crimes;

¾ weak interaction of SFI with law enforcement and judicial authorities (courts delay with cases, unfounded exemptions offenses from liability, constant failures to inform the SFI bodies on transfer to the executive service regulations on bringing offenders to administrative proceedings).

There has been a problem in the absence of systematic control too, ie under the previous, current and next control. Currently, financial control on the part of SFI has punitive and educational in nature, but does not have a preventive nature to prevent the violation of budgetary discipline and abuse in the fiscal sphere. With this in mind, one of the ways to improve financial control is to increase the effectiveness of current control by the Treasury, in coordination with executive agencies and the State Tax Administration. The effectiveness of preventive, rather than further action cannot be overemphasized. It is feasible to involve SFI bodies to implement preliminary control on the stage of formation of estimates of revenues and expenditures of budgetary institutions, or authorize the financial authorities and bodies to the State Treasury, except the current, still preliminary control over the formation of funds of budgetary institutions.

Should pay attention also to the personnel issues of the SFI, where due to budgetary savings exists understaffing of revision apparatus. Prospects for improvement of financial control depend on its quality at all stages and timely response of adequate financial bodies, managers of major loans and authorities on the results of further monitoring, ie the findings of inappropriate and ineffective use of budget funds by taking action to redress unlawful expenditure, regulation of financing and comply with regulations governing the budget process. In my opinion, one way to resolve a legal change of functions and tasks of the State Financial Inspection, increasing the responsibilities of directors and other officers of entities in the public sector for violations of financial discipline and abuse. Thus the Concept and its implementation plan, of course, has many advantages and, if successful implementation is able to bring our country to world standards and requirements and facilitate the adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation.

Conclusion. As shown in a result of a study, state financial control built in Ukraine doesn’t provide an appropriate level of fiscal discipline in the State in general and in particular at the regional level. This is due to a number of problems that create the tendency to increase the number and volume of major financial irregularities. The main disadvantages are singled out as follows: mainly fiscal in nature  of control and revision procedures, low efficiency of the mechanism of administrative penalties, weak interaction of SFI with law enforcement and judicial authorities and so on.

It should be noted that the direction of improving the system of internal state control has become a priority for further active work of experts on the subject. Regarding improvement of the current system of internal financial control, I think, have become urgent measures such as: improvement of activity of state and municipal sectors, improve the quality of public administration, legislative regulation of the formation of public internal financial control, the main objective is to ensure the implementation of internal control of internal audit and their harmonization to ensure good management of resources of the state based on the principles of legality, efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of the definition on the basis of scientific justification structures of public internal financial control procedures regulating its operation, establish a mechanism for establishing the internal audit in public and communal sectors, the formation of an effective system of monitoring financial and business enterprises in the state or municipal ownership, to improve their profitability and competitiveness, a significant increase in liability of officers of controlled entities for violations of financial discipline and abuse. Thus, the output system of internal financial control in Ukraine to a new level may be one of the most important keys to effective functioning of public finances.


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