Anna Zemlyanskaya
Candidate of Moscow State
Technological University "STANKIN"
as a means of communication in social science research
Advertisement appeared
in the period of the ancient world,
but the object of theoretical study
began immediately at the beginning
of the twentieth century. The first
theoretical works have been devoted
to the economic aspect of advertising,
where advertising communication is considered, in particular, from the standpoint of psychology, but in the context of socio-economic life of the individual. [1, 5]
There was
question in the mid-twentieth century in the social
philosophy on the influence of mass media, mass culture on the value system of society,
implicitly considering advertising as a
component of popular culture and information flows in society as a text containing information about a property
of goods, services, works of art, which focuses on the alert, engaging the attention of
consumers, increasing their demand. Advertising as a means of communication in
social science research.
post-industrial civilization has led to the emergence of new information
technologies that turn information into the core value of the individual and
society and, thus, the information system of a large role for advertising. The
value of intelligence for the life of society grows, so grows and the influence
of advertising, as one of the main operational data streams. Amount of
knowledge required for the interaction between society and the individual is
constantly increasing. Priority is given to operational information, which
refers to the emotional component of human consciousness. Advertising,
providing information, combined with the emotional and psychological impact on
the person, has become increasingly important to the individual and society.
Advertising as communication channel of influence on the consumer
accumulates common and common ideas, principles, patterns of behavior, thinking
and feeling part of the structure of the spiritual culture in influencing the
formation of interpersonal relationships, such as chummy, companionship, friendship,
love, marital, family.
Impacting on the formation of
cultural values, the main models of interpersonal relations, public opinion,
advertising is becoming one of the main communication channels of influence on
personality, consciousness of the recipient, by using the structure of the
advertising messages of different socio-psychological mechanisms on which is a
comparison of the individual's interests and collective, the individual and
social group, individual and society. Case studies are the basis of the
communicative functions of advertising, the essence of which is that social
life is constantly put to the person a lot of questions to which the answer can
only be by means of scientific research, in particular sociological. Case study
is a system of consistent methodology, methodological and organizational
procedures, subordinates the same goal: to get accurate and objective
information about the social object being studied, phenomena and processes. [3]
Case study should be based on the use of special concrete for the sociology of
scientific methods, techniques and procedures.
For understanding the process of
the survey is useful to consider concepts that are most often used
in the survey.
Methodology is the study of the
principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific knowledge and the
transformation of reality. It is divided into general, apply any science, and
privacy of the specifics of the knowledge of a science.
Case study method is a way of construction and validation of knowledge. In
sociology as a method to perform common scientific theoretical methods
(abstraction, comparative, typological, system, etc.), and specific empirical
methods (mathematical-statistical, sociological data collection methods:
survey, observation, analysis of documents, etc.) .
By way of knowledge, the nature of
sociological knowledge produced distinguished:
- theoretical studies. Feature of the theoretical research is that the
researcher does not work with the object (phenomenon), and the concepts that
reflect the object (phenomenon);
- empirical research. The main content of such research is to collect and
analyze actual, real data about the object
Most empirical studies have
applied nature, ie the results are of practical use in various spheres of
public life.
Modern sociologists (Tomba D., Balykhina
T., Kostin S.,
Harlitsky S. etc.)
distinguish basic and applied
research in sociology:
- fundamental - aimed at the development of science. These studies are carried out on the initiative of scientists, faculties, universities and academic institutions are conducted to test theoretical hypotheses and concepts.
- applications - aimed at solving practical problems.
Most often, the customers are the empirical studies of businesses, political parties, government agencies, local government.
Sociologist builds preliminary explanation of the problem, formulates hypotheses. The
hypothesis of the survey are a
scientific hypothesis about the
structure of social facilities, the
nature and essence of the
relationship between social phenomena.
After solving the problems
related to the implementation of the
methodological section of the program, go to the methodological
section. Creating methodological section of the program facilitates specification of the survey, as well as the transition from the methodology for practical problem solving. In the structure of methodological section of the program produce such components: the definition of the target
population or sample design,
the rationale for the methods and techniques of sociological data collection,
description of methods of analysis and logic
processing, preparation of work plan for
research, development of a strategic
research plan.
Specialists in a large advertising
agency "Dentz" (Japan) in 1995 published a paper in which he
described three basic styles of general consumer attitudes towards
1) naive realism inherent in mostly children and adolescents, as well as some
of the adult population, the essence of which is that the advertisement
promotes people a sense of belonging to a community, ownership attitudes,
opinions and behaviors of others;
2) logical objectivism, based on the comparison and the comparison of different
advertisements on one type of product, as well as on the search for information
in the advertising of any of the criteria you can get information on the
completeness and accuracy of information. Typically, this group includes people
of middle age from 30 to 45, which form their own conclusions about the
reliability / unreliability of reported
3) skeptical subjectivism, based on the fact that any information is
supplemented by advertising and opinion, which may or may not coincide with
established at the person's own views or preferences.
three styles can be characterized by any consumer advertising products. As an
example, the results of a survey conducted in 2011 by the author of the
population in the cities of Moscow (89 respondents) and St. Petersburg (48
respondents) in order to identify attitudes to forms of advertising. It was
revealed that attracts the attention of Moscow residents television advertising
(48.3%) of which more than half (29.3%) believe "the most truthful and
unselfish" social advertising. In contrast to the Muscovites, many of
which (9.8%) did not pay attention to any advertising, St. Petersburg are more
open and receptive (54.2%). 20.6% of respondents residing in Moscow, and 34.8%
- in St. Petersburg, interested in advertising in magazines and newspapers,
more than 16% often pay attention to advertising on the radio. Advertising on
transport interests of more than 3% of the respondents (3.6% of Moscow
residents, 3.4% of the residents of St. Petersburg), and only 1.4% (Moscow) and
0.8% (St. Petersburg) read online advertising.
Analyzing the data,
one can conclude that television is the most popular venue for advertising. The fact that the product or service will be demonstrated in action, expressive expressed their advantage by, for example, a mini-movie about goods and
services with maximum reach.
However, the unit value of advertising
time on the popular TV channels
can be compared with the cost of an Internet project. But it was television advertising has the ability to use visual and acoustic effects that are not available online advertising,
advertising on radio, transport, etc.
As compared to Internet users, who are active in the search and the perception of information, viewers are
passive audience, which reduces the
likelihood of effective perception of advertisements
received from the TV screen.
The advantages of
online advertising compared to TV
lies in the fact that:
- consumer as desired dose may have information,
what is connected with the relative
popularity of online advertising to consumers;
- use interactivity, which is an additional tool of market research, it is possible to engage in a dialogue with the user and the corresponding increase in the regulatory
impact of advertising media;
- get better results much easier, as the
undoubted benefits of the Internet are in a statistical software
(provides the opportunity to receive complete and accurate information about the
quality and quantity of the audience as
to the beginning of the advertising
campaign, and after its completion, as it is an excellent material
for analysis and
- by focusing precisely
on the target audience
of the advertised item;
- the age of the active audience ranges from 18 to 40 years (in most
cases), etc. [4]
is one of the specific forms of communication through information channels
connecting advertisers and consumer audience, which can be seen through the
case studies. Advertising communication through the values and
norms influence in shaping and changing attitudes of individuals and social
groups. As a contributor to the homogeneity of the needs, beliefs, members of
society, that is, the stability of the existing social and cultural
environment, advertising - it is both a factor in the changing world and
society in general. This is the unity of opposites advertising communication as
advertising, using new approaches, technologies, etc., has to rely on the old,
accepted and well-established ethnic group. System of values, ideals of the
individual cannot change dramatically without destroying itself. Change in
value orientations occurs gradually by replacing the traditional,
"old" values, norms, etc. for "new" without disturbing the
structure. Therefore advertising, creating new value orientation, based on the
already existing system of values in society, transforming it.
Focusing on the traditions and norms accepted in society, introduced new
advertising, and thus changes the value orientation, promoting innovation in
the public consciousness.
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