Economic sciences/10. Economy of
K.E.S Karachina N.P.
Vinnytsya national technical university, Ukraine
Research of the basic conceptual approaches to the determination of the category «economic behavior of an enterprise»
Problems accumulated in the process of economic evolution, the presence of vagueness and
instability testify that the search of variants of
effective economic development of enterprises becomes more and more complicated without a deep
and comprehensive research of economic behavior. That is because the category of economic
behavior is a key
one for an explanation
of enterprises functioning under modern changeable conditions.
It goes without saying, that the problem of a clear coverence of an essence of economic behavior of enterprises needs an analysis of modern researches. So the nobel laureates H. Bekker and T. Shultz called
economic behavior the universal dominant of a human behavior in any forms, where there
is a situation of choice between the limited resources [1]. In
an economic dictionary edited by A. Azrilian is written: «The economic behavior is a
mode, method, character of economic actions of citizens,
workers, leaders, productive
collectives under that or those conditions of economic activity and life» [2]. Ì. Hurevichov in the
economic encyclopaedia gives the following determination:
«Economic behavior of individuals, social groups and institutes is a purposeful activity in the process of satisfaction of material necessities
determined by objective processes, economic interests and economic thinking» [3].
We pay attention to
the works of N. Shibaeva, who
determines the economic behavior as the well-organized aggregate of actions of subjects, directed to the achievement
of economic goals under the conditions of the specific economic systems
taking into account the valued options [4]. V. Voitko uses a concept «behavior» in relation to productive organization and determines it on the
basis of the approach as «...a way of actions of people and their groupments
which are carried out under the influence of certain factors under that or those conditions of
activity» [5]. The noted aspects in the resulted determinations, in our opinion, are important, but not the only one. A more
clear methodological description of the category «economic behavior of enterprises» is represented in works of H. Kaplenko, where the noted concept is described as «a strategically determined direction of interrelated,
purposeful tactical actions, methods, methods and reactions on unforeseeable development of events and growing
competition with the purpose of providing of realization of concretely certain
goals and mission of enterprise in a chosen sphere
of activity» [6]. Our remarks to the last determination
appear because such an approach, in fact, is close to a content
interpretation of term «strategy of enterprise».
Talking about the mentioned above results concerning the
evolution of a concept «economic behavior» we consider saturated enough the research of S. Mocherniy in relation to the analysis of
firms conceptions[7], among which neoclassical, institutional, evolutional and enterprise concept are distinguished. According to neoclassical conception, a
firm is an integral object the main production
function of which is the process of transformation of resources into products for the
realization at
the open market and bringing these
resources into production with the purpose of
maximization of income. Economic behavior of a firm after neoclassical conception is determined
first of all by the choice of volumes of the attracted
resources and their structure. institutional conception of firm pays
attention not to the character of contract
informal relations between people in the process of organization and
functioning of firm, but on the
solving of problems of recreation. It is said in the neoinstitutional variant of firm that a firm as a productive organization
arises up and replaces the free purchase-sale of the factors of production by the measure a no market mechanism is
effective; it is created for a more
effective use of human possibilities (as a result transaction charges are lower comparatively with a production of commodities without
organization of a firm). On the whole the
economic behavior of a firm after institutional conception is determined only partly by capital goods and directed on the
decision of problems of recreation. Acording to the evolutional theory the economic behavior of firm is stipulated foremost by the mutual relations between other firms,
and consequently – by some its internal descriptions, and firstly by existent rules of decision-making. After evolutional conception a firm is
examined as an ambivalent object: from one
side – as member of business concord that is
influenced by all consequences of evolution of this society; and
from other – as object, that has own traditions in determination of directions
of activity, volumes and proportions of the factors of production attracted for
this purpose. The economic behavior of a firm after enterprise conception is determined by co-operation of businessmen of all
levels, and also mutual relations between businessmen, workers and proprietors.
Obviously every conception of firm and the economic behavior has a right to exist, according to the views of research workers in
relation to the essence of modern firm
(enterprises) and its determinatives.
The analysis of the resulted approaches under the conceptions of firms and researches testify that a category of the «economic conduct of an enterprise» is complicated and multidimensional. It is stipulated by the different evolutional
understandings of an essence and maintenance of given categories.
After the result of the conducted researches we share the point of view of scientists, who think that the economic behavior of a subject can never be absolutely determined, it can always have spontaneity, intuitionalness, that testifies to the impossibility of removal of irrationality in the behavior. At the same time science can predict with the high rate of probability the behavior of
enterprise, but the certain percent of chance will always
remain in the prognoses of economists. In addition, the behavior of enterprise can be active, conditioned by the personal activity of a subject, and at the same time can be reactive, that is to be an answer to the actions of other people. The both directions can have both a purposeful and spontaneous
The author position considering
the determination of an essence of the category
the «economic behavior of enterprise» was
formed under the evolutional character of this
category and duality of determination: after an object (conditionality of conduct by the circumstances, terms,
situation, system of relations, institutional structures) and after a subject (dependence of behavior
from interests, values, necessities, reasons, stereotypes). We will notice that the priority
is given to the synthesis of neoclassical and institutional approaches to the determination of economic behavior. Consequently, in our opinion the «economic behavior of an enterprise» is a combination of appropriate actions, which reproduce the essence
and character of economic activity that is conditioned by the influence of objective and subjective factors for the realization of priority aims
of enterprise under the conditions of
choice and adaptation to the changes.
1. Kudinova A.V. Behavior of an enterprise:
essence and determinants of its evolution // The
burning problems of economy. – 2004. - ¹4. – P. 104-111.
2. A large encyclopaedic dictionary / By A.N. Azrilian. –
The 4th edition.. inserted and overworked. – Ì.:
University of a new economics, 2000.
– 1088 p.
3. Economic encyclopaedia: In three volumes. V. 1 / Edited by S.V. Mochernii and
others.- Ê.: Academy, 2001. – 864 p.
4. Shibaeva N.V. Features of economic conduct of subjects of in the conditions of market transformation of economy: The dissertation of the cand. of
sciences: 08.01.01 / Kharkiv
national university after V.N. Karazin. –Kh.,2002.–16 p.
5. Voitko V.V. The management of the behavior of organization (on the example of industrial enterprises): The dissertation of the cand. of economic sciences:
08.06.01 / Kharkiv national economic university
– Kh., 2004. – 21 p.
6. Kaplenko H.V. Forming of economic conduct of enterprises: dissertation
of the cand. of economic sciences: 08.06.01 / NAS of
Ukraine; Institute of regional researches. - L., 2005. – 20 p.
7. Economic encyclopaedia: In three volumes. V. 2/ By S.V. Mocherniy and others.- Ê.: Publishing center
«Academy», 2001. –848 p.