Candidate of technical sciences Ð. V. Tereliansky
Volgograd state technical university, Russia
axiom about a change in the needs of humanity in the course of time is the basis
of analysis of dynamic systems for decision making (systems of the
prognostication of preferences). Consequently, it is possible to select such
dependence, which would satisfy the law of variation in the needs. The solution
of the problem of the prognostic simulation of preferences in the dynamic
systems is a process of the step by step establishment of priorities. The
principle of decomposition in the systems analysis provides for the structuring
of the problems in the form of network or hierarchy and it is the first stage
of the application of a method of the analysis hierarchy process which is widely
known. In this method the elements of network are compared in pairs with
respect to their action on theirs common characteristic. However, experts
frequently attempt to compare the physically not comparable alternatives,
similar as, for instance, “ergonomics”, “beauty” and so on. Experts are used to
apply verbal estimations (the so-called scale of the static estimations,
proposed by T.L. Saati [1]) during conducting of subjective paired comparisons
frequently. In the most elementary form the hierarchy is built from the apex (there
are purposes from the point of view of a research), through the intermediate
levels (they will be criteria) to the lowest level (which is the enumeration of
alternatives usually). There is a question after the hierarchical or net
reproduction of problem: how to establish the priorities of criteria and to
estimate each of the alternatives on the criteria and to find the most relevant
alternative? How to consider to the changes in the system in the course of
time? One of the methods consists in obtaining of the shear of the state of the
system at the specific moments of time, interpolating the data. Extrapolating
of these dependences (which are investigating and creating) is the basis for
evaluating the behavior of system in the future, i.e., it is the prognosis of
its state. The set of reliably known states can be obtained either by the way
of the accumulation of information about the state of the separate elements of
system at each moment of time with their subsequent integration or by the
attraction of expert estimations. The complex system of criteria can be
presented in the form to the strong or weakly-connected dominant hierarchy. Mappings
of preferences are assigned from the set of the analytical functions. Those
functions describe the most frequently meeting semantic (verbal) expressions which
are describing paired comparison of the importance of criteria (alternatives).
Functions are represented parametrically so that it would be easy to convert
them (to displace, to extend and so forth). These functions describe most the frequently meeting
trends (table 1). Priority analysis is reduced to the iterative calculations of
the eigenvectors of matrix of the paired comparisons. The results of
preferences calculated for given moment of the time of indicated functions put
into the matrix. As a result subsequent convolution of these vectors we obtain
the collection of the vectors of global priorities. The number of vectors will
be equal to the number of moments of time, for which is comprised the prognosis.
Selecting the equivalent components of the global vector of priorities, we form
the massif of them. This massive is processed with the method of least squares.
We obtain the analytical function of the dynamics of preferences according to
any criteria after this processing. The parametric representation of preference
will be the desired prognoses. For the automation of the work of the person,
who makes decisions (expert on this problems), was developed the specialized
program system (decision support system). The following basic building blocks
are included in program system:
1) control
data access system: it is intended for the dialogue with the experts and for
storing the knowledge about the problem (which is investigates), about the
collections of the matrices of paired comparisons and the parameters of the
functions of the prognosis of priorities, and also for storing the protocols of
solutions of problems;
2) the
mathematical core: contains the collection of the algorithms of mathematical
methods, in particular the methods of interpolation and extrapolation, the
methods of calculation of the right eigenvectors of positive matrices;
3) the
interface of solution of the problem:
the exchange of information between the expert and the computer program. This interface gives to expert access to the knowledge, which are
stored in the data base, it provides the selection of the algorithms of solution
of problems;
4) the
block of the agreement of the opinions of the experts: it is intended for
checking the coordination of judgments and production of general opinion during
the collective estimation;
5) the
block of recording solution of the problem: prepares the description of the
process of the solution of the problem in the form of text file.
of importance on the time |
description of the functions |
Explanations |
a |
for all t entire value, |
weight does not change. |
a1×t+a2 |
Linear increase, being increased or being decreased to a certain point value. Reciprocal value – the hyperbola. |
increase in the significance of one form of activity in comparison with
another. |
a1×ln(t+1)+ a2 |
increase to the fixed point, and then constancy. |
The rapid
increase (decrease). Then follows a slow increase (decrease). |
a 1×exp(a2×t)+ a3 |
exponential increase (or decrease, if a2
is negatively) to the fixed point and then constancy (if a2 is negative, then reciprocal value S-descriptive curve). |
The slow
increase (decrease), then follows a rapid increase (decrease). |
a1×t2+ a2×t+ a3 |
with the maximum or the minimum depending on sign a1, and then the constancy (it can be modified for the
asymmetry to the right or to the left). |
(decrease) to the maximum (minimum), then follows decrease (increase). |
a1×tn×sin(t+a2)+a3 |
Oscillations |
with the being increased (being decreased) amplitude depending on n>0 (n |
1. Saaty, T. L. The
Analytic Hierarchy Process/ T. L. Saaty. – Mc.Graw-Hill, 1980. – 267p.