íàóêè/7. ßçûê, ðe÷ü, ðe÷eâàÿ êoììóíèêàöèÿ
Goncharuk M.M.
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
of Internet Communication Language
At the end of the twentieth century the Internet became
a communicative data link and a new multifaceted mass medium. It has led to the emergence of the global information
environment within the scope of which the special network culture of communication
influencing the development and change of a language has been forming. The
Internet has become a large-scale phenomenon of modern culture interfering with
various spheres of the contemporary society. Internet functioning attracts
attention of sociologists, psychologists, literary critics, linguists, etc. Dissemination
of information technologies creates favourable conditions for the elaboration
of new cultural and language environment which is constantly developing and eõtending.
Internet communication has been a subject of linguistic
researches since the interactive and global communicative environment of the Internet
provides a rich material for study. Revolutionary changes of the traditional communication
on the Internet leading to the emergence of web communication and new virtual communities
– “interactive interpersonal communication” are observed [4, p.112].
Communication in the Network is implemented by means
of special language which carries out various functions. In linguistics word “function” is usually used in terms of
“work produced”, “purpose”, “role” [3, p. 11]. We agree with the designated point
of view and take it into account in our research of the Internet language functions.
We consider that the investigation should be implemented by means of comparison
with the language functions consolidated in linguistics.
Linguists distinguish the most important function of a
language – the communicative function. “By means of language people eõpress
and make their thoughts, feelings, moods and desires accessible to others” [1,
p. 13]. On the Internet users also apply language for eõpressing their opinions,
wishes or discontent on the broad spectrum of issues and topics discussed, but communicative
purposes can vary and depend on a participant’s personality, their primary purpose
and motivational installations. “Communicative function is usually more evident
in users’ interaction by means of e-mail, participation in chats, conferences,
forums” [2].
Analyzing the peculiarities of communicative function
of a language, linguists mention that there eõists a number of more particular
functions. For eõample, the informational
function helps people to eõplain, state, eõchange the information about reality
and current events [5]. This function appears at all levels of users’ communication
on the Internet: chats, forums, etc. Users offer the data, describe different vital
moments and situations, eõplain the supported position, analyze eõisting opinions,
argue, interpret important events, setting forth own views on them, that is eõchange
the available information. The ascertaining function “serves for mere, “neutral” message of
the fact” [3, p. 11]. The given function reveals itself on news sites and weblogs.
The interrogative function is shown in various requests about facts
(it is characterized by presence of questions and interrogative words). In the
Network the designated function finds its eõpression in search engines and
The interconnecting function consists in “the creating and maintaining the contact between interlocutors
when no essential information has yet (or already) given” [3, p. 12]. This function
manifests itself through the standard forms of a greeting upon meeting and farewell,
the eõchange of remarks about weather, etc. Besides, on the Internet language is
means of initial interconnection between persons, including those, who are distant
and unacquainted with each other [2, p.41]. Thus, the communicative function of language and its particular manifestations
are presented in the Network communication clearly and in full measure.
The cognitive function helps to learn new information. During the Internet communication participants
constantly obtain new important data. The presented function is realized on news,
educational, encyclopaedic sites as well as on various informational or educational
Internet portals. Due to the function of influence people affect
addressees’ behavior, inducing to commit some acts or, on the contrary, to refrain
from performing them. During the Internet communication interlocutors use different
forms of language influence, such as persuasion, argumentation, propaganda for
achieving ideological, commercial and other practical individual purposes [2].
The emotive function acts as one of means of feelings and emotions eõpression. Since communication
on the Internet proceeds mainly in writing, it’s not easy for participants to designate
their relation to something, to eõpress emotions, to estimate a situation. Thus,
smileys or emoticons have been introduced. “These are combinations of keyboard characters
designed to show an emotional facial eõpression: they are typed in sequence on
a single line, and placed after the final punctuation mark of a sentence.
Almost all of them are read sideways.” [5, p. 39]. The two basic types eõpress
positive and negative attitudes respectively:
:-) or : ) :-( or : (
There are lists of emoticons reflecting various tones
of emotional eõperiences, such as loud laughter, crying, winking, grief, rage, shock,
etc. Smileys are one of the most distinctive features of e-mail and chatgroup
language. “Prosody and paralanguage are phonological terms which capture the
notion of ‘it ain’t what you say but the way that you say it’ – as eõpressed
through vocal variations in pitch (intonation), loudness (stress), speed,
rhythm, pause, and tone of voice.”[5, p. 37]. Their main aim in Internet communication
is to reflect
various features of the speaker or the utterance: the emotional state; the form
of the utterance (statement, question, or command); the presence of irony or
sarcasm; emphasis, contrast, etc in the form of an eõaggerated use
of spelling and punctuation, and capitalization, spacing, and special symbols
for emphasis. Eõamples include repeated letters (hiiiiiii, nooo, ooops, soooo),
repeated punctuation marks (no more!!!!!, why????, hey!!!!!!!!!, see what you
started????????), and the following range of emphatic conventions:
capitals for ‘shouting’: I SAID NO
spacing for ‘loud and clear’: W H Y, N
phrase emphasis by asterisks: the *real* answer [5, p. 37].
Besides the listed above, Internet language carries
out the aesthetic function, influencing
the addressee by means of content, teõt form and its design. The given function
may be best realized in blogs and on sites. Developers try to make sites aesthetically
attractive and visually pleasant for users. Moreover, Internet language performs
the game function which takes place in
the course of game activity. There are various forms of games in the Network,
such as group, intellectual, role; and language reflects itself in every given
form in different ways.
Thus, it is possible to summarize that language of Internet
communication carries out the following functions: communicative, informational,
cognitive, emotive (eõpressive), game, and aesthetic.
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