Стаття Магрламової Камілли Газанфарівни,
викладач іноземної мови
Дніпропетровської Державної Медичної Академії
тема: "Extracurricular Educational Ecological Work"
Extracurricular Educational Ecological
present the dominant position is the one that proves the necessity to change
the ecological anthropogenic thinking of pupils. The most prominently of this
type of thinking can be illustrated as a set idea for the uppermost value of
man. Everything that exists in nature has to be useful for him/her;
hierarchical construction of the world the top of which is man, below are
different objects of nature the importance of which is defined by their
usefulness for people; opposition of man and nature; interrelation with nature
by means of satisfaction of man`s pragmatic needs, getting of ˝useful
product˝; viability of everything that contributes to man`s prosperity
i.e. ˝pragmatic imperative˝. At the same time nature becomes the
object of manipulations.
the most important task of educational process has to be directed to the
formation of ecocentric style of thinking. Its usual peculiarities are: 1) man cannot own nature. The world around has the same inherent worth as man and has the right to exist irrelevantly to its usefulness
for man; 2) man has not any prerogatives among the members of natural environment. Instead intelligence obliges him/her more in relationship with other
elements of sole natural system; 3) the aim of interaction is maximum rational satisfaction of
needs of natural community; 4) the character of connections is defined by ˝nature-oriented imperative˝ - the priority
belongs to the party not disturbing the balance of nature; 3)ethical norms and rules are extended to the whole
specter of interrelations between man and nature; 4) active nature-oriented activity has to be directed to
the preservation of nature for the sake of it.
Taking into account everything mentioned above, the definition of the final goal of ecological education described by І.Суравегінa acquires sense. In interpretation of the scientist the
definition is described as a necessity of formation in every pupil the need to consciously adhere norms of
responsible types of behaviour in natural environment during different kinds of
activity. Еcological responsibility, in the opinion of І.Суравєгіна, includes comprehension of correct value behaviour in environment, i.e. presence of ecological
consciousness. After Д.Кавтарадзе, the main task of ecological education is the formation of ecological consciousness. The scientist states that new forms of ecological education are required
as lectures and even the best books and films are not enough to form active
ecological consciousness. Consciousness can only be formed in the process of
Ukrainian pedagogic could not pass over the problem of fostering of axiological attitude towards nature in the young in the
process of extracurricular work. Numerous researches of Ukrainian scientists
cover different aspects of this problem.
Let us pay our attention to analysis of scientific rework of
scientists who studied this question directly. For example, Г.Тарасенко defines
axiological attitude of personality towards nature as attitude towards life in
the whole, necessity of interface between scientific and artistic cognition of nature
that induces to find new forms of ecological thinking. According to the
scientists to implements, it is necessary to change the aggressive and consumer
approach to loving and creative, that would become the basis of spreading of
ethic and aesthetic to the system of interaction of man and nature[2]. Aesthetic factors of ecological education are the essential driving force, indispensable
condition of efficiency of pedagogic influence at the attitude of pupils
towards nature.
А.Степанюк emphasizes that the function of ecological education is in transmitting of accumulated experience to the growing generation. It is the experience that precondition differentiative attitude to the world, stimulates
social activity, contributes to understanding of one`s own role in keeping of
ecological balance and active part in its creation.
Analysis of ecological education both in our country and abroad afforded І.Удовиченко
ground for certain conclusions as for peculiarities of modern period in this direction of education[3]: 1) focusing attention on formation of the system of ecological notions (acquaintance with objects and events of nature; in senior classes there is a focus on philosophic aspects of interaction of man, society and nature, deepening and widening of evolutional and generalizing knowledge); 2)
of careful attitude towards nature (orientation of educational process on inclusion of a
child into different kinds of activity that influence subjective attitude
towards environment (Wolfdorf
schools in Germany). The
teachers of these schools consider that these are feelings that ensure formation of
responsible attitude towards the environment in a child; 3)
on formation strategies and technologies of interaction between man and nature
(inclusion of personality into relationship with nature, that provides with
possibility to assimilate adequate ecological strategies, to master necessary
skills and competences. Orientation at local ecological problems not at
protection of nature ˝in general˝ brings positive results.
In the
process of organization of extracurricular educational work it is advisably to
take into account such specific principles as: purposefulness – implicates
direct targeting of pedagogic (teachers) and educational (pupils) activity in
order to get the planned result; consistency – from topic to topic, from form to form, from
traditional to innovational forms of organization of educational process; gradual
complication of forms and methods – defines logic of formation of axiological attitude; provides
accountability of complexity of tasks (due to forms and methods) at each
educational stage; cultural anthropologism – contributes to using of results of
cultural and historical development in context of nature-oriented science and
provides study of national peculiarities in relation towards nature;
interconnection of knowledge and practical activity – provides formation of
practical skills of axiological attitude towards nature (ecological activity),
is implemented on condition of modelling and reproduction of content of
practical activity in nature.
Generalization of current trends in theory and practice of ecological education allows to define a role of extracurricular activities directed to the elimination of certain problems, for example, rather low level of
axiological attitude towards nature of pupils in basic school: 1) increasing of the role of ecological education in solving current ecological problems as well as the whole process of formation of personality of third millennium; 2) activation of international cooperation in the sphere of ecological education of youth, formation of axiological attitude towards objects of animated nature; 3) providing seamless unity of education, extracurricular educational work, practical research activity of pupils, as well as study and protection of natural environment; 4)development of system of ecological education taking into account the principles of consistency, consequence; methods of modelling and historisism; 5)strengthening of
axiological aspects of ecological education; 6) differentiation and
individualization of ecological and educational influences on personality; 7)allowance for
psychological, educational and individual specificities of personality as well
as peculiarity of his/her real attitude towards nature in the process of
formation of axiological attitude towards nature; 8)active implementation in practice of comprehensive schools new forms of ecological education (role play, play modelling, pupils` conferences, journeys on foot, expeditions on learning and protecting nature of native land, role play practical works).
The mentioned forms of ecological and naturalistic character envisage participation of a great number of
pupils that besides formation of ecological culture and axiological attitude
towards nature increases communicative competence of pupils. These actions
include ecological topics, ecological lyceums, naturalistic undertaking
˝Day of Birds˝, ˝Week of Garden˝, ˝Week of
Forest˝, gathering fodders for birds in winter, planting trees and bushes,
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