R.B.Absattarov - Institute of Magistral and Doctoral Programs Ph.D. of Abay  Kazakh National Pedagogical University Head of political and social-economical science chair, the Doctor of Philosophy, Professor




Politics is paid attention in the sphere of political science. In order to understand its meaning one can know and research, first of all, the acceptance of political decision and its execution technology.

The most difficult and responsible element of ruling is making political decision and its  acceptance technology. Not only lawyers, sociologists are active at the discussion stage of political decision, but also politicians do their best. The acceptance of political decision and its execution technology is not enough researched in the sphere of political decision. Knowing Theoretical knowledge and rules are  not enough in political life. It is also important to know the acceptance of the right decision and how politics is made, its methods and which technology is used. Political decision acceptance technology is a central reconstruction element regulating tools and ways of various groups’ and citizens’ political demands and social relationship  for the whole society .In short, decision acceptance technology is technological reconstruction of political authority in regulating of social process. The terminology  «Decision Acceptance»  was appeared, for the first time, in the 30-th of XX century, in order to explain the social and organized process of decentralization.

There are two explanations of political decision technology acceptance in political science nowadays. They are; normative and charismatic theories. According to the normative theory  (R. Abelson, A. Levin etc) it is explained as the process where political aims are chosen at the difficult process. In order to improve such choice different mathematical models, researching the operations, the use of another instrumental methods and standard scheme are suggested as the important tools. And in accordance with the charismatic theory (G. Saimon, G. Heil, L.Planket) the  process is defined  as the result of a definite situation.

The result of decision acceptance depends on the used technologies, mechanisms, types of  subjects and their peculiarities.

Political decision- it is the sensible choice between two variants of political activities. Usually it is tried to differentiate political decision technology acceptance process as the different point of view. But the simplest one is separated from others. It emphasizes three main stages; preparation, acceptance of decision, and its execution. Each stage has its own peculiarities and they are defined by some factors.

So, at the preparation stage the responsible government bodies have to gather all the information about the real situation of society and its contrast.  Taken information helps to clear up which definite problem has an individual political description. Then all gathered information are controlled by the structure of the political institutions and the different government bodies.  After that the results of decision acceptance is made, the agenda is fixed [1].

 According to the importance and the actuality of the problems the different groups do their best to choose them. In this case ideological explanation, economical interests are connected with the description of rulers and politicians.

Not only political parties, social movements, parliament  fractions, lobbyist groups are interested in the decision acceptance, buy also non political parties which take an active part in it. If there are a lot of problems, there would be many  interests’ conflicts.

There is conflict in all human societies, and all societies have systems for regulating it. Conflict between people or groups often arises from competition for resources, power, and status. Different interest groups compete for influence and the power to make rules. Often the competition is not for resources but for ideas one person or group wants to have the ideas or behaviour of another group suppressed, punished, or declared illegal. Intergroup conflict, lawful or otherwise, does not necessarily end when one segment of society finally manages to effect a decision in its favour. The resisting groups may then launch efforts to reverse, modify, or circumvent the change, and so the conflict persists. Conflict can, however, also solidify group action; both nations and families tend to be more unified during times of crisis. Sometimes group leaders use this knowledge deliberately to provoke conflict with an outside group, thus reducing tensions and consolidating support within their own group.

So, the procedure of the additional suggestions takes an important place at the level of making and  discussion of the additional variants. The aim of the process of discussion is to make sure of advantages and  disadvantages of used variants with the help of definite methods and to notice the best among them.

The members of government, social groups, associations and experts take part in the political problems discussion.

So, the conclusion of preparation stage is the explanation of  problematic situation, its questions and defining mentioned problems’ conclusion. According to the agenda mentioned problems, the aims and the tasks of political development are pointed.

There are many factors which can influence on the decision acceptance stage. The strongest among them is government.

In fact decision making technology is accepted in the mixed order. During the process of  political decision acceptance  different methods are used. For example, a politician makes his own team, so he chooses a group, helpers and advisers, who can value fixed decisions. They are profitable, universal, limited and mixed methods.

All of them have their advantages and disadvantages and their use depends on the situations. Universal methods pay attention to the whole amount of problems, but they are not interested in the local tasks decisions. Others try to order the political directions and help to discuss the complex decisions.

Even if two sides have the same or opposite interests they could come to an agreement. The forms of agreement can be different; agreement as the result of bilateral negotiations and gaining the majority [2].

Consensus - it is a method that all members a group agree with. It doesn’t mean that the interests of all sides are the same .Consensus - it is not voting. On the basis of consensus the solution occurs as a procedure of agreement.

Hegemony –is the control by one country organization, over other countries, within a particular group.

Decision acceptance methods depends on the peculiarities of the tasks and the traditions in the authoritarian society. So, according to the theoretical and wide knowledge political decision can be accepted and governed.

It is the best way to control once more advantages and disadvantages of accepted decision, because sometimes the result is beyond reach.

One thing is clear; the oldest illness in Kazakhstan policy is not to acknowledge the cause of decision. Sometimes it is surprisingly, the acceptance of sudden decision. Maybe, it depends on the bad connection with the governments during the preparation of documents or on the fear of scientific experts.

It is also the result of wrong attitude to their work. But the mystery of State machinery and their opinion have the main decisive factors than intellectual level, scientific discussion and political supposition.

Accepted political decision –it is only the opportunity of the goal, that’s why to choose the aim- it is the beginning of the third stage of political decision acceptance. Its meaning influence on the execution of political decision.

Political and leading decision acceptance should have directive and juridical forms. They  also pay attention to the responsibilities of the result of decision of a definite person, associations and groups.

That’s why it is clear; the responsible people, groups and organs  for decision execution have to know how, when and why to act, in order to achieve more appropriate decision.

During  the execution of political decision all fixed political goals and tasks are made. It is the appropriate time to oppose the theoretical discussion and intention with the real situation. Execution of political and ruling thoughts give the chance to define the strategy, to choose the type of action, so to use the consensus methods and  to distort the social opinion.

There are the following types of political decision and its execution technology ; populism, elitism, conservatism,democratic and radicalism. Each of them has  the  political direction by the definite method of government order and the relationship between power and people.

Populism – type of politics that claims to represent the opinions and wishes of ordinary people. Populism takes a special place, especially, during a charismatic authority. But, it can be one of the parts of political directions, which supports more appropriate methods of a populist activity.

Elitist it is an elitist model of society. Elitism it is a way of organizing a system  or  society, so that only a few people have power or influence.

Conservatism-the political belief that society should change as little as possible. It develops the patriotic mood and unity of social and political organisms.

Radicalism- belief in radical ideas and principles. It is with the opposite results. Radicalism-as the form of ruling isn’t interested in the democratic agreement and in the improvement of society. The main method of revolutional regime ruling is to make people more willing to consider new and different policies, ideas, to make people more radical in their political opinions. So, the radical wing of the party is in favor of thorough and complete political or social party [3].

Comparing with radicalism, in a democracy, government is only one element coexisting in  the political parties, organizations and associations. This diversity is called pluralism, and it assumes that the many organized groups and institutions in a democratic society do not depend upon government for their existence, legitimacy or authority. Thousands of private organizations operate in a democratic society, some local, some national. Many of them serve a mediating role between  individuals and the complex  social and governmental institutions of which they are part, filling roles not given to the government and offering individuals opportunities to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens of a democracy. These groups represent the interests of their members in a variety of ways- by supporting candidates for public office, debating issues and trying to influence  on policy decisions.Where an individual or group of decision-makers themselves have ownership over a decision, then guilt cannot arise because guilt arises only when the decision-makers are not pulling with the other people who have a valid reason to share ownership of the decision. In this case the decisionmakeris also the decision owner” and makes a “subjective” decision. Citizens of democratic societies have the  opportunities to join a host of private organizations, associations and volunteer groups. The right of individuals to associate freely and to organize themselves into different sorts of non-governmental groups is fundamental to democracy.

The basic rights of citizens are reasonably clear They include  freedom of speech and assembly, and of participation, safeguards against state arbitrariness in the administration of law, and protections for personal privacy, individual conscience, faith and worship. The responsibilities of citizens include, not only compliance with legitimate laws and institutions, but also the willingness to do their fair share to create and sustain them. Perhaps the most important responsibilities are to make appropriate use of their liberty and to respect the rights of others.

Voting in the election of public officials is the most visible  and common form of participation in modern democracies, and also the  most  fundamental. The ability to conduct free and fair core of what it means to call a society democratic. And there are some suggestions that help to increase the opportunity of subjective political decisions acceptance.

The acceptance of the right political decision and its execution helps to improve and to develop the  stability of society.  It is clear; acceptance of the right political decision and its execution technology – it is fundamental  way of society progress. This is  the most important task for Kazakhstan.



1.           Èâàíîâ Ñ.Ï. Îáùåñòâî è ëè÷íîñòü. – ÑÏá, 2010. – Ñ. 120-121.

2.           Àëåêñååâ Í.Ï. Ïîëèòè÷åñêàÿ ñèñòåìà îáùåñòâà: ñòðóêòóðíî-ôóíêöèîíàëüíûé àíàëèç. – Ì., 2009. –Ñ.165.

3.           Ìàõìóäîâ Ã.À. Ïîëèòè÷åñêèå êîíôëèêòû. – Ðîñòîâ-íà-Äîíó, 2010. – Ñ. 15-17.