Ph.D., associate professor Zhubanizarova N.S.
Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan
The influence of
awareness of mans’ relationship
to intra-group processes
Among the variety
relationships connecting members of different collective groups, especially
clearly distinguish two major systems of relations: the business relation is
relationship, arises between individuals as bearers of certain public
functions, and personal relation is relationship, developing on the basis of
sympathy or antipathy, attraction or repulsion. These systems of relationships
are closely intertwined by various interdependencies and interactions, but we
can’t call them identical. A content analysis of communication is a necessary
consequence of the analysis of its subject and object. The existing description
of the content source is an understanding of one partner as the subject and the
other as an object: the content of communication is reduced to examination on
what part of psychology of interlocutor we influence, and according to this
influence we select different content areas: informing, persuading or inducing
to the action of [1]. In the case of rejection of such subject - object consideration
and moving to the subject-subject consideration the content of communication is
reduced to some kind of "activity" of one subject directing to other,
remaining at the same subject, without disclosing the specific content of this
activity or with an indication that it is the material activity, consisting in
embodiment of the transferred information in a system of signs [2]. To construct such structure is possible, if
as an object to take that one, which defines any human interaction, exactly
joint ventures, and as a subject to take the social group. The interactive aspect of communication is a
conventional term, means the characteristic of components of communication
related with interaction of people, with immediate organization of their joint
activities. Objectives of communication reflected requirements of joint
activities of people. Communication should always suppose some result -
changing the behavior and activities of other people. In this case
communication is as interpersonal interaction, i.e. set of relationships and
influences of people, emerging in their joint action. Interpersonal interaction
is a sequence of reactions of peoples to the real action of each other: the act
of A individual, changing the behavior B individual prompts the response
reaction of B individual, and these influence to A individual behavior. Joint activity
and communication occur in the condition of social control on the base of
social norms; model of behavior accepted in society, regulating interaction and
interrelation of people and organizing specific system. These violations turn on the mechanisms of
social control, ensuring correction of behavior, deviated from the norm.
Unequivocal reaction of surrounding to someone’s action difference between
behaviors of others, affirm existence and accepting of behavior’s norms. Range
of social norms is extremely wide: from the model of behavior, corresponding to
demand of labor discipline, military duty, patriotism, to the rules of
politeness. Using social norms
make people responsible for their behavior, allows by adjust their actions and
deeds evaluating them as appropriate or incommensurate to these standards.
Orientating to these rules, a man compares the forms of his behavior with the
standards, chooses the necessary and in such way regulates his relations with
other people. Social control in
interaction process is realized in accordance to the repertoire of role,
"performed" by communicating people.
In psychology the term “role” means normative approved model of
behavior, expected by surrounding people from everyone who hold the same social
position (the post, age or sexual delineation, etc.). Too much role
position often gives rising to different conflict. Interaction of people,
performing different roles, is regulated by role’s expectations. “Performances”
of role is subjected to social control and get social estimation, but just a
considerable deflection from a model is convicted by the crew. So, the initial
condition for the success in communication is conformity of behavior of
interacting people to exception of each other.
It’s impossible to imagine that communication would be always smoothly
flowing and devoid of internal contradictions, under all circumstances.
Manifested antagonism of positions is detected In some situations, reflecting
the existence of inter excluding
values, goals and objectives that are sometimes lead to mutual hostility
and interpersonal conflict arise. The
social significance of the conflict is different and depends of the values underlying of interpersonal relationships. There are two kinds of
determinants which could be causes of conflict in joint acting: the
subject-business disagreement and differences of personality-pragmatic
interests. And the conflicts of the second kind are characterized by force of
high emotional tension. The reason of rising conflicts is also some semantic
communication barriers, preventing forging interaction of communicating people.
Conceptual barrier in communication is difference (gap) in meaning of expressed
requirement, requests, and orders for the partners in dialogue, creating an
obstacle to mutual understanding and cooperation. Especially semantic barriers have important role in pedagogical
communication, because of the age difference, existence and absence of life
experience, the divergence in interests and, it is important to point, the
mistakes in choice of educational effects from the part of adults. Here the
important meaning has the concept of personal sense, deeply analyzed in works
of AN Leontiev [3]. It is known that, apart from to generally accepted system
of values, words and other facts of human consciousness have some personal
meaning, some special significance individual for each. Personal meaning, i.e.
special significance for a man acquires those that connected the objectives of
the motives for its implementation, those that is told etched his needs. The
same word, action, circumstance may have different meanings for different
people. Therefore, in communicating the important role plays the ability to put
yourself in someone with whom you associate. Other words, in any situation of
communication it needs “the same understanding of the situation”, i.e.
understanding of strategy and tactics of partner behavior on the situation. The
strategy and tactics of interaction may be developed only on the basis of
mutual understanding. Moreover, if the strategy of interaction is defined by
carried out social activities, the tactics of interaction is determined by a
direct representation of partner. In the unity of these two points, the real
situation of interaction is created. For
a theoretical analysis of the problem it’s necessary to find out exactly the
original concept of the psychological impact. Sometimes the phenomenon of
psychological impact is mixed with the phenomenon of action. Meanwhile, these
phenomena are different. Action of the subject, aimed to the physical object
looks like a manipulation of the object. At the same time, the psychological
impact has other direction: not to physical object, but to the individual or
group subjects, to their mentality. The psychological impact is like a subject
- subject relation.This principle refer to the subject of communication
and of this activity is contented in
the fact that the group as the subject of communication as opposed to
individual, isolated individuals, acting as mutual subjects together, is not
preceded by communication, and is generated by it. Combination of individuals
becomes a group only as a subject of communication, activities aimed to the
joint activities of these subjects [4]. The psychological impact is a
structural unit, a component of communication. By its very nature, the
psychological influence is penetration of one person (or group) into the
mentality of another person (or group of persons). The purpose or result of
this penetration is changing, restructuring of individual or group
psychological phenomena (view, attitudes, motives, orientation, condition,
etc.). The reformation of mentality of individual or group mental phenomena
under the influence of psychological effects may be different both in wideness
of psychic phenomena, also in stability of their changing. So, by the power of
pedagogical influences teacher could restructure the ratio of students to a
particular educational subject. About the wideness changes in psychology we can
say when a group of psychological phenomena is reconstructed, for example it
could be emotional sphere of personality. Personality changes under the
influence of others may be temporary, transient or stable. The observations
show that a lot of or even most of adults consciously adopt each other's views,
judgments and motivations, which are stored during many years, surviving
numerous tests and the vicissitudes of fate. A
special form of human communication is a friendship, as a stable individual
electoral system of interrelationships and interactions, characterizing by
mutual affection of communicators, a high degree of satisfaction in
communication with one another, mutual expectations of reciprocal feelings and
preference. Submission of another person closely related to the level of own
identity. This connection is twofold: on the one hand, wealth of
representations of yourself defines the wealth presentation about another
person, on the other hand - than more fully disclosed any other person to you,
than it is become greater the representation of yourself . A similar idea was
expressed by Vygotsky: "The person becomes to himself what it is for
himself, through what it is for others" [5]. As already was mentioned, interaction is impossible without mutual
understanding. It is very important, as partner is perceived in communication,
in other words, the perception of one man to another. This process acts as mandatory component of communication
and can be called a perceptual part of interaction. On the words of S.L.
Rubinshteyn/6/ based on the external side of behavior, as if we “read” another
person, decode the meaning of his appearance. Impressions occurring at the same
time play an important regulatory role in communication. In the course of
knowledge of person, simultaneously is realized his emotion valuation, and
attempt to understand the structure of his actions, and his strategy based on
this changing of his behavior, and building of a strategy of own behavior. So,
the reference is specific features of perception of social objects, which
include: the perception of not only the physical characteristics of the object,
but also behavioral characteristics, i.e. formation of ideas about its
intentions, thoughts, abilities, emotions, attitudes, etc. In addition, this
concept content includes the forming of the imagination of those relationships
that connecting the object and the subject of perception. In the most general
terms we can say that the perception of another person means the perception of
appearance, matched with the personal character of perceived individual and
interpretation of his actions on this basis.
References: 1 Bodalev A.A. The
perception of man by man / A.A. Bodalev. - L.: LGU, 1965 - 123 p.
2 Kagan M.S. Human activities:(experiment of Systems Analysis).-M., 1974
.- 328 p. 3 Leontiev A.N. Activity, consciousness, personality. - M., 1975. –
4 Petrovsky A.V., V.V.Shpalinsky Social psychology of the collective. -M.,
1978.– 175p. 5Vygotsky, L.S. The development of higher mental functions. -M.,
1960.-206 p.