and sociology
Assistant, postgraduate student
Tretyakova I.S.
Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Institute of Psychology n.a. Kostiuk NAPS Ukraine
The theoretical basis for research of
Problem. Nowadays, taking into consideration
various global trends, immeasurably
increases the value of harmonically developed, socially active person.
All educational institutions of Ukraine
set the target to prepare the highly educated, fully developed
professionals. Highly qualified specialists
training includes not only the required amount
of theoretical knowledge, practical
abilities and skills but profound personal qualities that enable person to adapt successfully to future professional activities, acquire social
and personal maturity, seek professional and
personal self-improvement.
the circumstances of education renewal, teachers’ seeking
for the ways and means to enhance the
professional teachers training, a
special role belongs to the
formation of the responsibility of
the teacher as an integral part
of professional self-identity.
Problem analysis. The scientific researches of K.O Abulkhanova-Slavska,
I.D Bekh, M.I Boryshevskij,
L. Kolbergh, G.S Kostiuk,
J. Piaget, M.V Savchyn, J. Rotter, W. Frankle responsibility
is viewed as one of the generalizing qualities,
the result of integration of all mental
functions of personality and
its subjective perception of reality, emotional attitude to duty.
Modern interpretation
of the personality formation is developed by I.D
Bekh. He views the responsibility as a quality
that concentrates conscious individuals’ duty,
the necessity to act, provides man’s recognition
of his involvement into social and natural
life, a kind of a total identity.
A well-known modern
scholar Boryshevskij M.I. emphasises that morally
perfect man not
only understands the
crucial importance of moral
values, but also actively introduces them into his daily life displaying such moral qualities as
kindness, fairness, tolerance, honesty,
integrity, respect to another person, dignity,
responsibility, integrity.
The purpose of our research is to determine the theoretical foundations of responsibility of a person.
Summary of the main research ideas. Responsibility
is a complex and multi-level phenomenon.
That is why the problem of responsibility has been investigating by scientists in all times and
became the subject of scientific interest in different fields - philosophy,
sociology, psychology, pedagogy, political science.
Pan-European philosophical tradition in the understanding and interpretation of the concept "responsibility"
goes back to antiquity. In general, views of the
most prominent thinkers of the
ancient world have humanistic
orientation though not without some authoritarian
figure. Following the rational system of responsibility formation Democritus,
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle concluded that the formation of responsibility is a continuous
process aiming to improve individual and his consciousness,
beliefs. From Aristotle
responsibility is traditionally associated
with freedom of choice, which is the core of
morality and a means of social
Philosophy of existentialism
makes an absolute from totality of
responsibility. According to the existentialists,
human activity is associated with a choice. J.-P. Sartre
said that choosing
ourselves we choose a person in
general. So, I am
responsible for myself and for everybody,
I create the image of a man whom I choose. It is works of J.-P. Sartre
that played a main role in the idea of responsibility development
which declared the basal loneliness of a man, his life as a response to the world, not only freedom from but
also freedom for creation of
himself. A well-known phrase is Sartre: "..
we are doomed to be free"
[7, p.61].
views the responsibility as different forms of activity
control of a person from the point ov view of his beliefs, norms and rules.
In psychological dictionary we find the following definition: "Responsibility is a control of various forms implemented to the person’s activities in non-standard
or not civilized norms
and rules" [5, s.53].
William James was the first psychologist who put on
the question of self free will, ethical values and responsibilities of the individual. Sources of liability scientist views in moral and religious
feelings, in which volitional effort plays
a leading role: "... Will’s effort is
secret essence of
our spiritual nature, the measure by which we
assess human dignity, which is why the manifestation of this effort is the only characteristic
feature of our spirit,
regardless of the surrounding world" [4, s.356] V.
Frankl based his theory
on concept of freedom, responsibility, asserting
the opportunity to find meaning. People live in three dimensions - somatic, psychic
and spiritual, but the most important "existential
human existence" scientist viewed
in spirituality, freedom and responsibility. He emphysised that human freedom
is in its ability to rise above its own
conditionality. According to E. Fromm, responsibility is not the duty imposed from
the outside but the answer of a man,
turned to him as a request that he views
as his own problem.
K. Muzdybayev
defines responsibility as a result of integration of all mental functions of a person: subjective perception of
the world, his own vital resources evaluation, emotional attitude
to duty, will.
Scientist emphasises that the responsibility is manifested in feelings, it also serves as a
character trait of a man. K. Muzdybayev has an
interesting view of responsibility.
He believes that responsibility should not be only for
the past but the future as well. The
responsibility for the future is the
result of ability to understand
the subject of personal responsibility for the discharge of duties and anticipate
the consequences of activities.
Modern Russian scholars V. Slobodchykov, E.I.
Isayev defines responsibility as a
quality of human subjective,
personal, individual and universal fields.
modern interpretation of personality formation is developed
by I.D.Bekh. “Human’s connection with
the surrounding reality is formed
with the help of responsibility
and makes integrity with it" [2, p.126]. Scientist declares responsibility not only
as individual responsibility
for definite actions, as well as responsibility for views, beliefs and consequences.
Psychologist K.
Abulhanova-Slavskaya defines responsibility as
guaranteed achievement to their own results
of the individuals for a given subject and with different level of difficulty. She also views the
responsibility as a form of internal
acceptance of the need and its voluntary implementation. In other words, responsibility is considered in the context
in which the individual considers
himself as a responsible person and identifies
the level of responsibility by himself. Thereby, it turns out that the activity
of an individual comes from himself rather
than from external authorities. As the criteria of
responsibility, this activity can be
seen in the actions in the form
of initiative, intelligence, self-discipline, principle, the ability to relate personal
and public interests [1, p.28].
In Ukraine, Savchyn M.V. was the first who
made the implementation of the epistemological, ontological and axiological
approaches to the study of
responsibility, analyzed the relationship of this quality with such personal formation as motivational
sphere and identity.
He also highlighted the role of unconscious in responsible behavior of the individual.
Scientist emphasized that
the development of responsibility is realized towards harmonization
of rational, emotional and motivational
and behavioral initiatives.
In his opinion, there are some important
moral constructs of consciousness which are of great role for the responsibility as specific means of moral
interpretation of reality through
the prism of which the individual perceives reality
and himself in it [6, p. 28].
Many scientists propose to use the category of subjectivity to study the phenomenon of responsibility. The researchers of this problem (K.O Abulkhanova-Slavskay,
M. I. Boryshevskyy, O.
V. Brushlinskyy, M. T. Dryhus, S. Rubinstein, V. A. Tatenko, T. N. Titarenko, V. M. Titov and others) point to the expressions of subjectivity in consciousness as an integrator of inner world that provides the integrity of mental life,
structural and functional unity of the psyche and its
development in
ontogeny, efficient use of mental capacity in various activities and activity manifestations.
Modern scientists Hurlyeva T. notes that modern science has a positive trend to consider not only the responsibility of the individual to society, but society to the individual as a special property of the subject of social actions. The idea of subject-subject relationships between the individual and society is approved. It is recognized that individual responsibility is the necessary condition for freedom realization, which is also an exercise of other people freedom,
society and the state. [3, p.78].
So taking into consideration all above-mentioned we can say
that responsibility
is integral quality of
personality, characterized by: knowledge and experience of duties, general rules of morality, understanding and acceptance
of personal, group and social
necessity, correct orientation under
the circumstances of free choice means to
achieve moral
purpose, results
prediction, willingness to act in accordance to the individual and the general
requirements and be
responsible for actions before himself, others and society.
Thus, the analysis of the scientific literature on
the outlined
problem makes us to draw the
following conclusions:
1. Category of
responsibility in the general
scientific understanding is based on the
philosophical doctrine
of predestination social behavior of the
individual, his
relation with
freedom and
necessity as a prerequisite
for the
implementation of subject functions of the individual. The starting point for determining the degree of responsibility in general philosophical terms in all epochs was the question of the relationship between freedom and
necessity. Prerequisite to the responsibility
is an
individual choice of the only possible behavior.
2. Most scientists believe
that manifestations of
responsibility should be associated with the phenomena
when person takes the blame for
the potential and real negative consequences. Thus,
responsibility can be understood as a complex integral quality of an
individual, which is characterized by the awareness of the
individual general
requirements and
standards, personal responsibilities, understanding and acceptance of personal and social needs, their subordination to the choice and moral purposes of other people; prediction of the outcomes of the actions, internal willingness to act
according to certain
rules and ability
to take the responsibility for personal actions, not
only to society, but primarily to himself and own conscience.
In future we plan to determine the impact of the
responsibility of a person on the
effectiveness of his self-perfection, to conduct an experimental study of the levels of future teachers’ responsibility.
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