Philosophy of culture
E.I. Melnikova
Pedagogical Academy, Russia
Phenomenon of victimogenic culture in the XXI century
Annotation: In the theses, the phenomenon of victimogenic culture is regarded as a complex
of vision and behavioral orientations of subject for social action, expressed
him towards an object of co-culturgenic impact, with the view of doing
harm to the object of impact.
Key words: the phenomenon of victimogenic culture; the factor of social
destructiveness; the cognitive defect of socialization; the co-culturgenic impact.
Being a new feature of civilized
society in the XXI century, victimogenic culture can designate a possible
vector of crisis of its development, what contributes to significant
actualization of given subject matter. Social regularities of victimization’s
action as the social deviation in particular way, are reflected in the
researches of Vishnevetsky K.V,
Voitenko S.G, Kleyberg Y.A, Romanova L.I, Rudensky E.V [2; 3; 5; 6; 7] and
others. Many researchers observe that
victimization of young generation in the XXI century is increasing; as s
consequence a lot of works are appeared which investigate the factors of
personality’s victimization (Andronnikova O.O,
Vishnevetsky K.V, Klachkova O.A, Rudensky E.V) [1;2;4;7];
therefore, they prove the cognitive defect of socialization, it is a way to
degradation of personality.
Conclusions: 1. The problem of victimization is confined in having restrictive limits
inside itself. Victimogenic culture peculiar to relevant paradigm of thinking
in the subject-object relations. Subject-object paradigm isn’t primary,
constituted by antroporeality; it is secondary in relation to dialogical
paradigm and it is regarded as consequence of human self- formation
and self-transcending. Just in this collaterality, the problem’s solution of
victimogenic culture’s bases are hidden, as far as it is also a logical result
of not only alienation, but human self-alienation.
2. There is an invariant structure of victimogenic culture’s
phenomenon, in other words - system of
stable features and characteristics, which define specific world-view and
pragmatist intensions of not only
social action’s subject, but also an object of impact. So, conceptual field of
victimogenic culture is defined as social phenomena, and also its ontological
bases are discovered; it is shown that victimogenic culture is “human
measurement” of human existence’s transformations. Constitutive features of
victimogenic culture’s phenomenon are certain format of its organization,
rationalization, sustainability, orientation, instrumentality, anticipatory
nature, which is determined by singular factor – presence of human’s
3. The phenomenon of victimogenic culture is understood as a complex
of vision and behavioral orientations
of subject for social action, expressed him towards an object of co-culturgenic
impact, with the view of doing certain
harm to the object of impact.
4. Social victimogenic culture is a derivation from person’s victimogenic
culture as such and genetically go back to it, as the latter initially and
unavoidably have social nature, appearing in the social relations.
5. Substance of the victimogenic culture’s phenomenon regarded as a factor
of social destructiveness. We suppose the further investigation of correlation
between social existence and victimogenic culture is necessary and this possible will allow minimize
negative consequences of victimogenic culture’s expressions.
List of references:
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