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Gunchenko M.V, Dekhtiarenko N.V., Galkin O.Yu.
National Technical University of
Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
Ukrainian market is of little importance in the world. Domestic pharmaceutical market was valued at 2.9 billion of USD in 2010, that is 0.3% from the global. Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry is currently non-competitive globally. This is associated with the prevalence of production of cheap traditional drugs, generics from imported substances and lack of domestic competitive patented brand medicines. Exports are mainly focused on the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) (96%). Most imported drugs are from Europe (70-75%), Asia (15-20%). Imports exceed exports in 12-15 times (Fig. 1-2).
Fig. 1. Dynamics of pharmaceutical products imports by the world regions
(calculated according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine data)
In value terms, imported drugs sales are
higher than domestic in 3 times, on contrary, in real
terms, domestic drugs sales is 2-3 times higher than imported. The reason is that the low-cost drugs sales are
dominant. Generic drugs accounted for approximately half
of the total pharmaceutical market in value terms and nearly 75% in real terms.
About 30% of sales are shared by drugs, which cost less than $ 1, and 50 - 55%
by drugs, which cost from 1,01 to 2 dollars. In recent years there has been a
tendency to increase presence of domestic drugs over imported [1]. Consumption
of medicines per capita is presented in Fig. 3.
Fig. 2. Dynamics of export of pharmaceutical products by regions of the
world (calculated according to the State
Statistics Service of Ukraine data)
Fig. 3. Average annual consumption of medicines per capita
Despite the growth of
the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market, the overall medicines spends per capita in
Ukraine are low - 7-15 times less than in developed countries. It shows the
great growth potential of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. Domestic
pharmaceutical companies have the advantage of low prices, but often lose out to
foreign companies in the promotion of drugs. Today it is necessary to choose
the right strategy and implement it at the national level for the successful
development of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. There is intense
competition for market outlets on global
level. The winners here are the companies which implant the latest biotechnological
advances in production of new drugs. Ukraine doesn’t have yet relevant
technologies and specialists to enter the world market. In such circumstances,
the strategic task for Ukraine is substitute import drugs with domestic ones. It
is possible to make certain breakthrough in the development of pharmaceutical
industry by implementation of the full cycle production
of several biogenerics. This investment will improve manufacturing capabilities,
train staff and get higher profits (comparatively with
the profits from the of traditional medicines production). Properly directed
profits in combination with the obtained production base, qualified personnel would
make possible to create an innovative drug in 10-15 years. This strategy is
possible to realize through the creation of Technology Parks, where small companies can develop
new scientific ideas. At this stage it is important to decide how to select the
most promising developments and future funding of clinical trials,
registration, and entering to the world market.
development of pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine would help to get free from
imported drugs dependence and enter the global pharmaceutical market.
1. State Statistics Service of Ukraine - http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua
2. Ministry or Economic Development and Trade of
Ukraine http://ukrexport.gov.ua/
3. IMS Health Market Prognosis
4. The Pharmaceutical Industry in Figures //
European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations. – 2011. -