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Saparbek N. K.


Institute of Economics of the CS MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Features analysis in development of regions in Kazakhstan


The creation of a politically stable society and steadily increasing the national economy is impossible without solving the problems of equalization of regional differences, overcoming the crisis phenomena and the lag in the development of individual territories.

The main causes of uneven development and economic backwardness of individual regions are:

-   prolonged cyclical crises of overproduction, breaking the industrial and economic structures;

-    the low level of industrial diversification and dependence on external markets, including foreign;

-    mismatch factors of production requirements modern scientific and technological revolution;

-    adverse natural and climatic conditions, environmental catastrophes and natural disasters;

-    historical and socio-cultural peculiarities, connected, in particular, with a concentration of indigenous population, the unfavourable demographic trends (for example, a rapid reduction of a number of population.
In foreign countries the differences in the nature of economic problems faced by those or other areas of the cause and the different approaches to their solution.

They use a broad array of direct and indirect means of public exposure, among which an important place belongs to specific budgetary mechanisms. The past with a certain conventionality can be divided into two main groups: the normative calculation methods and special fiscal regimes. The group of legal and accounting methods includes different types of transfers received by the budgets of territories of higher budgets in accordance with and on the principles, enshrined in the national constitutions, the budgetary laws and the normative acts of state Executive bodies.
Special fiscal regimes include a package of fiscal measures, aimed at the creation of the depressed and backward areas of the favorable investment climate in order to enhance private national and foreign capital attraction.

Types and composition of fiscal instruments used depend not only on the specifics of the "problematic" areas, but also on such important factors as:

-   the national strategy of economic development (taken the course to achieve accelerated development or to provide a stable moderate not inflationary economic growth);

-   type the national system of fiscal federalism (is this country model of fiscal federalism decentralized, implying the enhanced autonomy of the functioning of the budgets of various levels, or co-operative, which is characterized by closer inter-budget relations);

-    alignment the political forces in the country and their willingness to compromise (the relation of the society to the problems of the budget donation, help depressed and backward areas, and what is the degree of freedom of the state bodies in the choice of budgetary instruments and the maneuvering of them).
         For the calculation of equalizing transfer of the majority of countries apply less complex mathematical constructions. In the formulas are used first of all such indicators of budget requirements, as: population and indicator of, reverse per capita incomes, as well as specific indicators retardation or the depressed state of the economy of the region, for example: the proportion of indigenous inhabitants, the level of development which lags behind the modern, of the total population;
 the proportion of people living below the poverty line;  indicator, check the volume of per capita GRP of regions.

         The problems of the development of depressed and lagging areas are often effectively resolved by establishing special fiscal regimes. Its introduction is usually regulated by the national laws and assumes that the relevant budget and tax legislation, as well as special sections of the right contractual, contractual and investment. Sometimes practiced individually the contractual form of such regimes, which do not have a solid legal basis and subject to frequent revisions [1].

Market reforms have strengthened the differentiation of the regions. This is explained by a number of reasons, including different because of the different levels of socio-economic development of the adapted regions to the market, the significant weakening of the regulatory role of the state. As a result, inter-regional differentiation reflected the growing (by patterns of ownership and sectors of the economy) social (by population group) differentiation in the space. If all 16 regions of Kazakhstan distribute in terms of GRP per capita in relation to the Republican average value of per capita GRP in 6 equal groups, with equal intervals of deviations (25%- s PP.) on average, the picture will look like the following. Economic growth regions in modern conditions cannot be achieved only at the expense of concentration of the basic factors of production and administrative powers, it requires building the institutional capacity, i.e. the ability of the regional management for the involvement of relevant economic actors and people who can make a positive contribution to the creation and preservation of valuables of the post-industrial society (human capital, knowledge, technologies). At present, the 4 regions of Kazakhstan (Atyrau and Mangistau oblasts, as well as gg. Almaty and Astana) have to more than half of the gross regional product (53,2%), produced in the country; on the other hand, the share of 4 regions with low volumes of production of GRP (North-Kazakhstan, West-Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda and Kyzylorda regions) is a bit more than 9% of the total of its volume. As regards specific weight of these groups of the population living on their territory, population, then at her, they differ not so considerably, respectively, of 16.4% and 17.7% of the total population in the country. The main reason for this situation is the fact, that in formation of conditions for sustainable economic development of the country, the regional factor is taken into account very weak, only from the position of an involvement of extensive part of it, that is to be used until then, what nature has given the relevant territory, is the hydrocarbon raw materials produced in the Atyrau and Magnistau areas and in great demand on the world market, as well as the special conditions of social-economic development of the Northern and southern capitals. Economic and social backwardness of the North-Kazakhstan, West-Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda and Akmola regions is largely determined weak regional management. Meanwhile, the lack of demand on the market of natural and raw material resources in the North-Kazakhstan and Akmola area causes the need to build institutional capacity for the creation of competitive human capital, knowledge, technologies, the image of an investment attractive regions [2]. The strategy of growth of the economy of the regions assumes the solution of two interrelated problems: on the one hand, to choose the strategy of output of the economy at a competitive level, and on the other, reducing the differences in development of the social sphere, that is, the level of life of the population. Solution of output of the economy of the different types of regions at a competitive level may have a different direction. Objective differences of regions require differentiated approaches to the development strategies of their development. From this point of view, of particular importance are the allocation and typology of the so-called problematic regions. Of course, each region has its own difficulties, but not each of them refers to the problem.

The problem relates Kyzylorda area. In the basis of the strategy of growth of its economy chief emphasis is placed on:

-   expansion of the oil and gas industry;

-    the development of the oil refining industries, including the construction of the mini-refinery, which will fully supply the needs of the region in oil products;

-    deepening of the international cooperation;

-    formation and development of the domestic market of products and services of the socio-cultural sphere;

-    deepening of specialization in agricultural production (more accelerated development of horse breeding and camel, intensification of rice production).

 In a basis of economic growth are factored program on improvement of enterprises in the manufacturing industry, energy, economic security. Along with the mining industry intensively will develop machine-building and metal working, light and food industry, production of glass containers, as well as the industry of construction materials. Not less important direction of strategy of economic growth of the Almaty region is: the beginning the formation of the major tourist bases, including on water tourism on the territory adjacent to lakes Issyk, Alakol, Balkhash, and Kokchetau reservoir; creation of infrastructure for international tourism on the routes of the silk road; the beginning of the creation of mountain ski resort "Turgen" in the Zailisky Alatau. The implementation of the strategy will give a significant impetus to the formation of high and sustainable growth of the economy of the depressive region [2].

Economic indicator of per capita GRP is based only on the use of the region's economic opportunities for the production in demand in the world and domestic markets products with high added value. Social same ratio (per capita cash income of the population) several smoothes out these opportunities. It reveals the level of life of the population, which to a great extent regulated by the state control bodies with the help of transfers and other farms of redistribution of the received income regions.

The inclusion in the strategy of growth of the economy of the regions of all the parameters of these spheres of human activity on the territory would serve as a reconciliation of the interests of each person and of the whole economic system.

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2. Brimbetova N. J. Socio-economic differentiation of the regions of Kazakhstan and strategic priorities of their development /ed. about with. Acad. Sabden - Almaty: Institute of Economics of MES RK, 2006. - P.3, 26