Associate Professor, Doctor of
pedagogical science Absatova M.A
master Sultanov M.
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named
after Abai
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS legal culture research Diagnostics
Ability to live in peace and mutual understanding, an
exception of discrimination of the person on any motives and indications, person’s
fundamental laws maintenance is a duty of each citizen. In this connection
finding-out of completeness degree and stability of students’ definition of
the granted categories of the right and, accordingly, their understanding of
regulative essence of the right are especially important.
For revealing of real characteristics of legal culture
of children of younger school age diagnostic research in which the following
number of experimental problems dared has been carried out: designing and realization
of diagnostic techniques of research of third grade students’ legal
representations; the regular qualitative description of research results,
level definition of younger schoolchildren’s legal culture formation; the
analysis of diagnostics materials from positions of an estimation of
possibility of students’ party to a legal relationship preconditions
During the research as a level of indicators the
emotional relation formation of younger schoolchildren to rules of law have
acted: external displays of emotions (a color designation) without their
comprehension, i.e. without possibility to explain why this or that emotional
experience is caused; conformity of external display of emotions and a verbal
explanation of the given relation to the legal phenomenon in the conditions
of a concrete situation; the certain emotional display repeating in similar
situations; a substantiation of the reasons’ relation from positions of the
importance of the corresponding rule of law.
According to experimental problems the complex of
diagnostic techniques including lines of studying cognitive, affective and
effective (behavioural) components of legal culture of younger schoolchildren
has been developed.
The first group of diagnostic techniques has been
directed on studying of students understanding of regulative essence of the
right features, and also on finding-out of their degree of mastering the knowledge
of their rights and duties. Proceeding from results of the analysis of a
category of the right, the basic characteristics the mastering of which testifies,
in our opinion, on students’ understanding of the right nature have been
allocated. Right characteristics concern them as possibilities to carry out
ability to live, as responsibility, necessity and obligatoriness.
For revealing of younger schoolchildren’s knowledge about
their rights and duties cards with the unfinished sentences were used: "At
school I have the right (I am obliged)...", "At home I have the right
(I am obliged)...", "Out of school and the house I have the right (I
am obliged)...". It was supposed that putting the columns of
"right", "duty" together will promote more students’ realized
allocation of compelled legal powers, i.e. each right could be presented as a
Interpreting the students’ answers, the accent became,
first of all, on recognized by the Convention of the United Nations fundamental
laws of the child: for a life; freedom of thought expression, conscience,
religion; freedom of movement; freedom of associations and peace meetings; education
reception; rest and leisure (participation in a cultural and creative life of a
society); protection from the law, the state; participation in family affairs;
property, and others.
Also students could allocate some duties: to study;
to respect work of the teacher, other students, school staff; to help the
family; to care about the younger and the weak; to make thrifty use of the world
around, the nature; to respect interests of others; to observe rules of safe
ability to live; to observe rules of hygiene, day regimen, and others.
The second group of diagnostic techniques investigated
the features of an affective component of younger schoolchildren legal
representations; degree of adequacy and stability of the emotional relation to
norms of the right, their observance or infringement in the course of social
and legal interaction. The given group of diagnostic techniques included a series
of the test situations allowing younger schoolchildren to scale legal
collisions in the evident form (by means of different colors), verbally to
express worried relation to them, to correlate the presented legal actions
with similar ones from their own experience.
Also within the limits of diagnostics of an affective
component of legal representations situations in which students were offered
to state possible succession of events on the set plot were used, to try to
predict people actions on the basis of the description of their emotional
experiences. Thus meant that the child having appeared in a role of
"story-teller" will emotionally identify himself with participants
of the events, consciously or unconsciously to transform their relations in
perception according to his own promptings, motives, requirements.
The following group of diagnostic techniques included
supervision over students’ behavior in real situations of acting necessity by rules
(in games, relations "as agreed upon", according to school rules of
behavior during intervals, in a dining room, a wardrobe, etc.), and also at realization
of their rights and duties during the performance of class affairs,
Practical expression of legal interaction principles,
readiness and ability of younger schoolchildren to operate within the limits of
their rights and duties were observed also in situations of performance of their
class affairs, commissions.
Traditionally the indicators of a behavioral component
of an experimental situation are considered from the point of view of examinees
ability to analyze contradictions containing in it, to establish actual
meanings of its elements and relations, independently to build a plan of
actions, to carry out the control over its achievement.
Thus the techniques set forth above have allowed us to
reveal the level of younger schoolchildren’s legal culture formation. The
analysis of the received data has been directed on the establishment:
substantial characteristics of the rights and the duties allocated with students;
interrelation lines between allocated categories of the rights and duties;
environments in which examinees define the legal obligations more clearly.
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äåòåé: Ìåòîä, ðåêîìåíäàöèè è áèáëèîãð. óêàç. ëèò. â ïîìîùü îðãàíèçàòîðàì
çàíÿòèé ïî èçó÷. Êîíâåíöèè ÎÎÍ î ïðàâàõ ðåáåíêà/ Ñîñò. Ò.Ì.Ñòåïàíîâà. Áðåñò: ÁðÃÓ, 1996. - 20 ñ. 3. Èáðàåâà
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