Philological Sciences
Sokolova I.V.
State Higher Educational Institution
Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine” (Sumy, Ukraine)
Linguistic and Extralinguistic Aspects of Advertising Texts Perception and
The paper
presents results of enquiry into linguistic and extralinguistic components of
advertising texts production
and perception. The study is being made on the context of Internet
advertisements and aims at disclosure of principles of advertising texts perception.
Detailed analysis of the target audience, creation of motivational aspects of
text perception and creation of influence upon recipients’ consciousness and
subconsciousness by means of different linguistic and extralinguistic means are
the basis for Internet advertisements’ perception and comprehension.
Key Words: advertising perception,
advertising text, linguistic means, pragmatic purpose.
I. Introduction
perception is an important part of contemporary social practice. One of the
main aspects of advertising studies in modern linguistics is analysis of
advertising audience perception, which is closely connected with the study of
encoding / decoding processes. Modern
linguists argue that decoding aspect “deal with the complexity of contextual
factors contributing to the process” [5, 14]. In such a way, the process of
audience decoding combines several factors, such as producer’s intent (covering
different means of the intent fulfillment), recipient’s background and language
experience (including personal and social experience), and contextual components
of the advertising perception. This paper presents some results of enquiry into
linguistic and extralinguistic components of advertising texts production and perception.
The study is being made on the context of Internet advertisements and aims at
disclosure of principles of advertising texts perception.
II. Tasks of the Study
tasks of the study are:
to analyze the linguistic means of advertising;
to research the influence of immediate environment upon advertising perception.
research is of topical interest of modern linguistics and further study would
concentrate around other aspects of advertising perception and/or investigate
other advertising contexts and environments.
III. Results of the Study
is a complex social, cultural, economic, psychological and linguistic process.
Examination of these aspects of advertising in complex and in particular can
give good results for understanding the processes of text perception. Advertising
text integrates features of different text types and is an object of
cross-disciplinary studies. Advertising text possesses a range of individual
features, thus it can be defined as a particular text type. The range of AT
features includes:
- clear pragmatic
purpose and producer’s intent;
- clear functional
- linguistic means
are functionally oriented and subordinated;
- supported with
extra linguistic elements.
type of advertising is the result of collective conceptual work and production
of a message is always a social process carried out in concrete situations.
Advertising text is the central element in the chain production (encoding) –
text – reception (decoding), all elements of which are closely interrelated.
Analyzing the features of advertising texts we can make deductions as to the
processes of their creation and reception. Advertizing texts are aimed at
fulfillment of a certain, clear cut purpose and thus the moment of reception or
decoding is the element of the process of production in its larger sense and
must be appropriated as meaningful discourse and meaningfully decoded. [4, 20].
bounds of pragmatic studies text is defined as the result and means of
fulfillment of a communicative task, which is faced simultaneously by two
parties – participants of communicative act: a producer is aimed at an adequate
presentation of information and creating an impact, a recipient is aimed at
adequate understanding (decoding) of information [2, 79]. On one hand, text is a hierarchy of communicative
programs, which are subordinate to the aim of the speech act, on the other
hand, communicative purpose of the text stipulates its structure and
interrelation between its elements.
Text is a complex system in which reality, language
and the results of speech and mental activity are presented accordingly at
subject (extralinguistic information), logical (means of organizing the authors
ideas) and linguistic levels [1, 102]. Text’s complex character is also realized in
its two-facet orientation – a text correlates with two parties of a
communicative act: a producer and a recipient. Accordingly, text semantics can
be analyzed in two aspects: in relation to a producer (text concept) and in
relation to a recipient (text idea).
comprehension of meaning lies not in the text itself, but in the complex
interaction between the author's intent and his/her performative ability to
encode that intent, and the recipient’s intent and his/her performative ability
not only to decode the author's intent but to match his/her own intent with the
author's purpose. Meanings come about through interaction between producers and
recipients and linguistic features come about as a result of social processes,
which are never arbitrary [3, 2].
creation and text perception are counter processes aimed at realization of communicative
purposes of both parties of a communication act. Text modeling goes in two
directions: a producer creates text model in direction “extralinguistic content
– language form / system – speech”, while a recipient reproduces the model:
“speech – language form / system – extralinguistic content”. So, text creation
and text perception are interrelated but contrary processes.
creation is a complex, deeply interiorized, process. This process moves from
motive, intention of the text producer to the recipient’s interpretation, from
illocutionary forces to perlocutionary effect. Thus, in the process of text
creation it is important to account for principles of speech communication and
illocutionary powers of speech acts, knowledge of different text types and
terms of their usage, knowledge about target audience, etc.
perception and comprehension are realized at several levels simultaneously:
from direct perception of sign form of the text, a recipient goes to
comprehension of the utterance meaning and finally comprehends text as a closed
solid structure. During this process a recipient converts lexical elements into
meaningful ones by means of multiple decoding of information. In general,
processes of text comprehension is based on recipient’s background knowledge, his
life experience, encyclopedic knowledge, level of pragmatic strategies
comprehension and also on the level of his language competence.
cycle of text comprehension covers not only decoding the meanings of lexical
units, which make the text, but building a coherent meaningful text structure
and its integration into the existing in the recipient’s mind “picture of the
A new
form of advertising – Internet-advertising – appeared not so long ago, but took
the advanced position among other types of advertising as a result of rapid
development of the Internet. In our study Internet advertising is referred to
as a type of discourse with its special features. We are able to define Internet
advertising as a type of discourse as it combines the following features: the
purpose of the speech act, reflected features of participants of the speech act,
and topical information. Communicative purposes of advertisements’ producers
are realized in discourse strategies and correlate with mental concepts and
language means of their representation. As a type of discourse, Internet
advertising is influenced by general cooperative principles of quality,
quantity, relation and manner.
One of
the types of Internet advertising, according to the form of its realization, is
contextual advertising. Contextual advertising is a form of targeted
advertising for advertisements appearing on websites or other media, such as
content displayed in mobile browsers. The advertisements themselves are
selected and served by automated systems based on the content displayed to the
user. A contextual advertising system scans the text of a website for keywords
and returns advertisements to the webpage based on those keywords. The
advertisements may be displayed on the webpage or as pop-up ads. Contextual
advertising is considered to be the most effective in the present way to
attract customers to the site.
adverts (IA) differ greatly in objects of advertizing, style, structure, the
use of text and connotation. One of the common features for these samples of
advertizing is common environment, which has certain influence upon the other
features of IT. Functional environment is considered to be a key factor organizing
the text. It defines the usage of linguistic and extralinguistic means of
influence upon the audience. Advertisements are becoming increasingly more
complex and sophisticated. Due to the large scale production of goods there is an
increased need to create a market for products that people do not really need.
Communicative purpose of IA producers is to motivate purchasing of a definite
product by linguistic and extralinguistic means, which in this case are
provided by sophisticated hardware and software.
advertising, as well as any other type of advertising, is mostly one-way
communication process, though Internet environment provides the opportunity for
interactivity. Interactivity, combined with multimedia potential, provides
enhanced opportunities for advertising perception and comprehension. The
structure of modern IA is complex and multilayer. Information is presented at
the linguistic level, as well as at levels of graphical images (fixed and
moving) and sound. In general, presented information makes the highest possible
impact upon the audience, which was actually aimed at by IA producers.
In our
paper we mostly deal with IA containing essential textual abstract, providing
the opportunity to analyze linguistic means of advertising. We argue that
textual component is the most informative part of advertising, fulfilling the
biggest part of meaningful load of IA. Adverts from the site (the leader of contextual ad solutions, as they
present themselves) and other pop-up Internet advertisements were put under our
analysis. They represent the samples of collective copyright work and promote
different types of products. Each advertisement, as a rule, combines image
(graphical information and sound), display and bar (software, providing
possibilities for navigation), and textual information. They work
simultaneously and in complex provide recipient with necessary information.
Display and bar, as unique possibilities of Internet advertising, provide such
opportunity as linking to social networks (facebook, twitter, myspace, etc.)
and to company and other related websites. This opportunity expands the
advertisement, enriching it with additional related information.
information in IAs is presented in the form of in-texts and short
texts-slogans. In-texts are extended in space texts, depicting up-to-date
problems, closely connected with the product. For example, advert of AXE
deodorants and shampoos contains the in-text about first dates, “Chest 3D
white” – about job interviews, “Jeep automobile” – about bad whether problems.
This method of indirect advertising stimulates cognitive processes thus
stipulating the process of advert perception. It is based on the
psycho-linguistic model of conceptual fields.
analysis of short texts-slogans shows that the range of linguistic means used
is basically the same as in other advertising texts. This range mostly includes
different types of repetitions (on the explicit and implicit text levels),
usage of imperative mood, estimating vocabulary. Besides, practical absence of
space limits provides opportunities for presentation of additional information,
such as references to experts, information about competition awards, statistics
of sales, etc. This useful information, combined with the above mentioned
in-texts, increases the information load of each advertisement, providing versatile
treatment of the problem and stipulating the process of perception.
As an
example, the following slogan can be analyzed:
“Ready to keep up?
Be it a competitive Sporty Girl, e
tireless Party Girl, or a High Maintenance Girl, the hottest girls
are the most demanding. So recharge with AXE Shower gel, including the all new
AXE Sport Blast 2-in-1, and stay at your best!” [ad of AXE products]
lexical repetitions of the same lexeme, provoking question, imperative mood and
usage of pronoun “you – your” are aimed at intensification of the process of
information perception through the means of direct and indirect influence upon
a recipient’s consciousness. Direct means of influence are on the surface of
the text, while indirect influence is achieved by means used on the implicit
layer of the text. According to Van Dijk the text is like "an iceberg of
information," and it is really only the "tip" which is
"actually expressed in words and sentences. The rest is assumed to be
supplied by the knowledge scripts and models of the media users, and therefore
usually left unsaid." Van Dijk concludes, therefore, that "the analysis
of the very useful..."
appeal to a recipient combined with the forms of personal pronoun you make the process of communication
more intimate and thus influencing:
“Extend the life of your clothing and
reduce the chance of color fading at the same time. Properly sorting and
washing your clothes can make a huge difference in the quality of your
garments' color. Using simple household items like vinegar, salt and a drying
rack can also help keep your clothes looking vibrant and fresh. Always
read the label of your linens and clothes before washing, and use the
gentle cycle on your washer and dryer whenever possible.” [ad of
Unilever Comfort Brights]
influence is realized through rhetorical / provoking questions and presentation
of personal experience of the author:
“One of the things I love most about London is
that it fosters small and independent designers. Everyone in London is looking
for that individual item that no-one else has, and who better to make it than
the up-and-coming creative types living in the city?” [Rommel-London]
provides great opportunities for combination of several perceptive effects –
sound, text and image (so called multimedia features). It is realized by means
of dynamic display, when you can not only read the advertisement, by also watch
a movie, get linked to other sites with additional information and references
to other users of the product, make your own comments. It is the main
extralinguistic factor of IAs’ functioning, which is not accessible for other
types of advertisements. Actually, this feature expands boundaries of an
advertisement to an unlimited scale, realizing multilayer character of
information perception.
contextual advertisement starts with a short text-slogan, the main aim of which
it to attract potential recipient’s attention. The most frequent language means
of attracting recipients’ attention, as our study shows, are estimating
vocabulary, direct appeal to the audience my means of usage of personal pronoun
“you”, modal verb “should” and imperative mood utterances.
(1) “Walden University: A Higher Degree. A
higher Purpose. More than two thirds of Walden master’s graduates received a
promotion within one year of earning their degree. Learn how Walden can change
your future.”
(2) “Free e-books: 40 Ways to Make Your Data
Center More Efficient. Cost-effectively managing your data center's myriad of
interconnected systems is no easy task. But through better management and
proper planning, even the most inefficient data center can change its ways.
Download this eBook for 40 steps you can take to get the most out of your data
center and its employees.”
(3) “There's basic security and there's VeriSign
SSL and website security, now from Symantec.
In a
year where multiple certificate authorities have been hacked, you want to
choose a company that invests in the most rigorous security practices in the
industry like VeriSign. You can’t be too safe when it comes to online security
across your site. That’s why you should protect your website and your customers
with VeriSign SSL, now from Symantec.”
To fix
the influence it is obligatory to give important for the recipient information,
which should be true and up-to-date. Internet provides opportunities for
extended text files, which are linked to the main site and carry great
informational load.
the following advertisements:
(1) “New Era Networks
Enterprise Networking News & Reviews
New Era Networks are built to power the push by
enterprises into cloud computing, mobility, virtualization and new business
applications. The NEN attributes require network managers and senior IT
professionals to rethink the traditional network infrastructure. Topics include
virtualized storage, server and network capabilities as well as where security,
privacy, and compliance fit. Also included are: mobility integration products
and issues, disaster recovery and network management software as well as all
the information you need to design, deploy, monitor, manage, secure and support
your Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), wireless Local Area
Network (WLAN), and Wi-Fi systems.”
(2) “Manilla Has Delivered 2 Million+ Bills
& Statements -- It Is the Nation's Leading Digital Mailbox
Service>>About Manilla
Manilla organizes and simplifies people's lives
by providing one secure access point to all household accounts and services.
The free service helps consumers manage their household accounts, including
financial, utilities, subscriptions, daily deals, and travel rewards programs,
all through or via the Manilla mobile apps. Under a single
password, Manilla gives customers an automated, organized view of all of their
account information, text and email reminders to pay bills, renew expiring
subscriptions and manage soon-to-expire daily deals, all with unlimited storage
and seamless document retrieval.”
advertisements under our analysis are texts with simple, easily accessible
structure. Their dominant syntactic features are: simple one predicate sentence,
usage of Passive Voice, Participle I and II, usage of enumerations and parallel
constructions. These syntactic means provide better text comprehension as they
simplify the process of perception.
IV. Conclusion
basis for Internet advertisements’ perception and comprehension is made by a
detailed analysis of the target audience, creation of motivational aspects of
text perception and creation of influence upon recipients’ consciousness and
subconsciousness by means of different linguistic and extralinguistic means. In
terms of the Internet it is achieved by combination of image (graphical
information and sound), display and bar (software, providing possibilities for
navigation), and textual information. Textual information carries the greatest
informational load in the process of advertisements perception and comprehension.
Such language means as lexical repetitions, provoking question, imperative mood
sentences, usage of pronoun you and
estimating vocabulary aim at direct appeal to the recipient, create motivation
for the advertising text perception thus providing fulfillment of pragmatic
purpose of the text.
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