D. U. N. Golovkin R.
B., Kulakova S. A.
Vladimir Institute of
Law FSEP of Russia
regulation and legal counteraction of social-dangerous acts.
is a difficult and inconsistent process which can be considered from both
theoretical and practical points of view. In everyday speech the term
"regulation" is applied to the characteristic of different types of
activity: regulation of road movement, temperature, private life etc.
publications treat the term "regulation" according to the meaning of
the verb to "regulate" in three meanings:
To order, to adjust.
To direct development and movement of something on purpose to put it in order
or system.
To bring mechanisms and its parts into a state in which they can normally work
[1]. In the other reference materials regulation is interpreted within the
meaning of the ordering factor [2].
doubt that the meaning of the term “regulation” is carried out differently [3]
with reference to various branches of knowledge. In our article we comprehend a
regulation as process of influence on a person and the result of which is
organization of person’s behavior in interaction with other people and outside
world .
is possible to deduce the following signs of regulation from this definition.
the first point, regulation represents a process. It is known that a process is
a chain of phenomena, conditions, changes in development of smth.; it is a set
of the consecutive actions directed on achievement of certain result [4]. The
process consists of certain stages. There are the following stages in
à) primary impact on
consciousness of a regulating factor (influence of the natural, social and
psychological factors, acquaintance with regulatory text, the order of the
chief etc.);
perception and understanding of the regulating factor (clarifying of the
influence and definition of the possible consequences as a result of its account
or ignoring in behavior of the person); c) decision-making and correction of
the behavior.
the second point, regulation represents the impact on person’s behavior. There
is a variety of impacts on a person: elements of the nature (Thailand tsunami for
example), personal natural needs and social determinants. Influence can be
purposeful, that assumes the pre-specified result the individual instruction
for example. Purposeful impact have influence on subject’s behavior, to which
it wasn’t designed, for example, the state reforms in Russia, directed on a
monetization of social benefits, spread the regulating effects on the members
of the officials’ families. The regulating impact on the person can be either
spontaneous or situational, for example, a sharp indisposition.
the third point, regulation is a result of influence on the person. It is
necessary to pay attention to the following: even if the person tries to ignore
influence, the regulation still has its effect. Regulating consequences of
impact on the person are predetermined. In favor of this conclusion here are
some illustrations. For example, if a person doesn't consider a bad weather and
doesn't take an umbrella, he will get wet and then will have to take measures:
to change clothes or dry up. Other example: after breaking the law it comes the
legal liability etc. Purposeful influence can lead the wrong result: the
antialcoholic company in fact doesn’t win and also generated an economic
crisis, growth of alcoholism and drug addiction.
the fourth point, the regulation causes relations between people in all spheres
of the activities (at work, in private life etc.). The person builds the
relationship with other people on the base stereotypes of socialization,
education, individual and situational moments. For example, the young man has
observed the rule of respecting elderly people since his childhood; as a result
he gives a seat in a trolleybus to the old woman even if he is tired.
the fifth point, the regulation provides behavior of the person with the
outside world. Regulation has a unilateral character. For example, the
instructions of the person’s behavior in the conditions of natural disasters,
can provide only influence on individuals’ behavior. It is impossible to affect
the natural phenomena in this aspect of human activity, it is only possible to
foresee it according to weather forecast and previous experience.
sixth point, regulation, as it appears from the definition and considered
signs, can be differentiated in types.
specific structure of regulation depends on the needs of the research.
According to the object of influence regulation can be divided into:
mechanical, physical, chemical, biological and social regulation.
most important instrument of the impact on person’s behavior is social
regulation and the main place in the field of state-organized society is given
to its laws. The majority of public
relations are regulated by means of the law, in particular with participation of
the state and other government subjects. Due to the specified circumstances,
the law and its role in regulation of public relations are quite often
the classification shows that the legal regulation is only a part of social
regulations, and the social regulation is only the one fifth of the given
system of classification. For the reason of "inclusiveness" of a
person in the environment, it is possible to conclude that in spite of our
desires, besides the law and other social regulators there are other unpredictable
powers over individuals’ behavior. This type of regulations independent from
people’s willand more or less objective.
can conclude that objective regulation is a process and a result of ordering
influence of various mechanical, physical, chemical, biological factors (each
or in complex) over human behavior.
here all types of regulating impact on a person can be subdivided in to:
objective (mechanical, physical, chemical, biological) and subjective (legal,
moral, religious, usual etc.).
force of objective regulation is in its independent impact on consciousness, on
the body of the person, on his physiology and behavior. For example, physical
and geographical factors won't give an opportunity for a person to walk on foot
to the sea shore during week-end if he lives in the central zone of Russia. For
example, the person will never voluntary go to an infrasound source. The
infrasound — is the fluctuations of frequency lower than 20 Hz. The
overwhelming number of modern people can’t hear the acoustic fluctuations of
frequency below 40 Hz. Maximum levels of low-frequency acoustic fluctuations in
the industry and transport sources reach 100–110 dB. At the level from 110 to
150 dB and more it can cause unpleasant feelings and numerous jet changes in
the central nervous, cardio-vascular and respiratory systems of the human body
for instance [5].
climate is although very important, for example, it is most likely to put on
warm cloth, in a frosty weather and to take an umbrella if it rains etc.
natural physical, chemical, geographical, climatic, out other physical factors
it is also possible to add some biological ones. For example, a modern Russian
person can’t get into a room through ventilating channels. Anatomy causes the
fact of low aggression of women to men.
couldn’t drive because of their anthropometry characteristics. Therefore,
objective factors of regulation can act as essential support or
"brake" in effective regulation of law regulation or other public relations.
conclusion fully concerns legal prevention. Recently the term
"counteraction" [6] became wide spread in mass media and legal
practice. This term is reflected in a large number of laws and legal acts [7].
It’s range is rather wide, and includes norms of a criminal, procedure,
administrative, constitutional law.
analyses of the term "counteraction" in the legislation gives an
opportunity to formulate a definition of juridical (legal) counteraction of
offenses [8]. We define this phenomenon as the type of positive legal
prevention counteraction showing in the form of legal technological process,
characterizing the lawful acts of various subjects in various forms, using the
methods and means, including the objective influence on the individual behavior.
counteraction of offenses is not only possible, but necessary, because I helps
to put forward legal acting against offences to a new effective level and to
increase its effectiveness.
prove the given judgment we analyzed one hundred and thirty two legal acts
providing positive counteraction of the socially negative phenomena, including
offenses. This analyze helped us to find out a number of circumstances
indicating possibility of using necessarily objective regulation at legal
first. A number of legal norms directly provides a possibility of objective
regulation. For example, in the Federal law «About a counteraction of
terrorism» clause 3 the «counteraction of terrorism» is defined as an activity
of public authorities and local governments on:
à) terrorism
prevention, including on identification and the subsequent elimination of the
reasons and the conditions promoting terrorism acts(terrorism counteraction);
identification, prevention, suppression, disclosure and investigation of
terrorism act acts (fighting against terrorism);
minimization and (or) elimination of consequences of terrorism [9].
the point A) of this clause, possibility of application of objective regulation
is accurately seen. For example, as the objective measures of acting against
terrorism is possible to limit physical access to explosive, strong poisonous
substances, radioactive materials etc. Besides that, minimization and
elimination of consequences of terrorism are directly connected with mechanical
(analysis of blockages), chemical (deactivation) and biological (rendering of
medical care) regulation.
second. It is an indirect possibility of application of objective regulation in
the mechanism of legal counteraction of offenses. For example, the clause 22 of
the Moscow city law «About physical culture and sport» is called «Prevention of
the application of doping means and (or) methods in the city of Moscow», but
thus it doesn't contain information of real counteraction measures:
In Moscow there is anti-doping promotion directed on using doping means and
(or) methods.
Authorities and city sport federations provide the counteraction in using of
doping means and(or) methods by sportsmen, employees or members of in any organizations in the state system of
physical culture, sport and the members of the sports national teams of Moscow
city and also using of doping means and measures during official city sport
The order of counteraction activities applicants doping means and (or) methods
confirms by authorities [10].
the same time, as it is known anti-doping control is widely applied that as an
objective measure of prevention.
third. In some rare cases, it is difficult to provide objective regulation with
legal acts. The similar definition of "counteraction" in the Decree
of the President of the Russian Federation «About the Presidential Commission
of the Russian Federation directed to counteraction of the attempts of
falsifying the history against state interests of Russia» where the necessity
to act against the falsification of history and to create the Commission of the
President of Russian Federation directed to prevention of falsification of
history against state interests of Russia [11] is fixed. In other words, in
this decree speaks about all counteraction of falsification of history
conducted only to consider the decree literally, it is possible to reduce the
formation of the specified commission.
fourth. In some legal acts, the objective counteraction is considered as some
separate measures. For example, in the Federal law «About the counteraction of
legalizing (washing) of income received by a criminal way, and terrorism
financing» where objective regulation of counteraction is expressed by 4
measures, Pointed out to act against legalization (washing) of income, received
by criminal way and terrorism financing.
measures are:
procedures of internal control;
of informing the clients and other persons about the measures of counteraction
of the legalized income received by a criminal way, and terrorism financing (in
an edition to the Federal law from 30.10.2002 N 131-FZ) [12].
to clause 41 of the federal law «About drugs and psychotropic substances» the
following directions of objective counteraction are established:
of drug distribution, illegal consumption and drug trafficking;
and rehabilitation of patients with drug addiction;
trafficking suppression.
26 of the law «About establishments and authorities executing criminal
punishments in the form of imprisonment» [13]. Obliges the staff of criminal
executive system irrespective of their post, the location and the time of day
objective carried in case of direct detection of the events menacing to
personal or public security, to take measures to rescue people, prevention and
suppression of offences, detention the suspects and the report about this to
the nearest law-enforcement body of Russian Federation.
fifth. Among the analyzed legal acts there are some that directed to counteract
the offenses connected with objective regulation. For example, clause 1 of the
Federal law «About environmental protection» [15] contains counteraction
measures of ecological offenses, which are negative from the point of view of
this research. Therefore objective counteraction to this type of offenses
should "reflect" the offenses. For example, as it is provided in this
law, that there is the environmental control including the system of objective
measures, directed on prevention, identification and suppression of a violation
of the law in the field of environmental protection, ensuring observation of
the requirements by the subjects of economy and other activity, including
standards and normative documents in the field of environmental protection.
bring some results.
first, the counteraction of offenses designated in legal acts is one of the
ways of positive prevention, because models of negative prevention are fixed
mainly in guarding rules of law. Therefore, fixing the examples of the
forbidden behavior in a law is a positive counteraction from the state. In
other words, the fact of fixing of any counteraction in legal rules and also
activity provided by implementation of these norms represents activities for
counteraction social phenomena.
it is expedient to allocate direct and indirect interactions of objective
regulation of legal prevention. Direct counteraction is shown as combination of
various mechanical, physical, biological, and other unsocial means, for
blocking and overcoming the negative actions. Indirect prevention of isn’t
directly directed on realization of the purposes of this type of prevention,
but it appears objectively.
according to the analyzed legal acts, the subjects of positive prevention can
be the state, state’s authorities, officials, certain citizens and their
organizations, all of them can apply both subjective and objective
counteraction of offenses.
the objective means of prevention are any material and non-material phenomena
with the help of which the counteraction is carried out/to prevent the state.
From the point of view the legal regulation can be designated as lawful, that
provided by law and being used for their realization.
objective regulation shouldn't contradict legal counteraction to offenses, but
also should be an effective tool for its providing and increasing its quality.
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Definition Constitutional the Vessels Russian
Federation from 01.12.2005 N of the 519th "About refusal in acceptance to
consideration of the complaint of the citizen of the Pigeon of Sergey
Aleksandrovich on violation of its constitutional laws by the subparagraph 1 of
point 1 of article 7 of the Federal law "About counteraction to
legalization (laundering) of the income received by a criminal way, and
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violation of its constitutional laws by a part of the second article 6 of the
Federal law "About perpetuating of the Victory of the Soviet people in the
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law "About counteraction of extremist activity", etc.
The federal law from 07.08.2001 N 115-FZ (an edition
from 17.07.2009) "About counteraction to legalization (laundering) of the
income received by a criminal way, and terrorism financing" (GD FS Russian
Federation 13.07.2001) (with amendment and additional is accepted, come into
force from 06.12.2009); the Federal law from 06.03.2006 N 35-FZ (an edition
from 30.12.2008) "About counteraction to terrorism" (GD FS Russian
Federation 26.02.2006) (with amendment and additional is accepted, coming into
force from 01.01.2010); the Federal law from 25.12.2008 N 273-FZ "About
corruption counteraction" (GD FS Russian Federation 19.12.2008 is
accepted); the Federal law from 25.07.2002 N 114-FZ (an edition from
29.04.2008) "About counteraction of extremist activity" (GD FS
Russian Federation 27.06.2002 is accepted); the Federal law from 08.01.1998 N 3-Federal
Law (an edition from 17.07.2009, with amendment from 18.07.2009) "About
drugs and psychotropic substances" (GD FS Russian Federation 10.12.1997 is
accepted).Ãëàâà VI.
Counteraction to illicit trafficking in drugs, psychotropic substances and
their precursors, etc.
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Federal Law «About counteraction of terrorism» from
March 6, 2006 of N 35-FZ.
The decree of the President of the Russian Federation
from 15.05.2009 N 549 "About the Commission at the President of the
Russian Federation on counteraction to attempts of falsification of history to
the detriment of interests of Russia" (together with "The provision
on the commission at the President of the Russian Federation on counteraction
to attempts of falsification of history to the detriment of interests of
Art. 4 of the Federal law from 07.08.2001 N 115-FZ (an
edition from 17.07.2009) "About counteraction to legalization (laundering)
of the income received by a criminal way, and terrorism financing"
Chapter VI. «Counteraction to illicit trafficking in
drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors»//the Federal law from
08.01.1998 N 3-Federal Law (an edition from 17.07.2009, with amendment from
18.07.2009) "About drugs and psychotropic substances"
The law Russian Federation from 21.07.1993 N 5473-1
(an edition from 25.11.2009) "About establishments and the bodies executing
criminal punishments in the form of imprisonment"
The federal law from 10.01.2002 N 7-Federal Law (an
edition from 14.03.2009) "About environmental protection" (GD FS
Russian Federation 20.12.2001 is accepted).