Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Turginbayeva A.N.,

MA student Altayeva A.

Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan

The current state of innovative and project activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Modern economic recognizes the role of innovation as a key element of economic processes, that determine the development of not only individual countries, but also the global economy.

The main role of providing sustainable development of economy belongs to innovation, innovative activity, which can provide with continuous updating of technical and technological base of production, development and production of new competitive products, the effective penetration of world markets for goods and services. These require reforming  all spheres of public life, and above all, the economy.

According to the UN, today Kazakhstan is not even among the top twenty high-tech nations of the world. Therefore, the development of innovative economy is extremely important for Kazakhstan [1].

The key to the formation of new economy in Kazakhstan is major investments in new technologies and creation conditions for a permanent reproduction of knowledge and translate them into new high-tech products and services, thus is innovation. Innovative activity means development and implementing innovative projects.

 The concept of "innovation" is used almost universally, it is the topic of conversation both on domestic and on the professional level, at the level of heads of states, international organizations, etc. Innovation can be understood as the end result of innovation, were embodied in the form of new or improved product that is embedded in the market, or new, improved technological process used in practice, a new approach to social problems.

In principle, the term "innovation" can be interpreted in different ways, it has an infinite number of statements and definitions. After analyzing many definitions, we can conclude that "innovation" means or outcome or process. It is, in fact, diametrically opposed points of view. The first view is held by Balabanov I.T.,  Vinokourov V.I., Ilyenkov S.V., Medyn V.G., Fatkhutdinov R.A. and others, the second -  P. Drucker, Rumyantsev A.A., Tsvetkov A., J. Schumpeter, etc. As you can see, the scientists believe that innovation - is a result are a few more. The same view is indicated in the guidance document - "Oslo Manual", which was adopted by countries of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [2].

Innovation activity in Kazakhstan, based on the introduction of new ideas, knowledge, technologies and products into different areas of production and public management spheres, is one of the most important factors in the development of national economy.

Analysis of innovative development of  Kazakhstan shows that innovation plays a big role. However, it should be noted that innovation in the country is not yet a source of competitiveness on the world market. Despite the positive experience of a number of initiatives, a significant breakthrough in the field of innovative economic development of the country did not happen. Today, one of the main problems of innovative development in Kazakhstan is unfinished researches, their alienation from production processes. Ongoing application development do not have continue in the form of commercialization and deployment into production [3].

According to the Statistics Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan, the level of activity in innovation area was 4.3% and 5.7% in 2010 and 2011. The share of innovative products in 2011 amounted to 0.86% of GDP, expenditure on technological innovation - less than 1% of GDP (Table 1).

Table 1.

Main Indicators of industrial enterprises' of Kazakhstan Innovational Activity in 2008 - 2011.






Number of respondents, total

11 172

10 096



   among them:

   - with innovation





   Activeness level in Innovations, %





-         without Innovations

10 725

9 697



   Passiveness level in Innovations, %





Number of Scientific-Reseach, Project-Constructional units





in which: 

Listed number of workers, persons


10 781





Source: [4].


As can be seen in figures of the table, innovative in industrial companies is in low level. In 2011, 614 business entities of 10723 enterprises in Kazakhstan  have the technological innovation, which was conducted participant observation innovation. According to estimates of the susceptibility of industrial enterprises to the innovation process, which is characterized by the share of active enterprises, innovative activity of enterprises of Kazakhstan in 2011 amounted to 5.7%. In comparison, the share of innovative enterprises in the U.S. is about 50%, Turkey - 33%, Hungary - 47%, in Estonia - 36%, in Russia-9, 1%.

  In 2011, the volume of innovative products in Kazakhstan has increased  compared with 2010 and amounted to 235,962.7 million tenge. Among the innovative products of industrial companies the largest share of innovative products is newly introduced products, or significant technological changed products - 81%, improved products - 14%, and other innovative products - 5%. The bulk of investment in innovation projects in 2010 were 93% - in own funds, 3% - foreign investment, 2% - the national budget. The main types of innovation activities of enterprises with completed innovations are: the introduction of new technologies, equipment and materials - 54%, science and research activities - 11%, project and design activities - 5.3%, participation in scientific and technical programs - 2 9% [3].

Today,  JSC "National Innovation Fund" is financing innovative projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Fund is financing innovative projects, by a non-controlling equity participation. The current stage in 2011 the Foundation is financing nine innovative projects by private direct investment. In particular the project "Construction of the factory for the production of mineral wool mats and basaltic capacity of 34 000 tonnes per year using Italian company Gamma Meccanica SpA’s equipment»; the project "Organization of multiservice wireless data network size of the city", the project "Provision of communications services (cable TV, phone, Internet) based on fiber-optic network in the cities. Almaty and Astana. "

However, there was a national competition of innovation projects last year, which purpose was to conduct a systematic selection of the best experience in creating innovation and innovation of enterprises and commercialization of domestic technologies and localization foreign technologies.

Collection of applications was carried over Kazakhstan and everyone can take part in - students, innovators, scientists, companies, universities, research institutes, etc. Collection of applications for the competition lasted 2.5 months, during this time was collected 529 nominations. In the diagram we can see branching orientation of selected innovation projects (Figure 1). Mostt of the selected projects from the scope of industry (18%), transport and energy (14%), medicine (10%), agriculture and engineering (6%).

  Source: [5].


Figure 1 - Sectoral structure of innovative projects selected by the Republican contest in 2011

The second highest number of selected projects is in the transport and energy sphere (14%). For example, in the transport sector of JSC "Remlokomotiv" (subsidiary of JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Joly") in partnership with the companies« ALSTOM Transport »(France), and ZAO" Transmashholding "(Russia) was adjusted production customized versions family PRIMATM locomotives - electric KZ4A, KZ6A, KZ8A. Electric locomotives were designed for railway companies of Kazakhstan and 1520 space (which means  the width of railroads is typical mostly for CIS). Organization of new production of electric locomotives will help to update the rolling stock, to increase the number of railway transportations, to improve the efficiency and safety of using existing infrastructure, as well as the transition to a more environmentally friendly type of transport. Strong enough projects were presented in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals field (10%) [5].

Over the last decade has been developed and adopted a number of documents setting forth innovative development. In the country have been created special structures funding innovative projects through budgetary funds such as JSC "National Innovation Fund", JSC "Astana Innovations», etc. The first steps in the active state support of venture business in the Republic of Kazakhstan have been made in 2007 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On further measures to implement the development strategy of  Kazakhstan until 2030." National Innovation Fund of Kazakhstan was created in 2003 to enhance the innovation activities in Kazakhstan. In order to improve the performance of small innovative enterprises Kazakhstan has industrial parks such as «Technopark UniScienTech», LLP "Technopark" Algorithm ", JSC" Technopark KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev", LLPAlatau IT City Management, LLPAlmaty regional industrial park, LLPRegional Technology Park of Astana, LLPEast Kazakhstan regional park Altai", LP "Regional Technology Park in South Kazakhstan region”.

 Overall, Kazakhstan's economy is moving to a new level. Solution to the problems of effective using scientific and technological capabilities has a strategic scale. Innovative processes in Kazakhstan are being promoted not only by market mechanisms, but also by  a purposeful state policy, the state has a decisive influence on the formation of a national system of institutions, which is adequated to the requirements of creating an innovative economy. At the present stage is solved a problem implementation of projects under the industrial upgrading and diversification in the Republic. Kazakhstan needs to search new areas of economic development, to actively develop high-tech industries and to build an effective national innovation system to improve the country's competitiveness in the world market.



1. Zhamanguzova Z.K Innovative economy of Kazakhstan. //

2. Zhdanov O.A. Role of innovation in the modern economy. // Economics, Management, Finance: Materials Intern. zaoch. scientific. Conf. - Perm: Mercury, 2011. - Pp. 38-40.

3. Suleimenov E. State innovation development in Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2010. //

4. Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Science and innovation in Kazakhstan in 2011. - Astana, 2012. //

5. Results of the national contest of innovation projects. //