L.V. Savchenkova,  O.D. Nemyatykh, M.S. Akimova,V.V. Rokotyanska


Lugansk State Medical University


The growth rate of technological progress, environmental degradation, increases the tension of life and strengthening the influence of factor’s that exert pathogenic effects on the human body (e.g.- stress, AIDS, the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, intake of Xenobiotics, etc.), determine the actual problem of modern medicine in development of new drugs, especially of plant origin, which would more benefit than  that of the different synthetic analogues with biological affinity for the body tissue, with good action and low toxicity [1,2,3].

         Unfortunately today, the range of modern hepatoma, stressprotector  and drugs that have immunostimulatory effects were  increased, especially synthetic agents on the background of which the probable excessive intervention in almost all functions and systems of the body and, consequentl, higher risk of side effects.That is why in recent years, attention has struck to pharmacists, and technologists to draw out the  Aronia extracts, the growing interest is related primarily to its high and multidirectional biological activity [1,4].

Therefore, the aim of this work was to study hepato- and stress-protector activity of cryo-activated  powder Aronia  and determination of the tablet form of this medical plant material.

Materials and methods. The study was carried by 256 adult mongrel rats of both sexes, weighing 160-180 g. The animals were in a placed in a vivarium DZ "LSMU" and received a standard diet in the form of granulated fodder for the established norms. All studies or tests  were performed in accordance with international rules to animals.

 Immunodeficiency in immature rats intraperitoneally  modeled by a single introduction of hydrocortisone acetate (Hydrocortison - Richter, Budapest, Hungary) at a dose of 250 mg/kg. The functional activity of humoral immunity in the rat with normal immune status was evaluated by the Level of hemagglutinin (HA) in serum and the number of antibody-forming cells (AUC) in the spleen. Rat immunized with the antigen antibody forming, namely, sheep erythrocytes (SE, 3% solution at a dose of 1 ml/100g rat weight intraperitoneally, once). On the fifth day after immunization titers were determined hemaglyutinіn in the serum of experimental animals by serial dilutions in polystyrene plates [21].

Effect of nonspecific resistance of animals was evaluated in a test of the phagocytic activity of neutrophils (FAN) of blood with latex for phagocytic index (Fi), phagocytic number (Fn) and index of phagocytic activity (IFA) [22].

In determining the level of implementation іmmunotropnic  properties of the original drug against the background of immunodeficiency, drug was given for 5 days befor playing the simulated  pathology and during all  duration of the experiment untill the day of the indicators of immune response. The total period of administration was 11  day. Immunized animals were on the diagram above, a day after the administration of hydrocortisone acetate (HA). To determine the degree of immune deficiency assessment on a 5-day were determined by control after immunization titers and a mass coefficients (MC) of immunogenesis (thymus and spleen). As the reference drug used tincture exinacea purpure at a dose of 1 ml/100kg.

Experimental model was for the Toxic hepatitis (TH), pathological process that develops in animals after intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride in a dose 4ml/kg within 4 days [5]. Assessment of energy homeostasis in rats with TH after application of cryo-activated Aronia melanocarpa was performed by determining the content of ATP, ADP and AMP in erythrocyte membranes of rats by thin layer chromatography of the company «Merk» (Germany) on plates [11].

 In the study of  hepatoprotector  Aronia  melanocarpa, reference preparation Silіbor (Pharmaceutical company «Health», m.Kharkіv, Ukraine) was used in doses, respectively 258 mg/kg and 165 mg/kg in a 5% aqueous suspension daily for 10 days 1 hour after administration of carbon tetrachloride. All studies were performed in dynamics: before treatment, at 7 and 14 day study.

As indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of stressprotector Aronia melanocarpa we used classical psychopharmacological test «open field» [9]. It is important to note that in the previous step, the evaluation of behavioral responses to the test «open field», all the animals were divided into stress stable ones and unstable. Hypokinetic stress (HS) simulated by placing rats in a close cage-penal for 24 hours [10]. The Cryo-activated powder of Aronia melanocarpa and the reference drug were administered orally phenibut at doses of respectively 149 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg daily for 10 days after the formation of this pathology. All studies were performed in dynamics: 1, 10 and 15 day for experiment

 Statistical processing of the results was performed using t-criterion of Student. Data processing was performed using the software packages Microsoft Excel XP, Statistica 6.0 [23].

Results and discussion.

         Investigation of the effect of tablets containing cryo-activated powder of Aronia  melanocarpa  on humeral immunity of immature rats with normal immune status showed that the introduction of the drug  increased hem agglutinin titers in the serum and increasing the number of AUC in the spleens of immunized animals. This indicates pronounced immune stimulatory properties of the drug. The greatest ability to enhance antibody formation of tablets in doses of Aronia melanocarpa implement 3,0 and 4,0g/kg, significantly increasing the titers in the serum of immunized animals (tabl.1).

           Tablet 1

The influence of Aronia  melanocarpa  pills on humeral immunity of young rats
with normal immune status

Groups of animals


Titles, Log2,

(Ме (LQ; UpQ)

AUK on spleen



13 (13; 13)



1,0 мл/кг

13 (13; 13)




2,0 г/кг

14 (13;17) */**


3,0 г/кг

15 (14;17) */**


4,0 г/кг

15 (14; 16) */**


Notes: *   -  Difference significant in comparison with a group of intact animals;                               

           **  -  Difference significant in comparison with the reference group


         The study of the spleen cells of saturation showed that under the influence of drug, injected in doses of  2,0; 3,0 and 4,0 g/kg there is an increase in the number of splenocytes at  36, 64, 64%, respectively, suggesting a pronounced activation of  immune-competent cells in the experimental group as compared with intact rats. At the same time, draws attention to the negative correlation between the reference and experimental series of experiments.

            Comparative analysis of the phagocyte activity of blood neutrophils as a key indicator of the functional state of the immune system found that a drug developed based on a combination of plant bioactive substances in doses of  3,0 and 4,0 g/kg in two weeks promotes a significant increase in phagocyte  number and index  realized an increase of IFA by 21 and 28% compared with an intact set of experiments, respectively. In this study drug is active at the level of the reference drugs.

         Thus, the results of this series of experiments give reason to believe that the studied drug   implements the ability to stimulate the humeral and cellular immunity in healthy animals.

         It is important to note that the introduction of hydrocortisone acetate to rats of the control group shows the development of a pathological condition that affects a significant decrease in A titer and is accompanied by a clear tendency to decrease in MC spleen and thymus. The latter is a very natural result of the cytotoxic effect of large doses of hydrocortisone. Prophylactic administration of tablets of melanocarpa helps to restore immune response in animals. The effectiveness of the original drug in the context of the conservation title antitilogen manifested on the level of A titer rat’s intact group. At the same time increasing the dose has a positive effect on the value of the estimated figure for the studied experimental conditions.

          It should be noted that under the influence of the original drug prevention also notes changes in the MC spleen and thymus.Thus,during treatment with tablets at a dose of  Aronia  melanocarpa, at dose of 3,0 g/ kg compared with the values of the coefficients the  control resumed on  40 and 20%, while increasing the dose  by 25 and 80% respectively.   

        Next data suggest that the formation of TH accompanied by a substantial and long-term violation of relationships in the system ATP-ADP-AMP. Yes, the formation of toxic liver damage leads to a decrease in ATP content already on the first observation time by 50% compared with intact rats. Application of the same with the treatment and prevention by Aronia melanocarpa prevents the formation of energy-deficient state, helping to improve the content of ATP at 7 and 14 day observation at 56% and 50%, respectively. The efficacy comparison of the experimental conditions mentioned in the folded 30-37% (fig.1,A).




Figure 1. The influence of Aronia melanocarpa adenine nucleotide content in
in toxic liver injury tetrachloroethane (A –

A similar dynamic is noted in the study of the content in erythrocytes of rats triglyceride levels of ADP. From Table 1 shows that the formation of hepatitis   reduces the content of the marked component of adenine nucleotides to 28-41% in different periods of observation. In animals that received powder of Aronia recorded level of ADP, which is 46% and 39% higher than in the controls at the appropriate time study at the same time, against the background of the contents of the last silіbor increased only by 10-25% (fig.1,B).

             An analysis of AMP found that when the simulated form of triglycerides in the erythrocytes of rats significantly increases the level of the marked component of adenine nucleotides (in 1,6-1,8 times relative to performance in the intact group), which is conditioned, in our opinion, the first amplification process dephosphorylation of ATP and ADP. In addition,   aronia melanocarpa significantly more effective than silіbor, prevents the degradation of ATP, which decrease in the concentration of AMP (by 12-17%) in a series of experimental animals, compared with the reference group (fig.2).  


Figure 2. The influence of Aronia melanocarpa AMP in
in toxic liver injury tetrachloroethane


         For  more correct estimatation the energy profile in animals with TH we have analyzed the parameters of energy. It is established that under the conditions of formation of TH indicated a sharp decline in the degree of filling of the ATP-ADP-AMP with high-energy phosphate ligaments. This is evidenced by the magnitude of the energy charge (EC), which in the control series of animals throughout the experiment was significantly (p< 0,01-0,001) less than in the intact group of animals. Against the background of the same application Aronia melanocarpa  marked increase in the value EC (on average 28-38%) compared with control rats, approaching the performance of intact rats. And Aronia melanocarpa in their ability to increase the degree of filling adenil nucleotide of phosphate bonds by 10-12% higher than the comparator drug silibor.

In studying the rate of energy potential (EP) cells, which indicates the rate of mitochondrial respiration revealed that TH statistically significant declining trend throughout the experiment at 19-30%. At the same time, the application of  Aronia melanocarpa in a simulated form of TH implemented prevention to reduce the rate of mitochondrial respiration, as evidenced by the increase of the EP for all the duration of the study. It was also established that the group of rats with toxic liver lesions which received the experienced drug, the value of EP is close to those in the intact and the reference groups during all periods of the study (p<0,05).

Othere  informative parameter is the index of energy phosphorylation (EPR), which is defined as the ratio of ATP to the sum of ADP and AMP. Experimentally proved that in the control group, the values of EPR are reduced in 1,8-2,3 times with respect to performance, recorded in intact animals. Against the background of the introduction of the same powder of Aronia melanocarpa to rats with toxic liver lesion there is a significant (65-70%) increase in EPR compared with the control group. Moreover, a group of animals that received the drug aronia, on 7th and 14th from time of the study analyte index values close to the level of intact animals (p<0,05). The effectiveness of Aronia melanocarpa to exceed the reference drug for 14-23%.

The maximum is adequate, in accordance with the intended purpose, an indicator of oxidative phosphorylation is a thermodynamic control of breathing (TCB), which indicates the dependence of the rate of respiration, not only on the concentration of individual components  adenilnucleotide system, but also on the intensity of phosphorylation as a whole. The values of TCB in control animals significantly (by 52-70%) and significantly (p <0,001) reduced compared with the intact group of animals for all the duration of the study. The same time, the rats with TH taking  Aronia powder, the rate of TCB during all periods of observation are significantly higher than in controls. It is also important to note that the effectiveness of Aronia melanocarpa under conditions of toxic liver damage   exceeded for a comparator to 30-37%.

         Thus, the studies found that aronіya, which is used in the form of cryo-activated powder  exhibits pronounced hepatoprotective effect, contributing to the resumption of oxidative and energy homeostasis in liver in case of induced hepatitis.

To study the action stressprotector of Aronia melanocarpa used classical test «open fly». It is proved that the formation of HS stress- animals leads to a significant decrease in horizontal locomotor activity in rats by an average of 60-87% compared with the intact group of rats at different periods of the investigation (fig.3).

Course assignment  Aronia powder leads to a resumption of the horizontal activity of animals, where stressprotector action largely realized with a 5-th time of study, contributing to the improvement of this indicator as much as 144-201% at different periods of observation.



 Figure 3. Influence of Aronia melanocarpa  at  horizontal locomotor activity in rats with stress response (A) and stress unstabletypes (B) types in the hypokinetic stress

Similar dynamics of the orienting-exploratory behavior of animals observed in animals stress type of response when the level of horizontal activity of the control group during the first 10 days remains the same and shows 4,0-5,6% of the rate in intact rats. Conduct  drugs also contributed to the increase in horizontal activity of rats 70-169% compared with controls. In contrast, animals in the stress stable and stress unstable rats stressprotector maximum effect was only during 15 day of the study, and for the severity of less than 26%. The efficacy of preparation in comparison on both groups was much smaller.

One of the most important indicators that characterize the orientation and exploratory behavior of animals in the HS is the definition of the latent time of transition from the central square of the rat. It should be noted that the simulated pathology occurs in all animals, a significant increase in the marked indicator, describing anxiety-depression state. It should be noted that the application of  Aronia is the early time of the study observed almost complete renewal of the indicator, and the effectiveness of the latter is kept until the end of the period of the experiment. It should be noted also that the efficiency of powder Aronia melanocarpa  on animals with stress  type  response to stress was almost identical with the  animals of stress unstable  response  type.

 In further studies it was found that the formation of HS in rats with  stress response and stress unstabletypes  type the response is  a significant decrease in vertical activity, «mink reflex», acts grooming and autonomic balance. It is important to note that in all groups of animals of different types of responses that received  aronia in the 10 days to 15th days of study, a complete  restoration of studied parameters or indicators, so you can judge the characteristic of high motivational constituent of these animals, the resumption of the orienting-investigative activity that clearly indicates the ability of Aronia to renew  orienting-investigative activity of the animals with different types of responses to stress, helping to reduce anxiety and emotional animals. Comparator drug has not shown similar efficacy. 



1.     The use of tablets Aronia melanocarpa realized the enhance of immune response of humeral and cellular immunity, in both healthy animals and in rats with immunodeficiency.

2.     Course application of  cryo-activated powder of  Aronia  melanocarpa with medical  prophylaxis against toxic liver marked protective effect with regard to energy reactions in the mitochondria in a study of pathology,  which is implemented by normalizing levels of all parameters of energy.
2. The cryo-activated  powder of  Aronia melanocarpa  leads to the restoration of orienting-exploratory and motivational behavior of animals with  hypokinetic  stress, helping to reduce emotional animals, and such manifestations of stress, like anxiety and depression.




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