K.p.n. Sivolobova N. A.

North-Caucasian federal university, Russia


Realization of patriotic education of students of establishments of higher education represents one of components of system of patriotic education of youth which as patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015  is noted in the State program [2], should cover the entire periods of training of studying youth. In this plan the subsystem of the higher education plays important role, and the special importance is gained by the higher pedagogical education as the result of education of younger generation in many respects depends on quality of vocational training of the teacher. Taking into account it patriotic education of future teachers acts as an integral part of system of vocational training of students of pedagogical higher education institutions.

Feature of patriotic education of future teachers is that it represents the complete pedagogical system consisting of two interconnected subsystems.

The first actually patriotic education of students as makes citizens of the Russian state, and the second - preparation of future teachers for patriotic education of pupils which not only prepares them for effective independent pedagogical activities for this direction of educational work, but also has additional educational impact on their personal development. I.e. patriotic education of students of pedagogical higher education institution is carried out directly (at impact on the personality) and indirectly (through process of professional and pedagogical preparation). Such approach to understanding of patriotic education of future teachers defines dual (binary) character of the purpose of patriotic education of students in higher education institution, which includes formation at future teachers: patriotism as social and moral imperative, the integrativny moral quality characterizing the relation to the Homeland and the Fatherland, and readiness for realization of patriotic education of pupils at comprehensive school.

Patriotic education of future teachers represents the complete pedagogical process based on interaction of subjects of education and directed on formation at students of patriotism, a representing itself as social and moral imperative [1].

The essence of this process makes development by pupils of the progressive patriotic experience, allowing to create the valuable relation to patriotism.

The comparative analysis of problems of patriotic education with problems of other directions of educational work shows that the decision them in unity is a basis of implementation of complete pedagogical process. And recognition of relative independence of patriotic education in an educational system causes not opposition to its other directions of educational work, and their integration.

The structure of patriotic education of future teachers corresponds to structure of complete pedagogical process as a whole and patriotic education in particular and includes target, substantial, organizational and estimated and productive components [4].

The target component characterizes the purpose and problems of considered process. As the purpose of considered process formation at future teachers of patriotism as professional and personal and significant quality acts. Problems of patriotic education follow from structure of the concept «patriotism»and include: education of patriotic feelings, formation on the basis of patriotikchesky knowledge of views and belief of patriotic character, expansion of experience and formation of the positive relation to patriotic activity.

The substantial component includes regularities, principles and the content of process of patriotic education of future teachers.

The basis of implementation of studied process is made by set of all-pedagogical and specific principles.

Joining opinion of leading teachers (V.A.Slastenin, P.I.Pidkasisty, etc.) [3; 5; 6], we allocate the following all-pedagogical principles making a basis of patriotic education of students: principle of a humanistic orientation; scientific character; orientations on formation in unity of knowledge and abilities, consciousness and behavior; continuity, sequence and system; presentation; combinations of pedagogical management to development of an initiative and independence of pupils; consciousness and activity of pupils; coherences of requirements of subjects of pedagogical interaction; communications of the theory with practice; unities of educational, educational and developing results of pedagogical interaction.

To the specific principles reflecting features of patriotic education, such principles, as belong: nationality, integrativnost, variability and flexibility, unity discrete and continuous.

The content of patriotic education of future teachers reflects the content of the concept «patriotism» and includes: love for the country education, to native places, the native language; respect for the past of the Homeland, for traditions and customs of the people, knowledge of history of the Homeland; formation of culture of international communication (respect for other people, their customs and culture, intolerance for racial and national hostility, etc.); aspiration development to strengthening of honor and advantage of the Homeland, readiness for assistance to progressive development of the Patronymic at a combination of personal and public interests and so forth.

Methods, means and forms of patriotic education hardly can be carried to the category of the specific. Most likely, it is possible to speak about use of combinations of the traditional and nonconventional pedagogical methods and forms of the organization of pedagogical interaction for the solution of specific objectives of patriotic education at each age stage of development of pupils.

As patriotic education of students it is based on interaction of teachers and students and it is realized both in educational, and in extracurricular activities, application of methods of training which share on teaching methods (lecture, the story, display demonstration, an explanation, conversation, explanatory and illustrative, active methods of training - a problem statement, discussion is quite reasonable; educational, imitating, role, organizational, operational, business, etc. games, method of cases, ave.) and doctrine methods (hearing, judgment, exercise, studying of textbooks and primary sources, modeling, reproductive, partial and search, research, etc.) and education methods (methods of development of consciousness of the personality - an explanation, belief, the story, conversation, an explanation, suggestion, instructing, a request, an example; methods of development of behavior - exercise, schooling, the requirement, an assignment, a method of confidential interpersonal communication, a method of creation of bringing-up situations, game methods, trainings, carrying out actions behind a curriculum framework - cultural actions, social and significant acts, participation in public life and so forth; stimulation methods - encouragement, competition, approval, rewarding; and so forth).

Educational and educational and methodical grants, the textbooks, special literature, means of information belong to the means of pedagogical influence applied in the course of patriotic education of students of teacher training University, mass media, and so forth, and also various activity of students (educational, public, labor and so forth).

Process of patriotic education of future teachers is realized through such forms of preparation, as: lecture, seminar, laboratory and practical training, thematic evenings, discussions, excursions, backpackings, independent work of students, performance by them course and theses, student teaching, etc.

As feature of the organization of patriotic education in modern conditions it is possible to allocate need of application of various pedagogical technologies (game, technologies of self-development, self-determination and so forth), providing increase of efficiency of interpersonal interaction in pedagogical process.

So, patriotic education of students of pedagogical higher education institution as complete pedagogical process is carried out in the course of vocational training in higher education institution, in particular at realization of its personal aspect, and represents a subsystem in the general system of patriotic education of future teachers.



1. Buzsky L. S. Theoretical problems of patriotism and patriotic education. - Volgograd, 2008. - 90 pages.

2. A state program «Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015» // http: www.pnmc.spb.ru/nmc/qualityeducation/vospit/Patriot.doc

3. Ivanov S. Yu. Modern Russian patriotism. - Rostov - n/d, 2008. – 310 pages.

4. Lutovinov V.I. Problems of education of patriotism // Pedagogics. - 2008. - ¹. 7. - P. 50-53.

5. Pidkasisty P.I. Pedagogika: The manual for students of pedagogical educational institutions. – M, 2008. - 430 pages.

6. Slastenin V.A. Technique of educational work. – M, 2008. - 478 pages.