Marian Malicki
Janusz Soboń
Zdzisław Sirojć
The social capital and the management
of the
enterprise and of the city
We can examine the social capital in different aspects:
the organization, the region or the
State. We can relate it to small groups
as well as to whole societies.
The aim of the article is the analysis of chosen aspects
of the management of the social capital in two spheres - the firm and the city.
The notion of the
social capital
The social capital has not been defined in clear–out
manner, till now. The creators of the idea of the social capital in the
different manner tried to determine its essence.
P. Bourdieu treated the social capital as the sum of the
current potential resources, connected
with the membership of the group, giving to her members the specific support.
J.C. Coleman comprehended the social capital as the
ability of the interhuman cooperation within the framework of group and
organization for the purpose of the realization of common interests.
F. Fukuyama perceived the social capital as the ability
consequential to the spread of the confidence within society or its parts.
R.D. Putnam qualified the social capital as the
confidence, norms and connections facilitating the cooperation in
achieving the mutual benefits.
The works of creators of the idea of the social capital
contributed however to the considerable progress in its defining.
In our considerations we will comprehend the social
capital as norms, customs, terms and organizational solutions determining the
given values and facilitating organization of the people for the purpose of in
favor activities of the common good.
We differentiate the social capital from the human capital
by which we will comprehend the knowledge, the experience and abilities
of people presenting the specific values and which nowadays or in the future
can bring definite advantages to the individual, to the organization or to the
The structure of the
social capital
The analysis of the idea of the social capital permits to
distinguish its most important components.
In elaborations of Polish authors we can find following
components of the social capital: the structural capital, the relational
capital and the cognitive capital / tab.1
Slightly otherwise the components of the social capital
are perceived by researchers connected
with the World Bank, which distinguish
following elements: structural, regulatory and behavioural / tab. 2. /.
The presented approaches show, that it is still far to the unification of opinions in
the matter of the precise qualification and callings of all components of the
social capital. There was no - general
nor critical – discussion on this subject resulting in univocal settlements.
Tab. 1. The components of the
social capital
according to the Polish researchers
The components of the social capital |
The structural capital |
The relational capital |
The cognitive capital |
The connections in the
net The configurations in
the net The responsibility in
the net |
The confidence The norms The obligations The identification |
The community of the
language The common experiences The common tales |
The source: M. Bratnicki, J. Strużyna / ed. /, Przedsiębiorczość
i kapitał intelektualny, Wyd. AE w Katowicach, 2001, behind: W.
Włodarski, Zarządzanie kapitałem społecznym, Zeszyty
Naukowe WSDG nr 19, Warszawa 2006.
Tab. 2. The elements of
the social capital
according to the World Bank
The elements of the social capital |
The structural capital
The regulatory capital |
The behavioural
capital |
The social nets The social groups The social structures The social
institutions The inquiry channel The acquaintances |
The social norms The examples of the
realization of the values and business The confidence The solidarity The customs and
manners |
The indications of the
cooperation and mutual activities The indications of
collective activities The exchange of the
information |
The source: Ch. Grootaert, T. van Bastelar / ed.
/, Understanding and measuring social capital. A multidisciplinary tool for practicioners,
The World Bank, Washington D.C., 2002, behind: M.Theiss, Operacjonalizacja
kapitału społecznego w badaniach empirycznych, in: H.Januszek /
ed. / Kapitał społeczny we wspólnotach, Wyd. AE w Poznaniu, 2005.
management of the social capital
The growth of requirements concerning the management of different social and
economic subjects causes the necessity
of the improvement of different elements, including the management of the new sphere, which is the management of a social capital.
By the management of the social capital we will understand
intentional activities of the manager
oriented on the creation, the development and the utilization of
immaterial resources included in each
components, bearing in mind common good and bringing definite advantages
to social and economic subjects.
In the process of the management of the social capital we
can distinguish the following elements :
- the construction of the strategy
of the development and of the utilization of resources,
- the identification of resources,
- the evaluation of resources,
- the creation of conditions of their development,
- the monitoring of processes aimed at the development of
- the estimation of the results.
In the management of the social capital we can use the matrix of Włodarski, that is to say
the matrix of manners of the management with of the social capital. It
contains four areas of possible
influences: the administering, the management, the effects and the tolerance.
Making use of it,
we can show different aspects of activities of managers connected with values.
Some aspects of the management of the social capital of the
firm and of the city
The management of
the social capital can take place on
different scale: of the group, the organization, the region or the State. Mentioned surfaces of the
management are characterized by the definite specificity, what best can be
presented on the example of the firm and the city
/ tab. 3. /.
Tab. 3. The specificity of the
management of the social capital
in the enterprise and in the city
The area of the
management of the social capital |
The requirement
towards the managers of the
firm |
The requirements
towards managers in the city |
The strategy The identification of
the resources The valuating of the
resources The creation of the
conditions of the development The monitoring of the
processes Estimation of the
results |
Indispensable Indispensable Indispensable Necessary Indispensable Necessary |
Desirable Recommended Desirable Necessary Indispensable Recommended |
The source: The elaboration of the
The differences in the management of the social capital of
the enterprise and of the city are determined by the following factors:
the target of the management /
in the firm - the profit, in town - the
satisfaction of the needs of
inhabitants /,
the complexity of the structure / the structure of the management of a
city is more complicated /,
- the size of the subject / the
city is often a subject considerably more complicated /,
the amount of connections / relations
in the city there are definitely more
numerous /,
the character of the interaction / in the firm direct contacts dominate,
in the city indirect, most often anonymous /,
- the manner of appointing
managers/ / in firms by the appointment or by designation, in cities by
elections /,
- professionality of
managers / high in firms, low in cities /,
criteria of the estimation of managers / in the firm based on economic
indicators , in town on social and
psychological indicators /,
- the manner of the measurement
of resources / in enterprise is possibly most exact, in cities - estimated /,
- the quality of the management
/ is diverse in firms, in cities - most often
low /.
The knowledge of the management of the social capital in
different surfaces demands the application by
managers of different methods and tools of the management. The superficial analysis of problems permits however to
ascertain, that firms better
administer the social capital than
cities. This results is due to the various character of both sorts of subjects
as well as to the different nature of tasks they were created for.
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