Kushnir I.V., Dr. Ph.

Mykolaiv state agrarian university


The marketing concept of agricultural innovations


Targeting of the national economy to the market requires to identify areas of innovation policy in agricultural production - it is important to know which way to go to the company in the future. The need to develop innovative policy stipulated that out of the agricultural enterprise to significant risk in decision making and high adaptability to constantly changing market conditions. Administrative structures should promote a constant flow of ideas and innovative proposals, creating an atmosphere of creativity and initiative in the community. Moreover, the task of any entrepreneur who works in the market is focused search innovations, he must know to succeed and be able to use the principles underlying the processes of introducing new products, services, technologies and others.

Speaking generally, the market itself, its laws of development require the type of innovative thinking. Agro-industrial enterprises, which despised innovation policies, inevitably morally zastarivayut, go down and retire from the struggle for the consumer. In periods of great change, which is now a stage of development of Ukrainian economy, the decline is much faster. Once an individual or an entire enterprise agroindustrial sector began "to look" back, look at the past, to face the future is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible. Experience of entire countries shows that great gains can be achieved only in the way of conscious, purposeful innovation and entrepreneurial activity.

Not putting in front of goal - to participate in discussions about the content of individual differences and concepts in the field of innovation management, agree with one of the existing position under which the concept of "innovation" is the Ukrainian version of the word innovation. Literal translation from English means "introduction of innovations," or in our sense of the word "introduction of innovation". When innovation is understood the new order, new custom, a new method, the invention, a new phenomenon. Ukrainian word "innovation" in the true sense of "new input" means the process of innovation. Thus, since the adoption of the dissemination of innovations gained a new quality - is a novelty (innovation). The process of transition innovations in innovation requires different cost resources, the main ones are investing time and effort. That is, in broad sense, innovation is profitable (profitable) use of innovation as new technologies, products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of industrial, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature.

Therefore, in following the logical interdependence "Relations: innovation shaping market innovations, investment - capital market innovations - the competitive market innovations. The three main components constitute the field of innovation. In turn, the time of birth of ideas, creation and dissemination of innovations and its use to be called life-cycle innovation. Given the sequence of work life cycle of innovation is regarded as an innovative process.

With all the above we can conclude that innovation policy is the symbiosis of research achievements in scientific and industrial areas of management decisions on their introduction, restrictions, reports associated with resource development objectives and marketing activities as the main coordinating link in its implementation.

Can be considered erroneous idea that innovative activity, as well as entrepreneurship in general, lies in the free art and is spontaneous in nature. This activity should be organized, otherwise it may end up a complete failure. This means that any innovation and communications relevant to their temporal parameters should be defined and clearly explained. It should also be a plan for innovative measures, broken down to specific tasks. Such a plan makes it possible to calculate the financial resources needed for this or other innovative solutions, identify the need for human resources, their quality and skills. But the plan becomes effective in the management of innovation in action in case of an entrepreneur will be clearly defined appropriate innovation policy.