Zhisnyakov A.L., Fomin A.A., Privezencev D.G., Baranov A.A.

Murom Institute of the Vladimir State Univercity



The task of signs detection appears very often in different applications of digital images processing. For example they are photo documents restoration, analysis of various pictures (metal microstructures or butt-welded joints), and so on. The heterogeneities searching is one of first phases of same tasks solving. In this connection the problem of correct detecting of local images heterogeneity is actual because the quality of this subtask solving has an influence on the quality of entire task.

We can relate to local heterogeneity wide sphere of elements that are presented on the images and have characteristics that are different from characteristics in the ones areas. In example, these heterogeneities are various spots or image objects.

The different disturbed facts can influence on the local heterogeneity searching procedure. For example while spots detecting these obstacles can appear: the spots can be translucent, can have different form and measures, can possess same statistic characteristics with another image areas, in addition the image can be noised. All of these facts can influence to the result of detection procedure. Using the wavelet-transform for image features detecting we can appreciably reduce disturbed facts influencing because of some characteristics of one.

 For the solving of this task we can imagine analyzed image as the matrix of instantaneous values:

, , ,

where N, M are the measures of image.

For the getting of area-frequency image representing notion we can use both discrete and continuous wavelet-transform. Traditionally for analysis of transitional stochastic signals (images) and detecting of ones features, continuous wavelet-transform is applied because it contains the surplus information about analyzed signal (image).

The two-dimension wavelet-representation of image can be got both separable one-dimension (by image rows and columns) and two-dimension wavelet-transform.

One-dimension continuous wavelet-transform of the function  is the function of two arguments:

,       (1)



where the wavelets are scaled by value a and shifted by value b copies of generative wavelet .

For each pair a and b the function  defines the amplitude of the corresponding wavelet. In other words the function  measures f(x) changing around the point b size of which is proportional to a.

Equivalence of wavelet-transform to the convolution with the filter allows to detect local signal heterogeneities by amplitude maximum of wavelets corresponded to the feature area with commensurable measures of feature and filter. The chance of the filter size changing by changing of scale coefficient a allows to select wavelets-transform parameters adapted to the signal.

The using of separable one-dimensional wavelet-transform for the two-dimensional wavelet-representations getting is justified in the ways when features characteristics, in example measures, is changed in connection with viewing direction, in other words they are anisotropic. Such method allows more correctly to take into account the changing of characteristics of local images features.

One of possible enlargements of (1) on two-dimensional case is the selection of wavelet  that has or has not spherical symmetry, then:

,                      (2)

Taking into account (1) and (2) for wavelet-representation getting of two-dimensional signal (image)  we can get:

,                                   (3)



The most widely distributed example of basis function applied for calculation of one-dimensional wavelet-transform is the wavelet “Mexican hat”. For two-dimensional case it is noted as

,                                   (4)

where h(x,y) looks like

The examples of such wavelets are represented on the figure 1.


Figure 1. Analogues of “Mexican hat” wavelets for the two-dimensional case

Using of two-dimensional wavelet-transform is rationally in cases of detecting of image features with circle or elliptic form.

The offered method to the image features detecting is based on the applying two-dimensional wavelet-transform for getting wavelet-representation of anylized image and is as follows.

The instant values matrix of analyzed image Z is exposed by two-dimensional wavelet-transform (3) with wavelet filter (4) on the stated interval of scaling coefficients values , .

For each derived set of wavelet-coefficients  the value of Shannon’s entropy is defined as the function like:

where P is appearance probability of appropriate wavelet-coefficient.

The values of scaling coefficients at which the value of entropy amount to the maximum is defined as

, , at .

The set of wavelet-coefficients, that corresponds to some values aopt1, aopt2, is selected as optimal.

The elimination of the artifacts on the resulting images (fig. 2), is realized by image binarization and carrying out the morphologic operations or applying of filter algorithms.


Figure 2. The result of features detecting.

The continuous wavelet-transform represents wide possibilities for solving the task of image features detection. Possibility of information reception about image frequency constituent allows doing the detecting procedure more qualitative.

At first, while transiting to the greater scale of wavelet-transform, high-level components of the signal (that contains the noise) are lost. Secondly, the brightness of image elements influences not to the detection procedure. And thirdly, possibility of free scale selecting of wavelet-transform allows to detect the features of any measures and forms.


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2. Kolers, P Recognizing patterns. Studies in living and automatic systems / P. Kolers, D. Murray. – M.I.T. Press, 1968. – 288 p.

4. Daubechies, I Ten lectures on wavelets / I. Daubechies. – SIAM, 1992. – 460 p.

5. Mallat, S. A wavelet tour of signal processing / S. Mallat. – Academic press, 1999. – 671 p.