The communication provision aspect of regional
innovation systems
Sherstobitova T.I., candidate of science, Associate
professor of the chair “Marketing, commerce and services”, Penza State University (Russia)
processes of formation of regional innovation systems in Russia are going very
slowly, notwithstanding active theoretical and practical interest to this
topic. One of the problems of the relations formation in the sphere of
innovation activity is the problem of disproportion in the chain of information
transmission on all the stages of innovation process, when there are no data on
new working outs and technologies from the side
of “demand”, and there are no necessary knowledge on quantative and qualitative
characteristics of demand from the side of “offer”.
the point of view of modern neo-institutional and network approach the process
of regional innovation system’s
formation intends the study of the problem of the stirring up of the innovation
activity by means of the analysis and usage of relations which are formed in
the process of creation and distribution of innovations. These relations
influence the innovation activity of the economic subjects not at the less
degree than their own potential.
the character of the innovation activity of businesses and of a region in
general will depend on the direction of the formation of the abovementioned relations.
functioning of the regional innovation system is based on the use of the network
capital which can be considered as a sum of some advantages received by an actor
for some goal achievement at any moment of time. Meanwhile any actor of the
system lies in the system of strong links (technological and economic
dependence) and weak links (social and cultural relations), which determine the
character of the received non -commercial information.
number of researches justify to the fact that information transmission facilitating
innovation acceptance and diffusion is actualized through weak links. Besides,
weak links are important sources of information for interacting actors, as they
serve as some kind of “bridges” to other networks where it is possible to get
additional knowledge on some organizations or a situation in a certain market.
In this case the links are displayed in a form of informal relations.
In our
opinion the functioning of the regional innovation system presupposes the development
of the following levels of links:
level. Vertical links and norms which determine relations between the players
in a technological chain as well as relations between suppliers and consumers
of information.
level. Horizontal links in the frameworks of their branch (relations in the
frameworks of ministries, associations and relations with competitors).
level. Macroeconomic structures and norms including relations between enterprises
and government, the influence of macroeconomic situation and legal regime – regional
governmental institutions, mass media, public foundations and etc.)
All the links can be studied from the point
of view of their contribution into the knowledge system of an independent
player and the network in general. More over the location of those links for
every actor is not fixed. It can be changed with the lapse of time, stronger links
can be formed with those actors which earlier did not influence greatly the
activity of the first one. Simultaneously the roles of participants are being
changed: they can be at the same time suppliers of some knowledge and consumers
of other knowledge. The process of the change of links character between the
participants of the network requires coordination and control. This fact will
promote more precise forecasting of the innovation activity directions.
For a
long time Russian economy has been characterized by strict regulations of links
between business entities, that caused not only the decrease of their
innovation activity but also made more difficult the process of new market
relations establishing. The lack of
information complicated the search for partners. Besides, the basic links
between the players had inter-regional and inter-republican character. And when
it became difficult to maintain these links there appeared a strong necessity
to develop links at a regional level.
and formation of innovation system needs certain communication provision,
allowing solving the following tasks:
1) To promote
strengthening of interaction between participants of the regional innovation
system, use of common technological standards and creation of harmonious social
and cultural environment;
2) to provide
knowledge management, their acquisition, processing, conversion into a
convenient form, storage, distribution and availability for potential consumers
and suppliers of innovations:
3) to determine priorities
of the innovation development of the region on the basis of the accumulated
knowledge and to evaluate the ability of know-how and technologies for
4) to signal about
disproportion of demand and supply and to overcome this disproportion;
5) to provide transfer
of ideas and technologies and to develop competitive innovation products on
this bases;
6) to manage conflicts, to level interests
of the players of the regional innovation system and to take away uncertainty
with the help of active influence on conflict situations.
to the international practice valuable innovations are the result of client’s
understanding, improvement and collaboration. In connection with the above
written it is necessary to have communication mechanisms providing access to an
existing client’s system of knowledge. This system of knowledge includes in
itself knowledge on the best consumer properties of certain goods, the best
experience of its usage. Besides knowledge on the process of consumer’s
decision making, understanding of his demands and possibility of affecting
consumer expectations becomes powerful competitive advantage of an enterprise.
Recently it is
necessary to conduct more detailed international and Russian comparative case
studies of the peculiarities of relations between the actors at the regional
level, investigation on forms and methods of their strengthening, as well as
conditions and factors, influencing stirring up of these relations.