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Novikova N.M., Shadrina M.B., Vyshivkin A.A.
problems Institute of Russian Academy
of Sciences, Russia
The aim of the
investigation was to explore the changing of plant cover composition and
structure under different grazing pressure. It’s scientifically and practically
important problem for the territories of Northern Caspian lowlands, where
natural vegetation is the main resource for
it’s management.
Materials and methods
The investigations
was held at Djanybek scientific station (49°23’ N; 46°47’ E)
within dry steppe zone with specific solonetz complex plant cover: communities
of Artemisia pauciflora+Kochia prostrata on
micro elevations with colonetz soils, Tanacetum
achilleifolium + Festuca valesiaca on the slopes of micro elevations with
light chestnut soils and Stipa
sareptana + S. lessingiana – Jurinea multiflora + Galatella villosa on
the dark colored meadow chestnut soils of depressions. Method of investigation
– tracing transect along gradient of grazing pressure increasing from preserved
site to one with overgrazing. Along the transect with the plant communities
changing the following parameters were registered in 7 time replication:
species composition, plant height, general projective cover, width of humuÿ
horizon, depth of carbonates. Increase of distance from preserved area to
overgrazed one is considered as grazing pressure increasing. Thus at the
statistical analysis the distance from
preserved area to overgrased one is accepted as a measure of grazing pressure
- the more distance - the stronger
A comprehensive analysis of geobotanical data allowed
identifying the similarity degree of the species composition between all the
key sites; Jakkar formula in ECOL was applied for these purposes. Plant species
and their behavior under grazing pressure, the succession of plant communities
affected by grazing in different relief elements and changes in vegetation
productivity have been studied as well.
Results and discussion
Relief changes along transect. The surface of the
territory under study is permanently elevating from south-southwest to
north-northeast what coincids with inclination of the entire
territory. The total excess in absolute altitude is 160cm along transect, the
latter being 2114m in length. Meso-and microelements of the relief are clearly
seen: the key sites 1 and 3 reveal large depressions, slopes and elevations are
dissected by a great amount of small ones. In key sites 2 and 4 mesorelief
represents an elevation slope with some depression mesoforms. Such microrelief
dissection should be considered as a result of overgrazing what is indicated in
B.D. Abaturov’s studies (2001).
Changes in the vegetation status along the grazing
pressure gradientt. The transect being stretched from the area of nature
reserve to that suffered from overgrazing reveals changes in the vegetation
status induced by influence of this factor.
Total projective covering is a very important feature
of plant communities: the highest values (55-58%) are marked for key sites under low and moderate grazing
pressure in the mid-summer as the period of intensive plant growth and
development. For key sites under
moderate and heavy grazing pressure the low values (17-28%) are observed at the
end of the vegetation period. The maximum of projective covering (51%) is on
micro-elevations within the area of nature reserve. The projective covering in
micro-depressions is considerably higher during the vegetation period being
maximum in the area of nature reserve (83-79%). Low values (44-42%) are
specific for the key site under moderate grazing pressure. The total projective
covering changes from 30 to 60% in the major part of the profile and from 10 to
60% in its last section.
Number of plant species. Maximum of plant species (12)
is observed in June in depressions of nature reserve, their minimum (2 plant
species in the same month) – on micro-elevation suffered from heavy grazing.
The average value of this index accounts for 7 in depressions and 4 on
micro-elevations during the entire period of observations. This feature displays
trend to decreasing its values depending on grazing pressure (Fig.1A) .
The plant height along transect becomes lower due to
increasing the grazing pressure (Fig. 1B). The correlation coefficient (r =
-0.5) speaks about statistically valuable negative correlation. In the area of
nature reserve the plant height is 0.3m reaching 0.5m in some cases. It doesn’t
exceed 0.1m in the last profile section.
The quantitative parameters of correlation between the
main features of plant communities including total projective covering, number
of plant species and the height are statistically reliable (95%), thus showing
trends in vegetation changes along the gradient of grazing pressure - a
tendency to decreasing the values of all the parameters.
Plant species depending on grazing pressure. In a
result of many years of geobotanical investigations 5 groups of plant species
met within key sites due to there frequency of occurence were determined. The
first group – preferred grazing includes 3 species of annual and biennial
plants, which are absent in the nature reserve but presented at the territory
used for grazing. The second group – indifferent to grazing, consists of 15
plant species (Artemisia vulgaris, Kochia
prostrata, Leymus ramosus et all) and is present in all the key sites
including the area of nature reserve. The third group – not resistant to
overgrazing, contains 3 plant species of different ecology including Camphorosma monspeliaca, Ferula nuda, Salvia
tesquicola. The group 4 – resistant to low grazing, includes 14 plant
species (Stipa capillata, Koeleria
cristata) spread in the area of nature reserve and in that used for low
grazing and absolutely absent in the area under heavy grazing pressure. The fifth
group consists of 10 no resistance to grazing plant species, which are distribted
only in the area of nature reserve. Among them are Tulipa biflora, Ornithogalum fisherianum, Delphinium puniceum, Veronica
Fig.1 Change of characteristics of plant
communities along a transect from a preserved area to an area with very high
pasture pressure: A – amount of species at the sites, B – height of plants at
the sites.
Based upon the descriptions of plant communities for
every key site along transect a summary scheme has been compiled to reflect
their succession beginning with the area of nature reserve to that suffered
from overgrazing. The overgrazing leads to adverse changes in the ecological
status of biotopes: the soil surface layer gets compacted, its capillarity is
increased promoting higher water evaporation, the soil becomes drier. Permanent
grazing of the overground phytomass serves as a cause of soil depletion and
succession of plant communities.
Since the 1950s the solonetz complex within the
territory of Dzhanybek experimental station has retained its spartial
heterogeneity (Kamenetskaya I.V., Gordeeva T.K., I.V. Larin. 1955, Gordeeva
T.K., I.V. Larin. 1965) represented by Kochia
prostrata, Artemisia pauciflora plant communities on micro elevations, Tanacetum achilleifolium, Leymus ramosus and Agropyron desertorum communities on the
slopes, gramineous and herbs plant communities in micro depressions. Under
overgrazing the plant cover structure becomes less heterogenious due to
disappearing plant communities so specific for slopes.
The plant communities along transect display their
succession depending on increasing the grazing pressure on different
microrelief elements. In key sites suffered from heavy grazing the dominated annual
plant species such as Petrosimonia triandra, Ceratocarpus arenarius,
Ceratocarpus testiculata are capable for preventing the soil degradation.
The transect method allowed to obtain data on the
quantitative dependences and to show a decrease of plant height, species
abundance and total projective covering along the grazing pressure gradient.
The most succesful plant communities are marked in the area used for low
The plant species distributed only in nature reserve and
being absent in the other pastures are referred to the group of those
threatened and the nature reserve of Dzhanybek experimental station contributes
to their preservation.
A detail study of relief at the given territory
allowed concluding that the microrelief is superposed above mesorelief of the
solonetz complex. Micro-elevations or micro-depressions exert a considerable
effect on the development of edaphic processes and those connected with water
migration in particular. It would be desirable to typify the areas of different
mesorelief how it was shown in D.L. Mozeson’s publication (1955). The
morphometric characteristics of the territory under consideration indicate that
the microrelief seems highly dissected
in areas affected by heavy grazing.
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