Makarova O.N., Eremeev E.A.

V.M. Shukshin Altai State Academy of Education, Russia

Psychology-pedagogical problems of the preparation to professional activity of the future teachers

The problems of the improvement of the professional preparation of the students of the pedagogical universities have special meaning in the conditions of the modernization of the educational system. This theme becomes actual with rising of the social meaning of the teacher’s professional activity.

Professional preparation of the future teachers closely connects with form high interest to chosen professional activity. The interest to the teacher’s profession - it’s emotionally expressing cognitive direction of the personality to become proficient in pedagogical activity, realization its inclinations, abilities, professional convictions. Low level of interest to its profession determine by row of factors, amongst this may be mark out low culture of the labour in student’s society which become distinct in inability of rationally organize its activity, in problems with execution tasks in a definite period, and moreover – in a little productivity of the student’s labour cause low boost to activity. Along with this some more role play a low prestige of the profession of the teacher in a society. The presence of interest to its profession – it is important factor of the successful form of competitiveness of the future teachers. Interest reduce is the reason of many problems.

Primarily, future teacher finding himself in conditions when he forced to execute previously uninteresting for him tasks and commissions. In such conditions it’s hard to wait from the student readiness to innovations, aspiration for work out and introduce in educational space creative working, methodical finds, and technologies. Different researchers and pedagogues (L.S. Vygotsky, V.A. Sukhomlynsky, L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky and others) devote its works to questions of creative development of the future teachers. S.V. Lavrenova marked that «today need deep and all-round comprehension of educational process of preparation teachers with high develop creative potential, who to be able successful adapt in constantly changing conditions, to bring up needs in development of creativity of personality of every pupil» [1, p. 5].

Professional competence of teachers in modern conditions to suppose not only possession of the set of the professional knowledge, skills and habits and ability to use all this practically, but aspiration to independent reclamation new pedagogical theories and methods, inclination to self-improvement. Future specialists in education with preparation often face with problem of building of trajectory of personal-professional self-development, that determine by underestimation of this important component of specialist’s professional formation. Subject-centre aims of educational process are often concentrate student’s attention on the scientific-conceptual knowledge. At this time the role of his personal self-development for professional formation is erasing.

The students of the pedagogical universities have a lack of pedagogical identification. One of the means for overcoming of this problem is pedagogical practice, where students can feel themselves in a teacher’s role. The results of passing of practice are shows how important for professional growing of the students the link with school.

The important factor that can seriously make difficult realization of pedagogical activity of the future teacher is a lack of skill to apply the knowledge about human psychological development for solving pedagogical tasks. It is impossible right and effective organize educational process and haven’t full notion about peculiarities of perception and mnemonic, cognitive and others psychological processes at different age groups of schoolchildren. Problems generate difficulties of form of row of merits and abilities of teacher – empathy, perceptive ability, pedagogical observation and pedagogical tact.

From here follow one problem else linked with inability to work with command. For future teacher is important to can organize group activity and be active participant. Quality of schoolchildren’s knowledge will depend on as far as correctly leader will to able to organize co-ordinate functioning of participants of educational process.

One more difficulty in pedagogical activity is inadequate self-appraisal, which may be overestimated or underestimated. Self-appraisal – it is a conception of personality about herself, her importance, her merits, which form under social opinion and personal achievements. Than more considerable achievements than self-appraisal will be overestimate. Underestimated self-appraisal implies sensation of superiority of people around self and may form under influence of exogenous and endogenous reasons. Such teacher like that is unable to enlist of authority of pupils and to support discipline in the class. An uncertainty is appearing of him and in self activity. Overestimated self-appraisal lead to overestimation of powers and possibilities, to appearance of ambitions, that forced the person make more difficult tasks and pretension to achievements. Such self-appraisal promotes to form at pedagogue a confidence in him and in activities for solving new tasks. The consequences of the failures are disappointment, anxiety, fears and depression. Adequate self-appraisal is optimal. However, smaller damage making overestimated self-appraisal than underestimated.

Permanent influence of negative factors of environment may lead to stress conditions at future teachers. Relaxation show itself in amotivational aggression and its moving on the off-site object. Raised level of stressor situation serves the foundation for increasing degree of conflicts and aggression. The reasons of this aggression may be very different. Very important in professional activity is to be able see in time the origin of this emotion [2].

For successful work the teacher must have a high level of professional reflexion. With constant appeal to his own condition, to analysis of knowledge, feelings, values, motives, actions – will become clear own shortcomings and mistakes. Reflexion helps the future teacher to realize the level of his professional formation. Most high level of reflexion watched at people with inclinations to perfectionism. Low level of reflexion prevent to self-development of pedagogue.

Enumerated problems are shows to necessity of improvement of professional preparation of future teachers. Thus, in pedagogical university is necessary for creation such conditions, which will be promote to professional growing of future teachers, uncovering of their creative potential, forming an ability work in collective, to bring down risk of origin of syndrome of professional burnout as a consequence, conflicts, professional difficulties etc. The system of high education preparation must prepare teacher (reading for research) to creative approach for solving professional problems, to discovering of new knowledge with pupils together. For solving of showing problems is necessary for inculcation of new organizing forms of education based on the personal development, collective making decisions, active usage of independent work, and demonstration of professional significance of chosen profession, pedagogical self-determination, and reflexion.                                                       


1.   Ëàâðåíîâà, Ñ.Â.. Ðàçâèòèå ëè÷íîñòíî-òâîð÷åñêîãî ïîòåíöèàëà ïåäàãîãà â ïðîöåññå ïðîôåññèîíàëüíîé ïîäãîòîâêè : Äèñ. ... êàíä. ïåä. íàóê : Êàëèíèíãðàä, 2003. – 163 ñ.

2.   Ýêìàí Ïîë. Ïñèõîëîãèÿ ýìîöèé. ß çíàþ, ÷òî òû ÷óâñòâóåøü. 2-å èçä., - ÑÏá.: Ïèòåð, 2010. – ñ. 106-110.