Modern information technolodies/1. Computer engineering


Vovchenko A.I, Lomazov V.A.

Belgorod State Agriculture Academy, Russia

Information modeling of complex systems


         The present level of man-made environment has exceeded that limit threshold at which the system may be under the full supervision of specialists for its maintenance. Technical system acquires the properties and qualities similar to those of living beings, and it seems that she starts to develop on its plans and laws, inaccessible human logic. Questions relating to the reliability of all kinds of technical facilities (instrumentation, machinery, vehicles, etc.) are becoming more relevant.

         Specific requirements to ensure safe operations are presented to the objects of the transport system [1], in particular, to systems of railway transport. Failures of individual components (eg, failure of trains on the route) cause delays, traffic disruption, the failure rate of transport, thus resulting in significant losses of bandwidth and endangering the safety of other trains, ie, lead to a breach of an effective (and, most importantly, safe) transport system as a whole.

         The aim of this paper is to study and develop evaluation tools and forecasting in automated research systems of transport systems (ARS TS) [2], allowing for tracking and managing the technical condition of the vehicle park (as one of the major subsystems of the transportation system), to prevent failures and plan activities to restore health of individual sub-systems (trains, locomotives, wagons) and elements (wheels and other mechanisms). 

         High level of automation of transport systems can receive a large volume of statistical data on which (if using ARS TS) can draw conclusions about the prospects of further operation of the facility, that is to forecast and plan for routine wear and tear repairs. This will greatly improve the use of rolling stock to substantially reduce the cost of its operation, maintenance and repair.

The overall structure of the railway transport system can be represented as a set of interacting with each other subsystems:

TrSys = <MovSys, FixedSys, RepairSys>                                                  (1)

where MovSys - sub fleet, FixedSys - a subsystem of the rail infrastructure, RepairSys - subsystem maintenance and repair (Fig. 1). Along with the division of movable and fixed components of the transport system, the selection subsystem service is a natural, since the software operation of the first two components is relatively independent problem, whose solution to the transport industry, as a rule, are separate structural units.


Fig. 1. The overall structure of the railway transport system TrSys


Although the main object of study in this work is sub fleet MovSys, but a systematic approach is to consider incorporating it more common transport system. Evaluation of the subsystem MovSys can not be done without taking into account linkages with other subsystems TrSys and, in particular, with the subsystem RepairSys, which should provide an economical and safe operation MovSys.

Vehicle fleet MovSys includes separate subsystems (eg, locomotives and carriages of various types)

MovSys = <MovSysSubsys_1, MovSysSubsys_2,…, MovSysSubsys_n>          (2)

Subsystems include items such as wheelset, body, brake, etc. In general, the elemental composition of subsystems MovSysSubsys_i has the form

MovSysSubsys_i = <MovSysSubsys_i _El_1, ..., MovSysSubsys_i El_k>          (3)

Feature of the sub fleet is the possible similarity of the elements of the various subsystems, which is shown schematically in Figure 2.





Fig.2 Rail fleet subsystem MovSys

State of the subsystem rail fleet MovSys represents a set of states of its subsystems

StMovSys = <StMovSysSubsys_1, …, StMovSysSubsys_n>                             (4)

state which in turn are sets of states of the elements

StMovSysSubsys_i = <StMovSysSubsys_i _El_1, ..., StMovSysSubsys_i El_k>          (5)

State of an individual element MovSysSubsys_i _El_j defined by a set of property values ​​(indicators)

StMovSysSubsys_i _El_j = <MovSysSubsys_i _El_j_Ind_1,                     (6)

MovSysSubsys_i _El_j_Ind_2, ..., MovSysSubsys_i _El_j_Ind_m>

In the future, we will assume are binary indicators, ie Ind = {0,1}, where 0 corresponds to the absence of some property, 1 - presence of this property. Despite the seeming simplicity of the model adopted, it reflects the possibility of measuring the properties of the elements not only in weak (nominal and ordinal), but also a strong (and relative interval) scales. In the latter case refers to property belonging to some numerical values ​​of the index interval.

Hierarchical description of the subsystems of railway transport capacity MovSys (4) - (6) is conveniently represented in a linear form:

StMovSys = <Ind_1, Ind_2,…, Ind_N>                                                    (7)

where the integral indicators of Ind_1, Ind_2, ..., Ind_N calculated using a hierarchical procedures (for example, the hierarchy analysis method) based on the performance of individual elements and the weighting of these indicators, components and subsystems produced by the methods of expert estimation (eg, by command or a method of ranking paired comparisons).


1.   Venkat Venkatasubramanian, R. Rengasamy, K. Yin, S.N.Kavuri, A review of process fault detection and diagnosis, Part I: quantitative model-based methods, Int. J. Comput.Chem. Eng. 27 (2003), 293–311.

2.   Âîâ÷åíêî, À.È. Ëîìàçîâ, Â.À. Àâòîìàòèçàöèÿ îöåíêè è ïðîãíîçèðîâàíèÿ òåõíè÷åñêîãî ñîñòîÿíèÿ æåëåçíîäîðîæíûõ êîëåñíûõ ïàð [Òåêñò] // Èíôîðìàöèîííûå ñèñòåìû è òåõíîëîãèè. - Îðåë: ÎðåëÃÒÓ, 2010, ¹4 ñ. 95-100.