Aigerim Nagayeva

 Student of the Program Master of Science in Finance

Kazakh British Technical University

Fundamental Analysis: Kazakhstani Securities Market

For the first time term ‘fundamental analysis’ was introduced by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd in their book “Security Analysis” published in 1934. They determined it as an instrument for predicting future exchange prices for shares.

Today fundamental analysis represents an evaluation of many different factors, which influence financial and economic activities of a company. In its turn this evaluation influences market value of the company’s securities. There are plenty of factors, which one can consider in the fundamental analysis and their choice depends from situation to situation. However, it should be clearly pointed out that fundamental analysis is a separate type of analysis which applies the tools of financial and economic analysis, but which is directed to the determination of the true market value of securities. On the base of fundamental analysis an investor can make an appropriate decision about his or her investments.

On the opinion of Maxim Efimov in his dissertation work “Fundamental analysis of issuers in investment and regulatory activity of the government on securities market” (2001, Moscow), fundamental analysis should be considered from two positions: fundamental analysis of securities and fundamental analysis of the company-issuer of the shares.

 If we talk about Kazakhstani securities market, it is rather difficult to implement methods of fundamental analysis in the conditions of Kazakhstani fund market for the purpose of share value forecast. Some fundamental factors do not work on Kazakhstani fund market, which is operating comparatively short period against the background of Western fund markets. There are about 113 issuers registered on JSC ‘Kazakhstani Stock Exchange” which was established in 1993.

So the possibility of fundamental analysis application in conditions of Kazakhstani market should be considered from the position of fundamental analysis of company-issuer. In this case, as well as in the case of fundamental analysis of securities, investor can evaluate the ability to generate future cash flow. But as a result of fundamental analysis of company-issuer investor will be able to make an investment decision in relation to the company-issuer as well as decisions on company-issuer management. And by means of decisions on management the investor will get an opportunity to influence cash flow or even control it.

Thereby, fundamental analysis of a company-issuer should include the following sections:

·        Macroeconomic factors analysis

o       State of the national economy

o       Economic policy

o       Political situation

o       Legislation

o       Conjuncture of world commodity and financial markets

·        Industry factors analysis

o       Competitiveness

o       Current cyclic recurrence

o       Life cycle stage and state of the industry

·        Microeconomic factors analysis

o       Business model

o       Company management

o       Grocery market niche

o       Technology

o       Scientific and innovative potential

o       Financial state

o       Investment projects

o       Dividend policy

o       Structure of stock ownership

o       Corporate management quality

o       Affiliation

o       Stock inventory

o       Transactions with shares

On the base of such fundamental analysis an assessment of risks, yield and liquidity can be carried out. Then analyzing the effectiveness of the investments regulatory or investment decisions can be made. In other words, there will be an opportunity to make strategic investment decision, including decisions on management of property in the form of shares of the company-issuer, rather than making decision on sale or purchase of shares on the securities market.



1)     Graham B., Dodd D. Security Analysis, McGraw Hill Companies, 1996

2)     Efimov M. Fundamental Analysis of Issuers in Investment and Regulatory Activities of the Government on the Securities Market, Moscow, 2001

3)     Klein P.J., B.R. Iammartino Getting Started in Security Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2010

4)      Kim H. Fundamental Analysis Worldwide: Investing and Managing Money in International Capital Markets, John Wiley & Sons, 1996