Borankulova G
.S., c.t.s
Taraz State University. M
.H.Dulaty, Taraz

        Traditional textbook is in print  for more than four centuries and remains an indispensable book in the learning process, although at present is becoming increasingly important electronic textbook.

Electronic textbook is an electronic book, which contains a systematic exposition of the course or section, and having the official status of this type of publication, which is assigned to state agency.

Currently, hardware and computer software has reached such levels that it became possible to implement based on this electronic textbook, having several advantages over the printed product. These benefits resulted from the use of an electronic textbook of the new generation of multimedia, hypertext, interactivity.

Multimedia - a set of hardware and software for your computer, allowing to combine the information provided in various forms. The electronic textbook can be used effectively all the variety of multimedia technologies.

There are rich opportunities to form a single style text and mathematical formulas, using special symbols, pictograms. Firstly, it is easy to create different images (photographs, drawings, tables, bar charts). All this can be set in motion, change shape, etc. Secondly, you can use a background soundtrack or sound signal when accessing a specific piece of information the picture, embed sound clips in online or offline, articulate dynamic processes. The text of the electronic textbook can be colorful, bright, emitting the font color, size, type of presentation. Thirty, multimedia technologies allow the use of animation, "revive" the pictures, texts and other objects of the textbook.
       Hypertext is a set of separate blocks of text (nodes) interconnected via hyperlinks.
       In the hypertext in each node may have one or more links (in the form of buttons, navigation, keywords) with which you can navigate to other sites. In hypertext implemented nonlinear way of organizing and displaying text. In a student this case has the opportunity to choose their own path to get the necessary information. It is assumed that this kind of information more efficient than linear.

Interactivity. We consider three forms of reactivity:

1. Reactive interactivity: The student is responsible for what they represent program. The student can freely move forward or backward on the application, choosing his topics of interest. Application of this type may be useful as a demonstration or initial introduction to the studied material.

2. Effective interactivity: the students run the program. They can decide, to perform the job of the proposed procedure or function independently within the application (Nonlinear model learning). Applications of this type use hypertext markup and have the structure of electronic directories and databases. Non-linear learning model helps the user to self-education on individual trajectories vary different educational strategies. Lecturer at the same time does not give trainees the required knowledge, it only provides support for educational policies and help finding information.

3. Mutual interactivity: the student and the program can adapt to each other, as in the virtual world. The model allows the student to conduct research, overcoming various obstacles, to solve individual problems, to structure the sequence of tasks.Using an electronic textbook to be justified, and appropriate. Efficiency in the use of electronic textbooks by the following factors:

Correct and precise statement of educational goals. A student from the very beginning of the computer must know what is required. Learning objectives should be clearly stated.

Motivation must be maintained throughout the learning process,
provide feedback. This criterion is crucial for learning. Using a computer allows you to provide feedback, assistance may be an individual.
In the development of e-textbooks can be used universal basic technologies such as:

Technology HTML.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the primary means of developing a hypertext tutorial. Text in HTML may contain hypertext links (with which you can navigate to other HTML - pages and view them), as well as inserts in the form of statistical graphics, animation, video and audio fragments. To view the HTML - pages you can use any common Internet - Explorer (browser), for example Misrosoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc.

Technology JavaScript.

JavaScript - the programming language that can be used to create interactive Web pages. Using JavaScript allows you to create dynamically edit a page and handle the completed form by the client (for this tutorial can be used for the testing organization, different levels of tasks and so on.)

Technology Flash.

Software package from Macromedia - Flash MX - multimedia technology, allowing you to create rich graphics and animation-related web resources programmes. Made using this technology works offer a whole new level of interactivity. Flash has many advantages over traditional methods of displaying graphics in hypertext materials. The first is a small amount of flash-movies themselves: after all, in Flash  vector graphics are used, which allows  to scale without quality loss. In addition, Flash can create sounds using the audio format of MPEG Lauer 3. Finally, the quality of flash-resources does not depend on what browser is installed by the user.

Style technology.

CSS (Cascading Stule Sheets - cascading update styles) - it is the language that contains a set of tools to describe the appearance of the display of any HTML - Documents. With it you can completely control the style and location of each element of a web page that is easier and much more functional use of a common set of HTML-codes.
Creating quality electronic textbook is a long process, very time-consuming and requires great expertise in computer technology.



     1. Grigoryev SG etc. The theory and practice of educational electronic publications. : Publishing House of People's Friendship University, 2003
    2.Pedagogical distance learning technologies / edited by ES Polat. M. Academy, 2006.






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Кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры «Информационные технологии»  Таразского государственного университета им. М.Х.Дулати, Республики Казахстан.

Адрес: г.Тараз, 2 мкр, 1 дом, кв.39. тел. 8(726)2-34-0019

Эл.адрес: b.gau@mail.ru